【A Jing, the female worker, can you only dream of being full? 】

In 2004, a female worker of the Bamboo Fab, named A Jing, faced fraud at home and was heavily in debt, her younger brother died in a car accident, and her father was mentally ill and went to the Caotun Nursing Home. University, why did you finally want to take the public office after graduating from university? How did she get a public office without graduating from a prestigious school, a non-undergraduate department, and with limited economic resources?

After working as a civil servant, he opened another door in life for A Jing, walking from the garden into the jungle. Demonstrations and protests, people's petitions, people's demand for funds, law amendments, public hearings, political party rotation, policy planning, congressional liaison, civil servants' office romance... are no longer heard, seen or imagined, but is himself in it.

Working as a civil servant, A Jing opened a new world. He came to a group of horses like an alpaca, and realized that apart from eating weeds and having four legs, he and a horse were completely different animals.

Want to read A Jing's story? The full text is in "Things You Don't Know About the National Exam"

#bamboo branch



#government employee

#Things you don't know about the national exam

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柳靖現職為東京、台北、南投趴趴走的菜籃族/專職投資人/Podcaster。 曾任中央與地方政府機關公僕、科技業工程師、工地女工頭、工廠女工、酒促、賣菜女…等百工百業工作。因只會國考,就開了個《國考驛站》podcast,無心插柳成為台灣國考人氣podcast。著有《關於國考:你不知道的那些事》。 🤝合作來信kkposthouse@gmail.com
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