Transmitted temperature|Residual temperature of ink

An experimental exercise to compete with self, spread to the transmission of human warmth after communication.

Before writing the word art, I recalled that the enthusiasm at the beginning can continue to this day, and it can be said that it was a development that was beyond my personal expectations and that I could cultivate my new skills and interests.

At first, in February, I decided to start preparing the music exhibition " Taiwan Modern Record Printing Exhibition - Those Indie Music Expressed with Comics/Illustrations | When did you meet indie music?" 〉 In this series of articles, in the face of independent music, the first thing I wrote was when I saw the production of the first key album Jiaotou music in the exhibition, and I read the rich and huge data of music history, how to present a context, as a historical Plus music lovers, excited to get involved in this writing project.

Not long after I stepped into the city, although I experienced the Lunar New Year, I read online articles in a few fragments and clicked on the author @Sunline's article "The Unable to Get Off Work Life 34 / The Habits Necessary for Working from Home: Exercise." 〉 (This article has been included in the perimeter), the article partly mentions the experience of watching a documentary about the documentary "Twenty Years of My Unpopularity" written by Dijiao Tou.

In addition, this article resonates with one's own health factors and urges oneself to be more industrious for several days in a row.

I, who had never watched the documentary before, extended from understanding the relevant information of the documentary to reading the Taiwan music industry report to the later papers, and then successfully completing my understanding of Taiwan's music history. This article also elaborated on my own notes. , I seem to be a fan of Zhang Shisan, and I don't think I have read more than 20 film and television media reports.

When a person has doubts in the face of things and needs to find the key to the solution quickly and quickly, if someone can provide an answer to the core immediately, the event can be completed like a duck to water, reducing anxiety and spinning around.

And Situation Extends Strength is followed by my next exhibition article, an exhibition series on The Magician on the Flyover .

In the process of arranging and typing the words of the exhibition articles, I have never publicly displayed the creation of each article after writing. With this goal of suddenly increasing the focus of my life, I am often anxious and fearful in the face of unknown messages and comments, expounding and publishing one thing It seems that I can't resist myself. After facing the article, do I worry about what I can't write completely, what can my text become? Will it be slammed by other fans, etc.? In my head, what can I do to promote this exhibition? To this day, I can’t help but laugh at myself. I’m just a spectator outside the venue. How can I make my mood so uneasy? Writing a testimonial is not a work project, and I don’t have to set high goals. I can do everything I can. Well done is the most important thing.

As a result, I finished the article calmly, got the likecoin of support and encouragement from @Sunline at this time, and resolved my worries when leaving a message for encouragement.

This feeling has been in my heart for a long time. In this long-term melancholy and unhappy period, if a reader can find that he is working hard and trying his best, that sentence is enough to live a dynamic life, and even continue to spread to many people through this warm current, and I have also Thinking of wishing to become someone who can encourage and help others, both online and in reality, and move forward together.

In a private conversation with an artist teacher, he asked, "Why didn't I pay attention to the development of his works for a while?"

I was overwhelmed by this sharp question, and I replied timidly and briefly explained, "Now life is busy and neglected, teacher, you developed well in the later stage..." But there was a subconscious thought in my mind, "Your later works became popular on the platform and there are many fan groups. , do you still need the attention of a little fan like me?" He also subtly used words to transform his thoughts and ask the teacher. As a result, I received a strong and affirmative look from the teacher, "Of course!"

I just realized that my favorite creators occupy several positions in each field. Even with great fame, people still need support from fans (others) in all aspects, what can I do myself? It turns out that I am not a dedicated fan in some way? The next time I encounter a creation I like, I will put aside my shame and timidity, and support and encourage them bravely. If I have the ability, I hope that I can support their creation.

The Word Art practice project implemented at the end of May, stepped into and gradually shared my learning and practice records.

Entering the second purpose, I want to press the stars and clap my hands for the authors I like.

