Popular local rice cake Sishen soup shop


The steamed rice cakes are topped with special pork jerky and peanut-flavored sauce. You can not only taste the original taste of the rice cakes, but also like eating braised pork rice, with the aroma of rice and braised pork.

The dry noodles are added with crunchy tofu skin and topped with dried meat like rice cakes. It has a mix of vegetarian food and meat food.

This place is a bit special. The boss calls all the guests who come here as classmates, except those who think they are from other places.

The pot in front of the proprietress is where the delicious rice cakes are steamed, full of rice cakes for take-out

It's not the same as the one I often eat when the whole rice cake is mixed.

Take out the rice cakes from the steamer and pour over the pork jerky and sauce

I feel that eating this way can taste the sweetness of glutinous rice, and the whole taste will not be the taste of sauce, just like eating braised pork rice, it has the aroma of rice and braised pork.

The sauce seems to be strong, but it tastes quite light. Friends who eat heavy flavors may find it tasteless.

Ingredients include minced meat, dried shrimps, mushrooms

The taste of the sauce is a bit like pouring on the meatballs, the taste is a little lighter, and there is a slight peanut aroma

It is recommended to eat the original rice cakes to see, the Q bombs have a sweet taste, and the steaming degree is not bad.

It is added with the sauce and dried meat, which increases the smoothness and richness. The only shiitake mushroom makes people feel not monotonous.

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