Decentralized Story Solitaire Competition Part 6 of the first group of articles (final round)


"One Boy, Two Girls, Three Tickets" - Part 1, Conclusion - "Dead End" - Author: @victorier

The original text is here ! You can go and see the comments at that time, which are quite interesting!

Warning: The content of this article contains pornographic, violent, bloody, curious and other inappropriate behaviors, which may be offensive. For more examples, please refer to @aaronli ; this article should not be distributed, circulated, sold, rented, handed over or lent to underage persons over the age of 18 may present, play or show this item to such persons. This story is purely fictitious and any similarity is coincidental.

"Dead End"

Looking at Nicole lying on the bed, Jianzong quietly admired her beauty. Her beautiful face, undulating chest, and the seductive curves under her clothes all stirred up every vein of Jianzong. Especially after taking a hot shower just now, Jianzong felt that every part of his body was getting hot. He pulled down the only large towel covering his lower body and threw it on the ground, exposing the blood-filled organs.

"What's wrong with so many troublesome things, why don't you want me to come now?" Jianzong said without a moment's notice. Then reach for the first button on Nicole's collar.

"Jianzong." A voice sounded from behind Jianzong. This sound is not big, it can even be said that it is just a hard swallow. But Jianzong was greatly frightened, his mind went blank; his hands stopped shaking in the air. After a long time, Jianzong could slowly turn his head and look for the owner of the voice, the owner of the familiar voice.

Standing behind him was a person, a person Jianzong was very familiar with, but Jianzong was no longer the Jianzong she was familiar with.

"Sweet...Sweet...Tiantian, you...why are you here, did you come in." Zhao Tian stood blankly with tears in her eyes. She didn't cry, she didn't want to cry, she didn't want to admit everything in front of her. "The door wasn't closed, it was Lord Bear who brought me here. It was barking loudly on Steemitland and pulled me over." Zhao Tian swallowed hard, as if she was using her last strength to make her final sound. "'s impossible...I made sure the door was closed and locked when I came in..." Jianzong's voice was shaking.

"Hey, is this important? Did you get the point wrong?" Wang Gao also entered the room with a very angry tone.

"I...I..." Jianzong tried to find clothes to put on, while thinking of all possible excuses in his mind.

"Let's not say you're sorry Zhao Tian, you are rape!" Wang Gao continued to curse.

"Ugh..." Zhao Tian couldn't help crying, and ran out of the room while crying.

"Tiantian!" Jianzong didn't care about not wearing any clothes, and wanted to run up to chase after Zhao Tian. "Bah," Wang Gao punched him, knocking Jianzong to the ground.

"You do it yourself!" Abandoning this sentence, Wang Gao also left.

"What is this!" Jianzong got up in pain. "It's all just blaming me! Okay, idiot, they'll just walk away and see how I act like Nicole! Haha! They're all idiots!" Then Jianzong stood up, walked over to close the door, and made sure the door was locked again . "Damn! The door is not closed, how is it possible, let's see who can stop me!" After confirming, Jianzong smiled with satisfaction, it was a smile full of evil. At this time, he smelled a sweet smell, which seemed to be familiar to Chen, but while thinking, his consciousness also lost at the same time.

When he woke up, Jianzong found him sitting in a large enclosed space. He looked up and found that this should be a warehouse or a factory. There is nothing special in the workshop, but there is a large stove on the wall opposite him. Then, he slowly recalled the last picture, yes, wasn't he in the hotel originally.

"Hey, is there anyone? Where is this?" Jianzong yelled, trying to get up. Only then did he realize that he was tied tightly to a wooden chair, and he was not wearing any clothes on his body.

"Wow!" came the barking of a dog beside him. Jianzong was startled, and looked around quickly, and found that it was a puppy, and not an ordinary puppy. "Master Xiong?" Jianzong shouted.

"Are you awake?" A familiar voice sounded from behind. The beautiful figure slowly walked over from the side, with a beautiful face, undulating chest, and the seductive curves under the clothes, the girl who was the dream of Jianzong said, "What's the matter? Relax."

"Nicole? Why are you here? Where is this place? How am I here? What are you doing?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Also, is your dog barking too much? Can't you be quiet?"

