Chinese in jungle society


I do not know since when, the Chinese have gradually lost hope for the future of this country.

The moral sense of the world we once had is gradually being lost. In recent years, our moral bottom line has been repeatedly breached. We who once loved peace began to applaud invaders like Russia; we who once yearned for freedom began to think that the desire for freedom itself was a crime; we who once hated the cult of personality began to enthusiastically praise a dictatorial leader. We not only generally accept the law of the jungle, but also believe that the law of the jungle is the truth of human society. We firmly believe that all morality other than the law of the jungle is nothing but a false appearance and an insincere performance.

We no longer sympathize with the innocent Ukrainian people who have been devastated and displaced by ruthless fire. Instead, we ruthlessly believe that this is the jungle truth of the jungle. We no longer condemn barbaric and tyrannical acts of aggression, but instead praise that power is the truth, and that barbarism is better than civilization. We are getting farther and farther away from the civilized world, degrading more and more into cruel and bloodthirsty beasts. We are proud of our shameless and unscrupulous achievement of our goals. We no longer sympathize with the loss of freedom, starvation, and death in savage cities. Chinese people who died by suicide, on the contrary, took their pain and death as a necessary sacrifice, and refused to see their pain or hear their cry for help, as if their humanity had been stripped clean from the Chinese people. We believe in social Darwinism, and we are full of savage delusions, but we still pride ourselves on being wise, we have all become walking corpses who live by the day, and we no longer have any kindness for this world.

We accept the intrigue and mutual use between people, and believe that this is how people should get along with each other, but we dare not imagine a world with social credit and people's pact; we accept the government's distrust and harmony We accept the violent beatings of ordinary people by white guards, but we dare not imagine a world with social supervision and power constraints; we accept that speech is subject to strict censorship and personality is generally suppressed, but we dare not imagine a world with free expression of ideas and individuality. A free world. We accept being imprisoned at home and being forced to jump off the building and hang ourselves, but we dare not imagine a world where work and life are orderly and markets are functioning normally, coexisting with the virus. We think the inhuman police state we live in is what the world is supposed to be like.

Most of us believe that this world can be controlled by power and propaganda under their brainwashing propaganda and information filtering, and that democracy, freedom, and human rights are all deceiving nonsense and weak ideals. Interest, only a strong country can have personal happiness. For the imaginary collective interests and national security, we can sacrifice all personal freedoms, surrender all personal interests, only cooperation, only obedience, only obedience, only belief, hand over all rights and freedoms to the state, to the government, Only then can we survive in this jungle world where the weak eat the strong, and intrigue.

But is the world really what they describe it to be? Can we really not build a better, free, and peaceful world, but can only cycle in endless barbarism, despotism, and disorder? But in fact, it's not. The brave resistance of the Ukrainian people has been supported and assisted by most of the people and governments of the world. Military, economic and humanitarian supplies from all over the world are being continuously sent to Ukraine. The Russian aggression has been widely condemned by the international community. Suffered from economic sanctions on an unprecedented scale by countries and organizations around the world. In March 2022, the 11th emergency special session of the UN General Assembly passed a resolution condemning Russia's aggression against Ukraine by a majority of 141 countries, the International Court of Justice ruled that Russia "must immediately cease military operations in Ukraine", the Council of Europe and the UN Human Rights Council The council expelled the Russian representative, and the International Criminal Court opened an investigation into Russian war crimes in Ukraine. Most human beings with common sense and humanity have deeply realized the horror of war and the value of peace after experiencing endless war wounds.

