Block World|What's so special about "Martial Arts Blockchain"? The next unicorn?

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Some people say that new projects that appear in the blockchain bear market should pay special attention. Why?

After the Luna incident, people panic. Many people are disoriented, disoriented and lost. At that time, I noticed that @米高 and the puppy ThankYou have some unusual behaviors. For example, he sold all the ether in his hand to cash out, so he didn't have to worry about the rise and fall of the currency price, which would affect his emotions. The total amount of ether he sold is enough to cover the living expenses for more than a year in the future, ensuring that life will not be affected.

I met Michael at Matters. From his articles, I know that he is a careful, stable and reliable person. Shortly after the Luna incident, he quickly cleaned up his mind, reorganized his mind, and devoted himself to his friend's new blockchain project. At the time, I had absolutely no idea what this blockchain project was doing. Just moved by his enthusiasm and confidence. Believe what he said "I met a team with great potential."

So, contacted him directly and expressed my interest in participating (21/5 if I remember correctly). After about a month, I got an invitation. That's it, I joined the team of the Martial Art DAO project - the promotion group, responsible for assisting the master group.

In just three months, I have witnessed how a team that seeks truth from facts, step by step, lays the foundation for the project to achieve long-term goals. Reminds me of a line from "The Grand Master", "Why is martial arts called Kung Fu? Kung Fu is actually time."

There is a saying in the currency circle that "one day in the currency circle and ten years in the world" describes the speed of change in the blockchain world. There are many projects that come and go quickly. Those who want to make quick money are all entering the market, and many of them are bubble projects. The Luna incident has put many people in a difficult position, which is sad. But also because of it, it extinguished the false fire in the market and avoided greater "casualties".

Some people say that in the bear market, most of the teams who will insist on doing projects are people who love to do practical things, create value and have lofty goals. I don't know how long this winter will last, but we all know that projects that can survive the bear market will have a bumper harvest in the bull market.

Martial Art DAO is a "martial arts blockchain" project that uses the blockchain platform to inherit and promote martial arts culture to the public; it is a blockchain project starting from Hong Kong and facing the world; it is a step-by-step, time-sensitive project The project of "Fix the Horse".

Want to learn more? Interested in getting involved?
We partnered with Matters to host the first Martial Art DAO AMA on the Matters Discord "Freedom 2" this Thursday night. Sincerely invite you to attend the exchange and sharing.

Topic: Have you ever thought about how to make good use of the storage technology of the blockchain?
Date: September 15th (Thursday)
Time: 2100-2230 (East Eighth District)
Venue: Matters Discord "Freedom 2"
Sharer: Mi Gao (Martial Art DAO project planner)
Angus (Martial Art DAO Business Development)
Language: Cantonese , there is a Discord text discussion area, and the shared content will be translated into written language in real time

Hope to see you Thursday night! ^^

Me and @Paul. It is a team of validators of the LikeCoin node " BusinessAsMission ".
You are welcome to become our delegator and pledge your LikeCoin to our node, thank you for your support!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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