Nicole smiled slightly, and that innocent smile could probably melt every man's heart. She smiled and said, "No, it's just picky."

"Pick and choose? What are you eating? What's the situation... By the way, I don't know who tied me up, can you help me?"

Nicole smiled again and said, "Who else, haha." This innocent laugh really almost made Jianzong forget that he was tied. Suddenly she changed her words: "By the way, did you want to do something to me just now?"

"I...this...this..." Jianzong couldn't think of how to answer the question. It all happened too suddenly, too out of the blue.

"It's okay, I know that." Nicole slowly walked towards Jianzong, reaching out to touch his thigh. Jianzong wanted to avoid it at first, but his feet were opened and tied to the chair, unable to move at all. "Don't worry, I just cleaned it well." Hearing Nicole say this, he realized that all the hair on his crotch had been shaved off.

Nicole's fingers moved slowly upwards while stroking, "You know, when you first spoke to me, I was wondering if you would be my Prince Charming."

Jianzong slowly changed from being overwhelmed to being excited, thinking in his heart, "Does Nicole like this? I've earned it this time." And his steps were slowly filled with blood, and his heart was slowly filled with blood. expect. And Nicole's hand slowly moved upstream, holding Jianzong's ready organ.

"It's a pity you're not." Nicole said these words coldly. With the other hand, he took out a pair of large scissors from behind, and aimed at Jianzong's ready organ, slammed it hard, and cut it hard. down.

"Ah──!" Kenzong growled vigorously. "It hurts—it hurts—!" Jianzong instinctively wanted to use his hands to press to relieve the pain, but his body was tightly bound. "What are you doing—!" Jianzong shouted with a distorted face, and the sudden pain brought his sense of pain to another level. And when the pain in his facial features and even his whole body reached the limit, he only felt a burst of numbness. He stared blankly at his detached body, only to feel dizzy, sleepy, and finally lost consciousness.

"Sprinkle", Jianzong felt a burst of cool air, and water droplets dripped from his face.

"This is the third glass of water, wake up soon." The sweet and innocent voice said softly, putting down the water glass in his hand. Jianzong raised his head, what he saw was still this factory, and this Nicole was still in front of him. He was disappointed, he hoped that it was all just a dream. "It doesn't hurt, right? That's why it's good to be a medical student." Jianzong didn't understand, he studied mathematics, Nicole studied art, what kind of medical student? Is this really just a dream?

"I passed the prize, but I'm just a thief." A familiar boy's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Jianzong knew who he was, which made him listen to the voice for more than a year.

"Wang Gao, save me." Seeing Wang Gao walking to the side, Jianzong shouted, this was his only hope, he tried to stand up from the chair, but he was still tied tightly, and Feet have no strength. "Why are you here? Anyway, for everyone's sake, take me away quickly, this woman is crazy."

"I think you are no longer eligible for membership." Wang Gao said with a smile.

"What are you talking about... hurry up and save me." Jianzong didn't understand.

"It seems that I'm still a little bit useful as a medical student. Is anesthesia too good? You can't feel anything?" Wang Gao said.

At this time, Jianzong suddenly thought, yes, why doesn't he feel pain anymore. No, it should be more accurate to say that he lost consciousness from the waist down. He looked down at his step, the organ was gone. "Ah—! This is... right, Wang Gao, save me, this woman has cut my dick off. Stop the bleeding, and take me away." Jianzong kept trying to struggle, but He couldn't move at all.

"Hahahaha! What, do you have insufficient blood oxygen in your brain? Do you still not understand the situation?" Wang Gao laughed.

The dog next to "Wang Wang Wang" barked loudly at Wang Gao. It was only at this moment that Jianzong realized that his hopes were only reduced to this animal, "Master Xiong, please help me, find someone else, I... I will give you a lot of peanuts, a metric ton of peanuts! Please! now..."

"Hahahaha...! Hahahaha...!" Wang Gao laughed louder.

"What are you laughing at?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in the sweet voice. "It's not because you laughed at the station that Mr. Bear loves penis, and was heard by others. Fortunately, other people misunderstood it as peanut, so there is no trouble, and fortunately, my Mr. Bear is not picky about snacks, wrong or wrong. on."

