To improve Google ranking, you need to know these 5 key SEO factors

Someone once wrote 200 influencing factors related to Google ranking, but Google's algorithm is always changing, and the weight ratio of each influencing factor is different. What are the key factors for your website to rank on the first page of search results when a user conducts a Google search? This article tells you 5 factors that have an important impact on ranking:

Someone once wrote 200 influencing factors related to Google ranking, but Google's algorithm is always changing, and the weight ratio of each influencing factor is different. So, what are the key factors in getting your site to rank on the first page of search results when a user conducts a Google search?

According to SearchMetrics , Backlinko , and SEO PowerSuite and Serped , this article tells you 5 factors that have an important impact on rankings:

1. Website Content

Website content is very important to Google rankings, but it's something everyone knows. However, what I want to emphasize here is that, unlike the algorithm that relied on keywords for search in the past, Google has been more inclined to search for content related to the topic, and find the information that users need most through semantic analysis.

SerachMertics research found that only 53% of websites in the top 20 search results use keywords in their titles, and less than 40% of websites use keywords in their H1 titles. Such results show that Google no longer only focuses on individual keywords, but searches for users based on the relevance of website content.

So what is meant by "relevance"? In short: comprehensive, comprehensive content related to keywords.

For example, when you search for "SEO" on Google, the first search results that pop up on the page are advertisements and noun definitions, because Google interprets that when users search for SEO, the answers people most want to get are What?

And you will find that the content that appears in the top search results includes the following content:

  • What is SEO?
  • How to do SEO?
  • Can you learn SEO yourself?

Have you found that the search results are a bit like SEO lazy bags? Most of the search results on the first page tell you what SEO is. Can you learn it yourself? Just reading this article is enough.

Basically if you are someone who wants to learn SEO or doesn't know what SEO is, on the first page of search results, Google will find you everything you want, which is why everyone wants their website There are several options that can appear at the top of the first page of Google search results, because users rarely go to the second and third pages of search results to find the information they need.

Backlinko's investigation also found that the changes in the algorithm have strengthened the function of semantic analysis. If a very difficult topic can be explained in plain and easy-to-understand words, the search results will be more likely to be packed with various keywords, and the density of related keywords will be higher. High content ranks higher on Google.

In addition, websites with richer content will also rank higher. The big reason is that if the content is rich, it can take into account more aspects in comparison. For example, if an article can tell you how to use Google Analytics , how to operate SEO, and how to do Facebook live polls from start to finish, is it better than if you read a lot of different website content, and then organize and learn by yourself? How much more convenient?

According to the SerpIQ survey, the content of the top 10 websites is directly related to their ranking in search engines. On average, the content of the first-ranked website is about 2,450 words, and the tenth-ranked website has 2,000 words.

In addition, Dr.Pete's research also found that longer content has more links.

But this does not mean that your website content should be developed towards "more", the most important thing is that you must provide visitors who visit your website what they want:

  • wanted answer
  • The easiest and fastest way to find the information you want
  • help achieve their goals

The frequency with which website content is updated is another factor that affects Google rankings. If your website is regularly updated with new articles, content or information, then it is relatively easy to improve the ranking of your website. Google will interpret and filter according to the user's search content to provide the latest information and evergreen content, so as to find the best answer for the user.

Of course, the update mentioned here is not just a matter of changing the title of the article and replacing the content with a few words. The best way is that there may be new promotions or article information every week, or even every two to three days. If you want to know your competitors, or the business history of the website you are concerned about, you can find the historical updates and fluctuations of the website through the wayback machine .

Furthermore, it is about Meta optimization and image optimization. Although Google shows that Meta is not very helpful to the calculation, if you can provide the website content to the search users more concisely, it will be easier to attract users' attention and click on your website.

If you are using WordPress to set up your website,Yoast SEO is a good helper to assist the webpage to write Meta and keywords.

Image optimization is to name the important images on your website. For example, infographics or statistical images and captions, if you add text labels, can be searched in Google Images.

The content of your website also affects the click-through rate and bounce rate of your website content, so in order to ensure that your website content is relevant to the needs of visiting users, start now to find the places where the website content is too empty and reduce the clutter. Themes, build several niche themes, and recreate the authority of the site.

