Civilized anti-epidemic is still reckless - let's talk about burglary and disinfecting

During the epidemic, spraying disinfectant on a large scale in the community has gradually become known as disinfecting. Perhaps it is also a language trap: disinfection has been failing, and the poison has always been there. In order not to coexist, it is necessary to let the anti-virus behavior continue. Moreover, it is obvious that it is not a bug, not a bacterium, it has been resurrected from the dead, and it has undergone several transformations. Therefore, the word disinfecting has become a generalization of a large-scale continuous combat behavior. The scene of forced entry and disinfecting will definitely be deeply engraved in people's visual memory...

All kinds of news about burglary and disinfecting in the past few days is horrifying. Many people are writing articles about how important family property is to the owner. In my opinion, it's not that scary to lose something or get damaged. I remember what a friend who studied in the United States said in the 1980s. He later became a computer engineer with a happy family and a successful career. He said that when we went abroad, we carried our heads on our shoulders, which meant that our hands were empty, and our minds were our most important capital. I also have a friend, a little girl back then, who had only two hundred dollars in her pocket when she entered the United States. Going forward, when I was an educated youth, I was paid a dividend in the first year, and I got a total of 13 yuan. I asked my parents to send me various things in letters home: soap, toothpaste, matches, toilet paper... It can be seen that we all grew out of nothing back then. I mean, our generation is not afraid of what you take away. Things are not important, people's mind is important. What you take away or damage, we have the ability to create and repair. Even if you really ruin Zhang Daqian, it's not that great. You know, if Zhang Daqian messed up, the master would not let him go. Even if the person who gave the order didn't tell you to clean up Zhang Daqian, you may not be able to run away if you understand it. I will talk about this principle later.

So, I don't want to use whether there are valuable things in the house to say that you can't enter the house for brutal disinfecting; whether there is or not, as I said yesterday, is not a reason to prevent entry. Can the poor just break in? How poor do you want to be? How much less than the salary and social security is considered poor? Is it possible that one who is poor and white can open the door, and the rich should especially open the door? So are you antivirus or rich? Poor people don’t have two taels of food, why should you rummaging through boxes and cabinets? Poor people don't have small families, the old and the weak, and they are allowed to deal with them at will?

I don't know what the reason is, the word disinfection has just become killing in the past three years, a murderous killing. This killing word is full of a kind of unreasonable hatred for the virus, and covered with a self-supporting sense of justice, which brings people the opportunity to release their passion and participate in law enforcement. As a result, ideas from all over the world blossomed everywhere, and each flower became more evil than the last. Hate is a feeling, it is also human, it is our intuitive reaction to hateful things. But hate by itself doesn't solve anything. To take the simplest example, poop is stinky and hateful; but there are different solutions to poop. One is open defecation, and the other is toilet revolution. There is an Indian movie "Toilet Hero" that tells such a story. Even if you have never been to public toilets in Europe, America and Japan, at least you have experienced domestic airports and high-speed rail toilets. The toilet experience in these places is much better than the pit toilets in old train stations and green trains in the past. Including unspeakable things like wiping buttocks. In the past, people used dirt and old newspapers, but now there are not only white toilet paper, but also natural bamboo pulp paper... This is of course not more advanced than the chip problem, but ask the doctor in the anorectal department You will also know that even various diseases related to feces and urine need to be solved by benevolence and benevolence, and tyranny is useless.

However, hate is not the case; there is no need for civilization and reason. Once hatred is used as a weapon of resistance, the purpose is destruction. The killing word that turns disinfection into killing highlights the purpose of destruction. Since it is disinfection, it can naturally be far and wide; not only disinfection, but also everything related to poison, there is no such thing as priority, high or low. So when Dabai enters the house, why do you care about Zhang Daqian, personalized fashion, original wooden floors and computer pianos?

