"Marriage" Chinese Translation Serial Chapter 9 Visitors at Dusk (3)


"The bath water is ready."

"Okay! Don't be noisy!"

The sharpness of the voice made even Mrs. herself startled. The maid had never heard Mrs. Ezaki speak like this, so she was frightened and hurriedly returned to the kitchen from the dining room.

Ryohei hasn't come back yet. On the coffee table in the living room is the imported tobacco he often smokes.

The lady nervously picked up the cigarette case.

(Could he be with this woman...)

It's unimaginable! Having been married for thirty years, Mrs. certainly knows her husband better than anyone else. He has an elegant and scholarly demeanor, never scolding his family members harshly; he is respected by others because of his gentleness and kindness in the company or in the research room, and he is the same at home.

(It doesn't matter, I think too much.)

Madam grabbed the tobacco box and pressed it against her chest, as if suppressing the unhappiness that was emerging in her heart. In her mind, the dull face of Toshiko Takahashi who had just met was still clearly left, and she could not forget the sarcastic smile that teased herself.

(If not, why would she have that look and that smile?)

Of course Jizi did not mention that the elder she loved was Ryohei; and until the end, Mrs. Esaki did not say Ryohei's name, and her pride could not allow her to do so.

However, she couldn't help but associate her husband's erratic behavior in Shinjuku and his stiff face with Jiiko's expression today.

Even with the facts in front of them, it's still unbelievable. During their 30 years of marriage, the belief that "Ryohei will never do that kind of thing!" is deeply ingrained in Mrs. Ezaki's heart.

(What's wrong with me, I've reached this age, don't be stupid!)

Mrs. Jiang Qi was really old and hot, not like a young woman, she stepped into the bathroom to calm down.

Letting her body soak in the bathtub, she suddenly looked at her naked body, and then realized that she must be alert to the aging of her body. The fat on her body did not feel wrong to her before; when she was ridiculed by her daughter Kikuko, she only smiled, which was because of her complete trust in her husband. However, for the first time tonight, Mrs. Esaki was saddened by her own old age.

(It's so old, so stupid!)

The lady was talking to herself over and over again. She suddenly realized that the marriage creeds she had published in the newspapers and magazines, and the advice she had given to women of all kinds, were of no use to her.

This hurts the lady's self-esteem the most.

(Aren't you exactly like those women? Aren't you exactly like those women?)

The sound of water dripping echoed in the bathroom, and it sounded like it was nagging.

(I won't mention it, I don't tell my husband anything, it's the best strategy at hand! Don't be embarrassed.)

Ryohei seemed to be back, his voice mixed with that of the maid. Although she didn't want to see Ryohei today no matter what, Madam stepped out of the bathtub as if biting a bitter fruit.

"Are you taking a shower?"

Ryohei put on a kimono and walked into the living room. As usual, he spread the magazine on the desk, drank the beer leisurely, and brought the glass to his mouth in a gentle manner. She still looked gentle and kind. Looking at her husband's appearance, the wife felt that she was guessing; however, her husband was too calm, which made her even more uneasy.

"What's wrong?"

"No. I'm taking a shower first."

"Kikuko came back with a postcard. I heard that the couple took advantage of the holiday to climb Yatsugatake."

Mrs. Ezaki's words came to her lips, and she swallowed them back. She decided to keep silent according to what she was thinking in the bathroom, and let everything disappear with the passage of time.

A week later, the lady received a letter. The sender was signed Takahashi Kiko, and the light brown envelope contained light brown letter paper, and the handwriting was exceptionally beautiful.

Jizi apologized for his rudeness, writing:

"Ma'am, you must be wondering why I visited you. To be honest, I have nothing to do with your husband. The most important thing is that the relationship between me and him is not as deep as you think, he is just Went to my humble apartment once or twice for a drink. You probably panic about your identity!

However, whenever I read the love counseling or life counseling articles published by my wife in newspapers and magazines, I always have the urge to laugh, and I can't help but want to ridicule you. Surely you can jump to high-sounding conclusions, thinking that you haven't experienced anything like that. "

Mrs. Ezaki set fire to the letter, and the letter gradually disappeared in Ryohei's favorite British ashtray.

One day a year later, Ryohei suddenly said to his wife:

"There's something I've always wanted to have a chance to tell you, do you remember? We were walking down the streets of Shinjuku when you realized that I met a young girl!"

Mrs. Ezaki said with a smile that she had known for a long time that her father was unfaithful. Then he made the matter of Jizi as an understatement of the past. Ryohei's face turned slightly red:

"What, you know?"

"We've been married for thirty years! After all, it's strange for you!"

"Man..." Ryohei said seriously. "The more stable and stable the situation is, the more involuntarily I seem to have the urge to destroy it. I'm suddenly tired of my own stability. Strange! Maybe it's a man's hysteria."

The lady smiled, but felt a trace of unhappiness between the couple; however, that feeling was fleeting.

As usual, she visits the Women's Counseling Center twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays.


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