Further reading: Where does website traffic come from? 8 Secrets of SEO and Social Media

2. Links

Links are another important factor that affects Google rankings. In addition to your own internal content linking to each other, your website's outreach links, and other websites linking back to your website's content, can affect your Google rankings. That's not to say you want to cram as many links into your site as possible, though, because Google also learns to spot bad links in links. And the more different authoritative websites link back to your website, the better your website ranking will be.

The key to getting people to "point to you," then, is to create content that everyone desires, and to promote your content as much as possible. When your content is seen and forwarded by people in related fields or industries, you will find 3 signals in the links that affect your Google ranking: the number of backlinks , the authority of the links, and the variety of links.

Before you are well-known, you can actively invite websites in related industries to forward your website content, so that you can get more high-quality backlinks. If you don’t know how to create native content, you can try to find other authoritative websites with relevant topics, find the gaps in their topic content, provide more complete content, and promote and share vigorously.

Before the content of the website is published, confirm the quality of your content and the number of links, and try to contact high-quality authoritative websites for partner backlinks as much as possible, and eliminate the backlinks from websites with relatively vague content to your website.

3. Mobile devices are preferred

In 2016, Google stepped up its algorithm for how websites perform on mobile devices . According to Searchmetrics, the hosts of the top 100 well-known domains are all optimized for mobile devices.

Compared with desktop computers, people use mobile devices more frequently in their leisure time. Therefore, nearly 80% of websites have Responsive Web Design (RWD). In the future, when you create website content, Mobile devices are bound to be the priority. If you are designing a mobile version of your website, please enable it after it is fully configured, otherwise it will likely affect your Google rankings.

The consideration of mobile device priority is nothing more than to allow users to have a better experience. Therefore, another important factor that affects website ranking is the speed of the website. Generally speaking, the web version of the website will want to load within 3 seconds, while the mobile version of the website should be completed within 2 seconds. Searchmetrics survey, the best ranking websites, the speed of the mobile version of the website is 1 second faster than the speed of the web version.

According to research studies, if the page load time exceeds 3 seconds, you will lose 40% of your visitors. And waiting one more second will reduce the browsing rate by 11%, reduce consumer satisfaction by 16%, and lose 7% of the conversion rate!

Web page speed check widget: You can measure the time required for your current website to read through the free software Wichloadsfaster , and compare it with your competitors; Pingdom further tests the time spent in every detail when the website is read, and You can clearly see which part of the site is slowing down your reads and ask an engineer to fix it.

4. Security of the website

Backlinko found a strong relationship between https sites and Google rankings. According to SearchMetrics, 45% of the top websites use https encryption. Google also confirmed in 2014 that sites with https encryption have better rankings than sites with only http . In addition, the host used by your website, the time it has been in operation, and the history of its past use are also related to your Google rankings, because Google expects them to provide users with a good user experience. Therefore, when setting up a website, try to choose a larger platform for cooperation to avoid the following situation when users visit your website:

5. Title

H1, H2, H3 are the second important elements for Google to interpret your website content in addition to the main title of your page content. In order to allow users to quickly understand your website, it is also important to use H1, H2, H3 as headings. To Google, they are actually like hidden keywords in the text. The algorithm will be smarter for semantic analysis, so your H1, H2, H3 titles can also use long-tail keywords to make Google think you are. 's secondary headings are closely related to the answers to the questions users want to search for.

If you have no idea about the next title, here are a few long-tail keywords that are often caught by Google, including: "this year's best...", "best", "most...", "guide", "checklist", And you can think of other related content from these long-tail keywords.

Further reading: Website Optimization Teaching: Three Steps to Improve E-commerce Website Search Ranking (Search for "Long Tail Keywords")


SEO is an ongoing and cumulative process, and while Google's algorithm changes from time to time, the most important core remains the same: providing users with high-quality content. In this age of content, when you have good content, you are not afraid of not having readers.

However, after you have good content, you must also understand how to make your content seen by as many people as possible. Of course, marketing promotion and SEO optimization are indispensable. In addition, you must also try to get out of the house and take the initiative to form partners with others, or share on social media, or actively find relevant channel resources to promote yourself, in order to have the opportunity to maximize the content of your website value. The article is transferred from: transbiz

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