"Diary" watching the movie bit by bit


The neighbors on the opposite side tore off the warning signs of the community administrator, but it was really quiet. I heard from the room that the person on the second floor was directly warned by the landlord, and now I can no longer smell the thick odor of smoke. I feel very happy when I think that my room is finally fresh air.

I sorted out the garbage in the room today, because the garbage dump was finally unsealed and resumed normal operation, but I am quite lazy, I want to wait for a full bag before throwing it away, and there will be a boring sense of accomplishment. However, some have to be tightened, otherwise the smell will make the insects find an excuse to invade. At this time, I am glad that I have bought a small insecticidal machine at a discount. It is like a device that uses airflow to suck insects into it. The magic weapon of ah...

And the qigong and practice that I have been doing all the time are suspended once (laughs)

Because I want to see a favorite character eat a bento Σ( ° △ °)

Image source: Village Roadshow Studios

I went to a certain shop to eat before, chatted with the proprietress, mentioned the previous champion "Corner Creature" and the latest trend is "Ghost Slayer", even the proprietress who doesn't watch animation knows this work and is very concerned about this breakthrough. I am surprised and curious about the popularity. I can only say that this work is really popular to an incredible extent. Although many people seem to have opinions on the plot, I think the description between people and the part that touches people's emotions. The author Truly a genius among geniuses. Having said that, although it was released last Friday, the crowd is really scary.

So I waited until now to go, how can I put it... It's quite sad, because of some recent news cases, every film crew has to say "no photography and video recording" to everyone who enters the venue, and so on. It is a warning card for Kapok, because it will lose the opportunity to be screened in Taiwan.

I really think that this kind of beast should be sentenced to a heavy sentence... This kind of dog thing that kills everyone by secretly filming and recording (╬☉д⊙) There are still people who don't know that they can't shoot the ending... I'm dizzy. You want to show off so much, just watch it == speechless.

In the movie theater part, the quality of this episode I picked was also very bad. When some parts of the work were exciting, the women next to them happily discussed the book, as if the movie theater had become their own living room, hehe. The family at the back came with the children, and they kept hearing the children asking questions...hehe.

Fortunately, the general audience level in Taiwan is not low, but it is not... Forget it (´_ゝ`)

The work itself, how should I put it, when I was watching the animation, I really wanted to give up, until I saw Zenitsu protecting Tanjiro's most precious existence and being beaten by so-and-so pigs, I began to gradually enter the pit. read comics. Reading the manga was moved to tears by the story of Yanzhu, because of these two opportunities I really started chasing this work, and I was very moved every time I read it.

Although some places are a little bit awkward, I even feel a little "more". However, the memories, inheritance, thoughts, beliefs between people... The author is really amazing. The people who made the movie, the music, and the dubbing were all really fierce, and it was quite enjoyable to watch in many places, although the word "breath of wealth" kept floating in my mind , because the benefits of this movie should be amazing. Well...every time I look at those numbers, I feel like they're too big.

And I obviously knew the plot and even remembered it, but I still cried when I saw the last scene, even the two annoying girls who had been chatting all the time were crying. There was also a cry from behind.

This is the charm of the work.

Comics cry once, movies cry again QQ

The mask was destroyed by me again, an orz full of tears and snot (〒︿〒)

I think... I'll see it again when there are fewer people. This time there is really too much interference. However, I am thinking about not waking up from the dream of happiness, or facing the cruel reality and grasping the existing resources to survive. Which side is better... I remember that the Digimon movie version also discussed this topic. And at that time, I was shocked by the angle of the entry point of the music.

When the show was over, I heard the boys in the back discussing their works: "What the hell is this red about?", "I really don't understand." Category

Well... at this time, I really hope that Netflix or Baja can come up with a mechanism to release the movie at the same time. I don't care if I pay more, so that I don't have to watch the work with these people. The girls' discussion sound interferes, and after reading, they accidentally hear those words that they don't want to hear, which affects the mood after watching.

Hey. At this time, I suddenly realized that the animation circle saw some information, and some people would form a group to book a room with the movie theater, and gather people who are really passionate about animation to watch it, which is more than addictive. And there is almost no interference problem. XD The problem is that almost all people from the Taipei field orz Taichung fringe...

Remember the last time you saw a private room, called the "Support Field"? It’s the kind where everyone can hold up the lights and scream and shout their support lines...and they will give away something...I just think...the culture of watching movies has become more and more special recently (laughs) At the same time, the combination of peripheral goods and packages There are so many incredible things... (far eyes)


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YvonneEcho喜愛三毛的文筆靈魂、希望有天也能行走世界、紀錄一切。 https://linktr.ee/yvonneecho
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