Everyone can communicate and talk, and they can also use the private message function to facilitate a lot of private communication and discussion, and even return to the side of photography and sharing that they used to love, it seems that they have regained a part of their self.

In addition to the gradual release of depression and anxiety, in the process of writing and learning, life has added a lot of words and everyone's encouragement and extra confidence.

Unenvisioned, unincorporated plans are developing

In the process of exchanging and discussing pen and handwriting happily with Xiangte City Happy @Sunline , I gradually got to know the skills, users and lovers of other pen citizens, and my life became very interesting.

We all publish articles related to handwriting in Matt City:

<Word|Art Words and Pens in English>

@Sunline's article:

<Application of Handwriting in Design>

<Handwritten temperature. My pens and inks! >

Yesterday, I received this tender and caring physical package from Ah Xian, like holding a bowl of hot soup in my hand in the cold winter, warm in my palm.

During the rehabilitation process, it is necessary to practice the water-dipping pen in the plan: ink, art nib (fine tip), water-dipping pen holder, all prepared by yourself.

When I was practicing, I realized that I need to buy the ink of the water pen. The barrel of the pen can hardly reach the ink at the bottom of the tube. The ink that I have put for many years is finally running out.

At this moment! Ah Xian's gift appeared brightly. (✪ω✪)

The whole row of sub-packaging ink is super cute. During the photography process, my mother and I were very happy to arrange and adjust the angle, and use the wallpapers that are collected and pasted on the ceiling of the home.

Handmade postcards, photos are printed and pasted on cardboard, with the website address and postmark on the back of Ah Xian's own stamp processing on the front and back.

The scenery in the photos, because I have never been there, there is a sigh of more eagerness to travel. Not sure if it's a photo of Mayday's DNA robot? Robots have also been exhibited in the Nishi Honganji area in Ximending, Taipei, and I personally went to take pictures.

Give everyone a clue to the location of the photo: a corner of Nanwan, Japan, and Taiwan XD

The three cards in the illustration style are independently shot, and the cats are very cute and distinctive! Impression also sells cloth bookmarks .

My favorite is passing by this yellow base map card, the picture of the cat shuttle between the text.

Maybe I was found to be a cat control, so I am very happy to have a cat card ( Φ ω Φ ) Super surprise ❤!

I used to like the temperature of hand-made, both the words and the paper are full of unique feeling, but also leave traces of time. I can't write it on the Internet and can revise it or delete it. To this day, I still occasionally choose Print your own thank you cards, choose a very small amount of paper to print and send out greeting cards and thank you cards.

A few days ago, all of my friends had gone through the pen pit with fever. Instead, they talked about the old-fashioned things that I love retro, and I suddenly realized that I have this characteristic! At my age, few students would use letters to communicate with friends, but I was a person who silently sent letters to friends since I was a child. This habit has continued to this day! Ever wondered where to find pen pals?

Thank you for accompanying me all the way for half a year of growing up. In addition to this blessing on the small card, I can also receive the beautiful handwriting of the idol. In addition to the excitement, this full of heart, I will collect it well on.

Finally, in the middle of the picture of the photo card, there is A Xian's self-portrait from the back, but also the following paragraph at the bottom:

"Everyone is unique, and every life is precious. I wish you can find the life you like."

I like the gentleness of this sentence and the tone of voice, literally like a blessing that I heard with my own ears.

I hope that after reading it, you can also like your uniqueness, walk out of your favorite path and love life.


Sunline in Matt City , Sunline in Elephant City , Sunline's Iir , Sunline's Shopee

Sunline's Canvas Bookmarks , Change Date Line/Sunline's Message Station


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

由羽禾In die weiße Welt 在白色世界,對於每天猶如重新開始的起端,塑造成未來對每一個事務能嶄新的探索世界和與世界產生連結。 主要分享從藝術、設計展覽筆記,和旅遊與生活的觀察記載。 象特市不定期出沒,主發表平日練習的藝術字與草稿圖:
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