Hugo builds a blog/website


What is Hugo

Hugo is a static site generator (Static Site Generator) developed in go language, with fast frame speed and high flexibility.


There are many installation methods for Hugo, including Windows/macOS/Linux. Here we mainly introduce the installation methods of Windows and macOS. For other installation methods, please check the official website directly.

Scoop (Windows)

 scoop install hugo
scoop install hugo-extended

Homebrew (macOS)

 brew install hugo

Build a website

 hugo new site webside

layout theme

Hugo does not have a preset theme, you need to download it from the official website Themes .

Download using git

 cd wibside
git init
git submodule add

No matter, download LeaveIt Themes and unzip it.

Edit config.toml to set the theme to LeaveIt

Open config.toml input

 theme = "LeaveIt"

You can also cut out exampleSite/config.toml in the LeaveIt file and overwrite the original file.

Create new article

 hugo new posts/

Articles will be in the /content directory


 hugo server -D
Hugo default port is http://localhost:1313/


When the website is completed, a static file is generated to the public folder and deployed to the remote host.

Refer to the deployment method of each platform.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

CasonYang嘿! 歡迎滑到我的 Matter ,這裡紀錄這我的技術blog的內容。我喜歡透過文字紀錄來搭建個人知識庫,也可以和各位交流看法。文章大多偏向Web3.0的內容,有興趣的話可以訂閱我。 Telegram:
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