When Jianzong heard it, his face was dazed, "Penis... By the way, where is my dick, give it back to me. I promise you, I won't pursue it, please give it back to me and let me go."

"Dear Jianzong, I don't think so. Take a look." Nicole looked towards the ground, where there was a small charcoal stove with an object on it. The surface of the object was slightly charred, and a little meaty smell wafted out. Nicole walked over, picked up the barbecue clip and picked up the object, then placed it on the plate, which was then placed on the ground.

"That wouldn't be..." Jianzong couldn't believe it, and he didn't want to believe it. Nicole bent down and said softly, "Come on, Mr. Bear. Your favorite food is here, don't be picky about it. Try Jianzong."

"No!! No!" Jianzong struggled, he wanted to stand up, he wanted to pounce, he wanted to protect his important part. "Don't! Don't! Stop! Stop!" But he was tied tightly, and he could only sit on the chair, watching Lord Bear gulp down part of his body. "No! Enough! Please let me go! Ming... Ming..." Jianzong cried out in despair, "Ming... Ming... why? Why did you do this to me?"

"Because you're not my Prince Charming!" Nicole said while watching Lord Bear eat softly. That innocent smile and sweet voice were like a little girl feeding her beloved stray kitten. "I'm glad you have the courage of a prince to talk to me! But you don't have the loyalty of a prince. A disloyal prince should be punished."

"Ming...Ming...Are you crazy? Who are you? Ming...Ming...Why are you?" Jianzong cried. "And Wang Gao, what are you doing? Why did you listen to this woman's words and harm me together? Are you fascinated by ghosts? Wake up quickly, don't let her figure it out, let's go together."

"Bah" Wang Gao punched Jianzong in the face. "Don't confuse me with you, I've only loved one woman in my life. Also, it's not me listening to Nicole, we're a partnership. Nicole hates disloyal men, I'm for the woman I love."

"Fuck! What cooperation, aren't you just hurting people indiscriminately? How much do you love Nicole?"

"Random? Then do you know who wrote the second essay? And who made you just get it?" Wang Gao looked at it coldly.

"You... you were counting on me half a year ago? You arranged Nicole?" Jianzong couldn't believe it.

"Haha, you seem to have made a mistake, right? Don't you remember that you found someone by yourself? But I knew that a megalomaniac like you would definitely find a beautiful woman without shame." Wang Gao laughed shamelessly. "By the way, haven't you megalomaniac ever wondered why I just happened to be in Steemitland today? And just rushed into your room?"

"Ar...Arroon is also yours?" Jianzong said weakly. He didn't know if it was the effect of the medicine, or because he was too shocked, he was starting to feel weak.

"Hahaha! You didn't doubt so many things just now, but you are doubting this unimportant thing." Wang Gao smiled. "Arroon doesn't like you chasing Zhao Tian, he just wants you to be ruined. Other than that, he doesn't understand anything. He wants to instigate you to stun Nicole, and then use Mr. Xiong to take Zhao Tian to the hotel. But he also has a brain. It’s not very smart, it’s useless to go to the hotel if you can’t open the door. He thought he was the king of tricks.”

"So you opened the door?" Jianzong was at a loss.

"I opened the door." Nicole smiled brightly and walked over. Jianzong couldn't imagine that the owner of this beautiful smile had just cut off part of his body, grilled it, and fed it to the dog. "I secretly opened the door while you were taking a bath, and continued lying on the bed to pretend to be stunned. Ah, yes, you want to ask if I was fascinated by the drug, but the drug was changed by Wang Gao early in the morning. Stun you with the real thing I have. Am I doing a good job?" Nicole responded with another big smile. "Okay, you've talked enough, can you let me continue?"

Then, Nicole took out a kitchen knife behind him and cut off all the remaining organs that Jianzong stepped down. Jianzong looked at it in disbelief, he couldn't feel anything at all. It's like watching TV, except that this picture shows the plot of his lower body being cut. Nicole put the remaining organs on the charcoal stove and said to Lord Bear, "It will be ready to eat soon."

Jianzong watched the blood that he stepped on kept flowing, and he began to feel a little cold and a little shivering. "Nicole, Wang Gao, please. Please let me go. If I die, this is murder, and you will be arrested by the police and put in jail. Wang Gao, give me a chance. I was wrong. Now, I shouldn't have approached Nicole, I didn't know you liked her, please let me go."

