It's not how good you are, but your opponent always makes mistakes.


Last time, the salesperson at a 4S store told me that new energy vehicles accounted for 40% of sales in Shanghai. This is expected, after all, the license plate given by new energy vehicles allows you to drive all over Shanghai, while the winning rate of traditional license plates is less than 10%. Users who buy new energy vehicles for Shanghai license plates should account for a large proportion.

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For users like me who already have Shanghai license plates, new energy vehicles are not so attractive. Last week I test drove a Chevrolet, a traditional gasoline car, and I have been saving money for this car. Then something happened the night before yesterday that instantly overturned my concept of not buying new energy vehicles, my dream for many years, the Chevrolet Trailblazer.

I didn't get off work until 9 o'clock that night. On the way home from get off work, I found that my car was running low on gas, so I went to the gas station I often go to. It was already 9:30 when I arrived, and I was very tired. I entered the gas station and saw that there were no other cars so late and I didn't need to queue up. I was in a good mood, but when I parked my car, the staff didn't ask me "92?" Instead, they held the sign with the venue code and asked me to "come, scan it first." At this time, I wanted to curse him in my heart. I came here with money to consume. A tank of gas is not cheap. You can stand here and work and get paid by car owners like me who refuel, but he has no such awareness at all. I guess he must think that these are the work content assigned to him by the superiors, and since we come to refuel, we should obey it obediently.

After I picked up my phone and opened Alipay to scan the venue code he was holding, he was still waiting next to me to see the result (negative result within 72 hours). I really wanted to ask him, if I don’t scan it, you won’t refuel me, right? But I knew the result would definitely be yes, so I held back. When the gas pump started running, he shamelessly asked, "Brother, can I have a bottle of fuel cleaner?" At that moment, I had decided to buy a pure electric car and never come to the gas station again.

So just like the title of the article says, it’s not about how good pure electric cars are, nor how bad traditional gasoline cars are, but what subverts me is the service at gas stations.

Oil vehicles will eventually be replaced, and Sinopec and PetroChina will be forced to lose!


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