Here comes the PancakeSwap IFO, stake CAKE, buy $DPT
■ Here comes the PancakeSwap IFO, stake CAKE and buy $DPT . What is IFO, English is Initial Farm Offering, Chinese translation is Initial Farm Offering.
■ The news from PancakeSwap's Twitter, The new IFO CAKE Pool is now LIVE . Details can be found here: @PancakeSwap
After reading the introduction on the official website, the steps are organized as follows:
- Activate your profile, which is to buy Pancake's NFT (Activate your Profile)
- Stake CAKE in IFO CAKE pool (Stake CAKE in IFO pool)
- Submit your CAKE, which is the Commit CAKE
- Claim your tokens and achievements
👉Buy Pancake's NFT
■ To get this cute rabbit, get ready 1) a little fox wallet, 2) a CAKE or BNB, and 3) a happy learning heart. Go to the homepage of PancakeSWAP: . Then find "Link to Wallet" in the upper right corner of the homepage.
■ I choose to use MetaMask wallet to connect with PancakeSWAP. If the connection is successful, I will see the same address 0x as your MetaMask wallet....
■ To start preparing to buy NFTs produced by PancakeSwap, click the icon that looks like a folder in the upper right corner, and then click [Set Profile!].
■ You will see "Personal Profile Settings", the total cost is 1.5CAKE; all the setting steps are very simple, as long as 1) get the initial token collection, 2) set the avatar, 3) join the team, 4) set the name, you can finished.
■ 1) Get initial token collectibles. First select the initial token below, which is the NFT you want to buy. You can see that there are Sleepy, Dollop, Twinkle, Churro, Sunny, you can choose according to your own preferences, I choose Dollop. After selecting your rabbit, click "Enable", click "Confirm" in the pop-up Metamask, and then select "Confirm", click "Confirm" in the pop-up Metamask, basically to activate the network contract, so a fee is required.
■ 2) Set the avatar, confirm that the collectible (NFT) you selected is what you want, click "Enable", click "Confirm" in the pop-up Metamask, and then proceed to "Next Step".
■ 3) Join the team, the description is to write that there is not much difference between each team, so go directly to the [Next Step].
■ 4) Set your name, please enter your user name, the user name cannot be changed, then if others know my user name, they can view my wallet, and finally click [Confirm].
■ After that, you can see that after entering the homepage of PancakeSWAP, the NFT you just purchased appeared in the upper right corner. The picture on the left is before purchase, and the picture on the right is after purchase.
👉Stake CAKE in the IFO CAKE pool
■ The methods of staking cryptocurrencies are similar, as long as you remember to find the right pool and the right tokens to be pledged. From the upper left corner of the main screen, find "Earn", then "Fund Pool", you will see the IFO CAKE POOL, if you use it for the first time, you need to "Enable" the fund pool. After completion, it will look like the picture below. There are CAKE tokens in Metamask, press "+" and "-" to deposit or withdraw CAKE, here is to deposit all the CAKE on the body.
■ For the first time use, to "enable" the fund pool,
■ Or go to "IFO" here, you can also pledge CAKE in IFO CAKE POOL.
👉Submit your CAKE, which is the subscription amount, and buy $DPT
■ The time to buy $DPT is 5 days, 10 hours and 10 minutes down. It is currently waiting, and then you can see from the official website that the scheduled time for the sale is: Approx. 01:00 pm UTC on Tuesday 21st Dec 21
👉 PancakeSwap IFO Q&A
■ What is the difference between Basic Sales and Unlimited Sales? In the base sale, each user can submit up to about $100 worth of CAKE. We calculate the maximum CAKE about 30 minutes before each IFO. The base sale does not include any participation fees. In an unlimited sale, there is no limit to the amount of CAKE you can submit. However, there is a participation fee: see below. ■ What kind of sales should I be involved in? Can I participate in both at the same time? You can choose one or both at the same time! If you are submitting a smaller amount, we recommend participating in the base sale first. Remember, all you need is your PancakeSwap profile to participate. ■ What is the cost of participation? Participation fees apply only for unlimited sales: there are no fees for base sales. The starting fee is 1%. The 1% participation fee is stepped down, depending on the percentage of overflow in the "unlimited" portion of the sale. ■ Where will the participation fee go? The CAKE in the participation fee will be invested in the weekly token burn amount. ■ How do I get achievements for participating in the IFO? You are required to contribute at least approximately $10 worth of CAKE to any sale.
The original text was simultaneously published on my blog " Shuangbao Dad's Financial Notes ". This is a blog with the theme of financial management and life. You are welcome to visit when you have time.
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