Block World|LikeCoin chain upgrade successfully! Please update your wallet address immediately ~ transfer early

YK @一杯咖啡的生活
Wallet addresses starting with "cosmos" in the old format can still be used, but...

Thanks to the efforts of all validators and engineers, the important upgrade of the LikeCoin chain has been successfully completed! Means LikeCoin is moving towards a new milestone🤩

In any project, its infrastructure project is the most important, especially the construction project of the lowest level. The upgrade of LikeCoin this time has high hardware requirements for the node system, and I believe it is the best preparation for a better and more stable development in the future.

One of the unavoidable changes after the upgrade of the LikeCoin chain is that the prefix of the LikeCoin wallet address has been changed from the original "cosmos" to "like".

In addition to the sense of belonging of "justifiable", this change also increases the convenience of LikeCoin to integrate with other projects, and improves the integration speed of LikeCoin with other Cosmos applications, which is very helpful for the development of a higher level.

Although the old format wallet address starting with "cosmos" can still be used for a while, it will be gradually integrated with other Cosmos applications as the new format wallet address starting with "like" becomes popular, the old format starting with "cosmos" will be used. Wallet addresses are bound to be eliminated one day.

Therefore, it is better to switch to the wallet address in the new format as soon as possible, which can reduce the possibility of unnecessary trouble caused by late switching. Turn early and feel at ease.

How to switch to the wallet address in the new format? It's very simple, just watch the video first, follow the steps step by step, and you'll be done in a few minutes.

For more information, please see this " LikeCoin New Address Prefix (like) - Frequently Asked Questions " for detailed instructions.

The article is made public and aims to be shared for the benefit of others; please support "Creation is Valuable" and " Appreciate Citizen ".
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Me and @Paul. It is a team of validators of the LikeCoin node " BusinessAsMission ".
You are welcome to become our delegator and pledge your LikeCoin to our node, thank you for your support!


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