Talking | What is living out the "destiny"?

趙天琳 ZHAO Tian-lin
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Over the past four years, due to the role that I have chosen to play, I have also assisted myself in assisting clients over the years.

What is destiny ? How do you find your destiny? How to live out your destiny?
At different stages of development, my answers to these kinds of questions will naturally change and become more complete.

Mandate of Heaven may or may not be a specific, specific cause .
Mandate of Heaven may or may not be some lofty and lofty idea .
Mandate may or may not be some sort of calling that drives you to commit .

Because to put it bluntly, if a person is still often influenced by the external society in his choices, and is in a frequency band of anxiety that is eager to prove himself, even if such a person has manifested many specific worldly achievements, he still cannot be called a real life. However, in this search for self-truth, in the face of the integration of his own conflicting elements of fear, desire, arrogance, inferiority complex, doubt, belief, vulnerability, power, shadow and beauty, he will live out his destiny. In the end, he will understand that I am so different from others, but also so similar, and I should experience the ups and downs and sorrows and sorrows of the quenched divinity.

So, what exactly is living a destiny?
Going back to the most fundamental point is to face the truth of each moment of our existence .

In this world, you can be everything you want to be, or you can be nothing.
Then, there will be moments when the attachment to the external society—beings—suddenly disappears, and at that moment you are nothing, and yet you are everything because of that.
There will also be moments when you understand and surrender to your own individual limitations, and there is a deep awareness deep within yourself of what is and is not related to me, and that what is not related to me is actually related to "I." "Relatedly, the separated non-self defines me, and you promise: "God, please let me be your medium." From here on in the journey of this body's death, you are no longer driven by egoistic desires and gradually disengaged. The shackles of karma, but you will continue to learn to master the balance between the ego and the larger self, self and the outside world, selfishness and dedication for the rest of your life, and you know that as long as there is "I", this will never stop practice.

To quote a passage I heard the other day:

"Self-unity" is actually a person who is one with the higher self, and is in a "state of mind" to treat all things equally, and the relationship with his own world is harmonious and abundant. This is the so-called "God" . An awakened man is a god in his world. Even if gods other than him appear in this world, they will also maintain equality and respect for each other. This is called "the return of the gods" .

(By the way, in order to deal with some prejudices, in fact, about 70% of the clients who came to me for interpretation of destiny or reincarnation retrospective were highly intellectuals in the secular sense, with masters and doctorates from prestigious universities at home and abroad. Especially those who entered the water bottle After the era, the reason why we convey some atypical spiritual knowledge is to hope that these things will come out of the closet or will no longer be regarded as some kind of curious plaything, so that the world can start to go with a more open-minded attitude, because the application of higher level The knowledge and "truth" of the people can indeed effectively cure the predicament of the endless reincarnation of human collective consciousness for thousands of years.)

About Me|About Me

Zhao Tianlin Zhao Tian Lin (1993.06.11-)
Transmedium Artist-Curator

Visually based artist-curator , designer , writer and spiritual teacher .
Since 2014, he has independently accepted cases as a visual designer. He is good at transforming the complex philosophical concepts with enlightenment into refined and minimalist visual language expressions. His art and design styles are avant-garde and fashionable, and permeate the future. It has the texture of ancient science fiction and mythology, and can take into account both experiment and reality, integrate brand operation and project management thinking, and provide a win-win strategic layout, solutions and high-quality results for entrusting agencies or cooperative teams.

Since 2017, he has begun to turn his unique investigation and inspiration on existence and art into experimental meditation workshops and technical art performances one after another, as a medium to arouse the audience's awareness, and then to immerse themselves in a more comfortable and balanced manner Now, co-create the updated version of the reality of the earth.

The professional fields that he has mainly focused on and developed for many years include: contemporary art, interactive technology, speculative design, fashion culture, spiritual exploration, etc.

Now he is the lead producer and choreographer of the sci-fi XR "Guanzizai: Future Buddha Multiverse Mine: Future Buddha" trilogy project. The proposal of the first " Human Reincarnation " was selected for the 2020 Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB Creation and Training Workshop and Taipei Film Academy XR Workshop, and participate in the online exhibition at the 2020 TCCF Creative Content Conference.

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