"So, it's better to be an art student." Wang Gao looked at Jianzong with contempt. "The so-called murder requires finding a body. If you can't find a body, you'll just be a homeless person. Do you see the stove on the opposite wall?" Wang Gao looked forward. "It's a pottery kiln. It needs a license and a reason to install it, and it's easy for art students to apply. Do you know what the pottery temperature is? It's about 1,000 degrees Celsius. In it, most of the Organic matter will turn into ashes." Wang Gao said, looking back at Jianzong in front of him. "Ah, by the way, didn't I say 'do it yourself' at the end in the hotel room? That was the last chance I gave you, but you still seem to want to shoot Nicole."

Jianzong did not speak, nor did he have the strength to speak. At this time, Nicole came over and cut off the meat on Jianzong's thigh with a kitchen knife. It turned out that Mr. Xiong had already finished his second course. Seeing the blood flowing out, Jianzong felt a little bit of pain, but he didn't have the strength to scream anymore.

"Finally, tell you, the person I love is not Nicole. The person I love is Zhao Tian." Wang Gao said coldly.

Jianzong slowly felt the cold spread, trembling uncontrollably. The eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and slowly they could no longer support them, and slowly closed. The final sound that reaches the ear is the spasm of the body, and the sound of the teeth bumping against the spasm.

BIU: "It seems that I haven't seen Jianzong for a long time. What happened to him?"

Arroon: "What can I do? If I get scolded and put on trial by Zhao Tian like this, I won't be able to stay in this school anymore."

ZZ: "That's right, Zhao Tian brought Rongrong back to me that night. She cried so much that I felt heartache when I saw her. Fortunately, my Rongrong was fine, otherwise I would definitely kill Jianzong."

Wang Gao: "Yes, it seems that Zhao Tian's previous boyfriend also never came to school after her public trial."

Arroon: "Who cares, it's more important to study. I didn't get enough credits last semester. BIU, teach me how to do this question."

Dead End is over


Thanks to @guyverckw for the solitaire competition, I must say it was a lot of fun. Because there are 5 different authors in the front, there are 5 different writing styles, and 5 different content and directions. Trying to connect all the previous stories while trying to balance the overall word count becomes challenging. Before I wrote this story, I already had an idea that it must be the finale of BBQ . For details, see the link above. I want to write the barbecue part well, not to be the formulaic ending of the film, so it became the last plot of Jianzong being barbecued. And this is also quite pleasing, after all, Jianzong is a playboy who doesn't know his importance, so let him become a gray boy in the end.

As for Nicole, she's just Nicole in the story, the beautiful, innocent and cruel Nicole, has nothing to do with @nicolemoker in real life, and doesn't mean to mirror (well, I admit that the beautiful and innocent part has something to do with her La). Nicole in the story assumes that she has become a fairy as soon as she comes out. She is also naive and scary. Is she really innocent or fake? What was she thinking when she was cutting Jianzong? Is it possible that mortals can't understand what the gods are thinking? This is probably another story.

Wang Gao, I always felt that his appearance in Chapter 4 was a little sudden and a little strange. So I simply borrowed this setting to carry out a series of plans for him. The so-called "friends come from far away, either a traitor or a thief", a friend who suddenly appears behind you must have a conspiracy. Wang Gao loves Zhao Tian, so he probably wants to get rid of all those who are harmful to Zhao Tian. What is his purpose? This is probably another story.

As for Mr. Xiong, the setting of peanuts is too tasty. This reminds me that when I first learned English, I often made jokes because I mispronounced penis and peanut, so it was natural to use this setting as the prelude to the Jianzong BBQ conference. I don't know what the food intake of Mr. Bear is? You can go ask it.

Finally, thank you for seeing everyone here. I know it's a bit long and bloody, so I warned it again and again at the beginning of the article. Also using @aaronli as an example to illustrate how bad the story is. I hope you all read this warning seriously, otherwise you will be helpless. Thank you.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy it!

And please follow me and see my other post if you like it: @victorier

Thanks for reading, hope you like it!

If you think it's good, please follow me and see my other articles: @victorier


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