Jiayin Day, Big Tree, Bookstore, Wang Anyi


It's been a long time since I didn't eat at home, probably because it was too depressing to be at home all day yesterday. So I rode to the Bird House Bookstore early and read the books for a day.

After reading Luo Xin's "Moon on the Roma River", I read the beginning of the surfing book, and then I went to Zhongshan Park for a walk and saw a big tree blowing under the typhoon. It felt like there was only me and the tree Very good. I ate fatty sausage noodles.

Then ride back again. First, I flipped through the book "Latin America's Cut Vessels", and the more I read it, the more I felt something wrong. The tone was the same as that of the Communist Party. Later, I saw that the translators were all officials of the Communist Party of China. Okay, put it back. Seeing class leadership, vicious capitalism, is physically sick. I read a copy of Wang Anyi's "Six Lectures on Fiction", which is very honest and interesting. She mentioned Solitaire in creative writing class, which is interesting, I seem to have done this in French class, or played with others somewhere. The bookstore happened to have an event, which was an American who translated Hanshan's poems and was a monk in Wutaishan (79). The audience here regards him as a master, and they can't help but feel disgusted when they hear those questions and conversations. The middle-aged people really like foreigners to be monks. This set of things that have been tired of playing in the United States is here to give play to its waste heat. One of the spectators said that he had ridden a bicycle along the path of Xuanzang's teaching of Buddhism (domestic), and he is still riding it now. He came here from Hebei specifically because of this activity, and wanted to ask his opinion. Hey, he should post a little red book saying he did all of this. This foreigner is 79 years old. He looks like my grandfather and only knows how to eat, sleep and drink liquor.


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