Under the domestic brainwashing propaganda and information filtering, those militants cheering for war and aggression are not all born bloodthirsty beasts, but have been brainwashed by long-term domestic nationalist education and fake news propaganda , No matter how a person with independent thinking ability and critical thinking ability, under the bombardment of this long-term and single brainwashing propaganda, it is difficult to maintain basic independent thinking and moral bottom line. In the shameless propaganda at home, Ukraine is not only a victim of bullying, but a Nazi state that kills civilians indiscriminately; Russia is not a bullying aggressor, but a righteous teacher who helps the weak. Our government is like this Use the power granted by the people to deceive and deceive our people, and in the future, the people will be required to throw their heads and blood to kill those who are as ignorant as they never know. Ordinary people who love their loved ones. Under the ideological education of militarism for so many years, the bloodthirsty and warlike Chinese have long become orphans outside the civilized world. Opposing war and loving peace should be the basic consensus of the modern civilized world. It is the profound lesson that human beings have made in exchange for countless sacrifices. The common call of the invading Chinese people, but this invaluable quality has been blocked and suppressed at home. The decision makers who can make such barbaric acts are undoubtedly beasts against humanity.

Confronting the peace-loving world order of civilization, cultivating belligerents who cheer for war is like raising a guinea pig, and launching a war is tantamount to suicide. Russia, a third-rate country, is the best example. Do not repeat the end of Germany and Japan kidnapped by the war machine during World War II, return to the ranks of the civilized world, condemn the atrocities of war, and use the image of a modern civilized country that is free, open, democratic and ruled by law to gather people's hearts and strive for unity. The most rational and realistic choice for the Chinese government in the current domestic and foreign difficulties.

Are we really unable to coexist with viruses? Is there no other way out than the barbaric and backward clearing policy? Are countries all over the world just lying flat in the face of the virus? But in fact, it's not. The response strategies of countries around the world are based on rationality and science. The first is to actively encourage and organize the vaccination of effective vaccines, whether it is the messenger RNA vaccine of Pfizer and Moderna, or the adenovirus vector vaccine of AstraZeneca. They all have far more protection than inactivated vaccines such as Kexing and Sinopharm. Therefore, making full use of effective vaccines and resolutely abandoning low-efficiency vaccines is the first step to coexist with the new coronavirus; The damage caused by social operation is therefore only within the range that society can bear. Social distancing, restrictions on large-scale group gatherings and cancellation of large-scale activities are advocated, but social mobility, freedom of travel and economic operation are not blocked because of this. A one-size-fits-all laziness and bad governance try to maintain a balance between epidemic prevention and control and social stability; finally, governments around the world realize on the basis of scientific decision-making that only by forming herd immunity can the epidemic be truly overcome, or to put it further , The people and governments of all countries have accepted that the new coronavirus will coexist with human beings for a long time like the flu virus. Stronger and less fatal mutant strains, so as long as the harm of the new coronavirus is under human control, we no longer need to treat it as a scourge.

Preventing the epidemic by forcibly blocking the spread of the virus through violent city closures only delays the current epidemic until future outbreaks, but cannot fundamentally eliminate the epidemic. Societal harm will only grow, leading to more and more secondary deaths and humanitarian disasters. At the same time, other countries have gradually recovered from the impact of the epidemic, and the number of new cases has been maintained at a very low level. It can be seen that coexistence with the virus is actually a more rational, more scientific, and more feasible solution.

We have become accustomed to the quiet time, can we find our humanity again? Do we, who think we can protect ourselves, still believe that the iron fist will never hit us? If you don't speak up for those who are hit by the iron fist now, when the iron fist hits you in the future, no one will speak up for you. Let us rediscover the beauty of human nature, repay sympathy and support for the Ukrainian people who have suffered from aggression, and repay solidarity and help for the people who are struggling in the lockdown; let us rediscover our yearning for a civilized world , renew the call for freedom and openness, and resolutely fight back against dictatorship and barbaric aggression. If we all regard the law of the jungle as the law of the operation of this society and accept the social Darwinism of the law of the jungle, we will never be able to build a modern country with freedom and the rule of law; if we still use politics to kidnap science, replace empathy with indifference, and use bestiality Destroying human nature, we can only forever cycle in the "era of being a slave" and "the era of temporarily becoming a stable slave".


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