Cat Spy Report: Matters Label List2022-08-30

Matters is playing activities, newcomer punch tags, popular tags, citizens knocking bowl tags and other tags added articles or popular article recommendations yesterday.

Top 20 Popular Articles

Popular article rankings are counted as follows: article clapping + (supports * 10 ) + (reading hours [hours] ) *5, the weighted scores shown below are rounded to two decimal places (unconditional rounding).

Matters newcomer check-in new article

Newcomer punch-in label: Matters newcomer punch- in, newcomer punch- in

The top 15 new clapping hands added by citizens knocking on the bowl label

Knock the Bowl Tags: poetry , poetry , poetry , new poetry , poetry , photography , photography , photography , street photography , photography , photography , photography collection | one photo to see the world , photographer , music

This area is open to the citizens of Matt City to knock bowls. It is expected to be updated once a week, and 1~2 types of homogeneous labels will be recommended at a time. If you want to recommend relevant authors, you can leave a message and tell me that if the number of articles in this area is less than 15, it is a contribution The number of articles with such tags is less than 15!

One Day Matters Popular Tags

Ouyi Registration (Number of Articles: 20), Guo Wengui (Number of Articles: 13), Life (Number of Articles: 12), Creation (Number of Articles: 8), Reading (Number of Articles: 6), Blockchain (Number of Articles: 6) 5), Novel (Number of Articles: 5), Original (Number of Articles: 4), NFT (Number of Articles: 4), Cryptocurrency (Number of Articles: 4)

Top 10 new articles in Matters popular tab

Matters Popular Tags

  • Life -- (Number of articles: 10955)
  • Hong Kong -- (Number of articles: 5963)
  • Novel -- (Number of articles: 4508)
  • Creation -- (Number of articles: 4292)
  • Matters -- (Number of articles: 3823)
  • Reading -- (Number of articles: 3399)
  • Diary -- (Number of articles: 2870)
  • Newcomer Punch-- (Number of articles: 3155)
  • Movie -- (Number of articles: 3081)
  • Food -- (Number of articles: 3048)
  • Taiwan -- (Number of articles: 2692)
  • Writing -- (Number of articles: 2533)
  • Love -- (Number of articles: 2356)
  • Daily -- (Number of articles: 2409)
  • Essays -- (Number of articles: 2140)
  • Poem -- (Number of articles: 2310)
  • Life -- (Number of articles: 2280)
  • Story -- (Number of articles: 2077)
  • Matters Newcomer Punch-- (Number of Articles: 2142)
  • Travel -- (Number of Articles: 2020)

Source: Matters API

Clap count settlement: 2022-08-31 00:03:59

Each tag combination is manually updated manually, and the list is automatically generated and issued every day.

I hope this tag list can help you better use the existing tags. Popular tags are for reference only. It is recommended that you choose tags that are closely related to the content of the article. In addition, the use of tags is completely free, but some special tags have Its special purposes, such as newcomer check-in and activity labels, if it is not a newcomer’s self-introduction related articles, please try not to use the newcomer punch-in label. During the event, if you don’t want to participate in the event, try not to use the event-specific label, so as not to make people feel uncomfortable. good.

The list is only changed for the combination of tags. After the information is obtained, the content of the list will not be adjusted. If you have any comments, you can leave a message to tell the cat...

Follow [Cat Country] , you can receive broadcast messages by following it, and small events will be held from time to time! If you want to subscribe, I have no objection! 〔〔Eh! ?

Validator Node: Coding Everyday|Coding League

My NFT works: OpenSeaakaSwap
Two of my travel e-books: Croatian Bus Travel Diary , Go and Jump Okinawa. Traffic Raiders for Attractions
My personal blog: . Just go. Erica's. travel. experience. Living in the moment
Fan Page: Let's Go x Cat Traveling
Find me in other parties too: Checker | I also have a Matters | Potato Media


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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Erica我是: ● Bitsong〔BTSG〕驗證人。 ● 全端網站工程師。 這個帳號會發佈: ● 貓特務報報~ ● 教學文章... ● 驗證人相關文章... 🐾我喜歡旅行,到處趴趴走,看到貓咪就瘋狂幫貓咪拍寫真,這就是我 ,我是Erica🐾 🐾🐾(我有另外一個帳號:貓咪旅行中〔Erica〕,主要寫旅行、食記、舉辦小活動!)🐾🐾
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