[TCLin's Travel Log] Japan One Day Series: Wakaichi Prince Shrine + Around Shinano Omachi

Come to Omachi if you have time, there are a lot of variety shows here~!!
Location: Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture Transportation: Get off at Shinano-Omachi Station, walk 20-30 minutes, get off at Kitaomachi, and walk 5-10 minutes

This time, I chose to get off at Shinano Omachi Station. I would like to say that by the way, take a walk along the road to see the cityscape of Omachi.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

I often feel that Japanese stations are well built and look good for taking pictures.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

The streets here are reminiscent of Australia. This feeling is found in many places in Australia.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

Does anyone see anything bright in this photo? ▼

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

The reason I took the picture above is mainly because I saw that the word "play" is a Taiwanese program - the variety show is very big <br class="smart">It turns out that they have been here, and I rarely watch TV until today.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

This time is about the beginning of April 2020. In fact, many shops on the streets are affected by the epidemic, and some shops are not open. Some shops are open. There should be less than 20 people along the road after closing the internal use area.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

Because there's nowhere to go, there's almost nothing left except to stop in the dessert shop and buy a cake

🔷 - Wakaichi Prince Shrine- 🔷

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

The main hall retains the Azuchi-Momoyama period style with strong local characteristics

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

There are also three-story pagodas and Guanyin Hall within the shrine, which fully embodies "Shintoism" and "Buddhism".
Characteristics that coexist after mutual influence

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
 🔴 The most famous festivals here are:
Yabusame (the art of riding and archery) held in July every year
It is a rare custom in Japan that an archery team consisting of ten young boys rides horses around the city. 
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

When there are no passers-by who want to take selfies by themselves, I don’t like the kind of close-up selfies with mobile phones, and I prefer the kind with scenery, so it is very important to find a good place to place them. It is shown as follows▼

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

After taking the photo, go to Kitaomachi Station and go to the station where you left is different because the station is too small and there is nothing, so go back to the nearby park, etc. Because there is still a long time before the train arrives

Silently chatting with the local mother in the park is also quite interesting. Talking about my broken Japanese seems to be working in Hakuba 47. A good place to ski

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I
 🔴Let's talk about the ticket a little bit. In some places in Japan, if the station is small, in principle, no one is there, so remember to get the ticket when you get on the train. Or go to the front and put a coin. If you get off at the big station, then when you leave the station, give it to the station attendant. 
◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

Finally, let's take a look at the Yushu seal. Welcome everyone to recommend a good-looking Yushu seal.

◆ Shinano Omachi◆ Source: I

For more Japanese one-day series, see here
Japan One Day Series: Ueda Line

For more Japanese shrine series, see here
Attractions in Japan: Kawanakajima Ancient Battlefield - Yawata Shrine
Attractions in Japan: Sanada Shrine
Attractions in Japan: Hotaka Shrine
Attractions in Japan: National Treasure Nishina Shrine


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