【TCLin's Travel Log】Malaysian Attractions: New Gurney Drive Night Market

Some people say that when it comes to Penang, food comes to mind😋😋

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

Location: Penang
Transportation: by car

Have you ever visited a night market abroad?
This night market in Malaysia is really delicious. If you have the opportunity, you can come and have a look. Push 👍

Some people say that when it comes to Penang, food comes to mind. Let's take a look at what I have eaten.

🔵 - Fried Kway Teow - 🔵

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me
◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me
◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

🔵 - fried noodles- 🔵

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

🔺 - The model here is a business area on both sides, and a seating area in the middle. Tables and chairs belonging to their respective businesses can all sit, but they just need to add or subtract something.

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

🔵 - Rojak - 🔵
Mainly based on fruit, sprinkle with some peanut powder

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

🔵 - Oyster Fried- 🔵

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

It's a bit different from Taiwan's oyster fried, although it also has eggs and oysters, but the sauce that is poured is quite different.

The table is full of oysters! ! !

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me

The food here is quite appetizing and delicious, so full and satisfying 😋😋

It's all food that will make people want to aftertaste 👍👍
If I get a chance, I really want to eat it.

◆ New Gurney Drive Night Market◆ Source: me


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