food and love

I always think of you every time I order food.

I always think of you every time I order food.

The woman told the man that if the gender was reversed, she would be beaten,

This contains at least two meanings. Men love you more, because they are afraid that you will be hungry, so when they are not full and can't finish eating, they choose the latter. Women gradually get used to more, and the same is true when they are alone.

It may also be that women lose weight and eat less deliberately. No matter how much they order, they are left and are swept away by men. Therefore, men in love tend to gain weight.

Another layer of meaning is not to dislike, women are inherently insecure, do they dislike me for getting old, do they dislike me for getting fat, this is like a period, it will come every once in a while, she doesn't mind sneezing at you , you mind, you will face the torture of the soul.

The correct way is, if she sneezes, you will take it all over your face. If you can reply again: Dear, can you do another one? If you forgot to wash your face in the morning, there is a high probability of being beaten, and you will get another hateful sentence, but this answer can be High score.

Fucking, hating, and smelly men are usually considered to be the love words of women. If a man dislikes you, he will not talk to you. If a woman really dislikes you, it is often accompanied by behavior.

A couple who seem to be in harmony to outsiders. At night, the wife filed for divorce in a flat tone. The husband was stunned and didn't know why. When he was about to go to bed, the wife put a new quilt on the bed and wanted to sleep separately. Can not go back.

I always think of you every time I can't finish ordering!

The original words of a couple many years ago. Before this, my boyfriend said: Every time I eat delicious food, I always want you to try it too.


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秦歌旁觀者,想入非非,一半懷疑論,一半不可知論。 Twitter:fkanyone
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