The video we are seeing now is actually not destroyed to the extent of antique calligraphy and painting; it is just an ordinary working family, and there is no fake seafood gift bag in the refrigerator, but some frozen meat thrown on the ground to attract maggots and attract flies leftovers. Even this style of painting scared everyone, and some people said they were going to jump off the building. Because working people and poor families can practice like this. If you want to have Zhang Daqian or flourishing cultural relics in your home, how happy and just the disinfecting will be, and how it can show the power of shooting and killing. Don’t mention Wen*GE or anything else. People’s mentality was so good during Wen*GE. When it happened to Master Shen Congwen, the confiscator pointed to his books and materials and said: Help you sterilize and burn them. Are you convinced? The master replied: There is nothing to be dissatisfied with. If you want to burn it, you can burn it. It's not like the ordinary people in Shanghai now, they still have to shoot videos when they go home, cry a lot, and let everyone watch the tragedy of being torn apart by picking the lock, and even send a short video to let everyone listen to the sound of the electric drill piercing the eardrums , at the same time as the electric drill sounded, a ball of red light illuminated the keyhole unobstructed, how majestic and majestic it was in broad daylight. You said your mentality, if you didn't have Shen Congwen's calmness, calmness, and heart like an ancient well, how could you survive in the era of eradication?

So, civilization is a very complicated thing. Just talking about burglary and disinfecting, I have no objection to necessary things. For example, tell me how ruthless the virus is now, why can't the disinfection items be sent to the owners, and people can disinfect themselves; there are also the quality, efficacy, national identification standards, disinfection procedures, side effects and countermeasures of the disinfectant. There are a lot of things to discuss, and most people don't have Shen Congwen's cultivation level. Of course, the easiest thing is to directly collect the keys or go over the wall to pick the lock.

It seems simple and easy to kill words, but the consequences are very serious. Once an abstract "above" is used as a military order, it will definitely be invincible for a while. But if things go on like this, both law and science will be abandoned. Three years of good learning, three days of bad learning, and then generalized, I can use the popular saying of * GE above: the whole country is messed up. Now farmers are unable to plow in spring, and cut seedlings in advance of summer grain. Knowing that the power is unlimited, as long as you put on the clothes, you can't stand if you kneel down. If you want to stand up and argue, or even sing two lines of the Internationale, you will be arrested and brought to justice. I think that this disinfection has become a disinfecting, and the whole thing is to dispatch hatred and share the same hatred. The so-called enemy is anyone who wants to make sense of this and say right and wrong.

After watching a series of videos and news, I realized this truth: it is too difficult to fight the epidemic in a civilized manner, how can I do it? You see, it is necessary to invite scientists, learn from the successful tactics of various countries, and especially study various troublesome things such as virus science, genetics, and vaccines; especially to protect citizens' rights to personal liberty, right to work, and right to health.

After three years, ordinary people also know what they want, and they can't wait to return to normal life, work to earn money, and support their families. With this wish, let’s enter and disinfect the house, seemingly never letting the virus have a hiding place; let alone whether there is any destructive motive against the owner, the problem is that this method is the simplest and the most easy to do. Distributing several barrels of disinfectant, wearing white clothes, entering the house and messing around, it is a symbolic anti-epidemic, it symbolizes the will of leadership that is not flexible, it symbolizes the determination to act resolutely and obediently, and it has produced a demon-hunting comparable to Journey to the West The battle played an unstoppable deterrent effect on all residents.

Isn't such a symbolic action easier to popularize, easier to mobilize, and better to demonstrate the influence of authority than any other science? To do this job, you have to know the truth, pay every day, and you are called a "volunteer", and you don't need much technical content. Isn't it just a good way to absorb idle labor that is waiting to be fed? The big white body itself is a powerful symbol. Today it symbolizes the authority of "anti-epidemic" to do whatever it wants, and tomorrow it will be a shield. Under Dabai's body, he has long been in hiding. Which Dabai are you suing? However, from another perspective, this is probably Dabai's fluke mentality. If the epidemic is over and people think of the rule of law again, right and wrong will be pursued.

Back to the present, there is nothing I can do; I just understand Shen Congwen's attitude: there is nothing to be dissatisfied with, just burn it if you want. The characteristic of his time was that red was not white. In the raging flames ignited by rare and ancient books, as a literati, what else could he do except feel cold? What can we do when we are forced to transfer, be quarantined, and have our posts deleted and banned? If you want to burn, burn it. The four words are cold and cold, drawing the boundary between barbarism and civilization: it is you who want to burn, not me. When a civilized person encounters a wild animal and wants to eat you, is there any reason for you to say it? That's why he said earlier: There is nothing to be dissatisfied with.

As a scholar, I naturally have some books, but most of them are donated, so it doesn't matter. I also have a self-righteous baby, but I don't have the will to jump off a building for it. Because I know that there are a large number of e-books in circulation, and there is a network with winding paths. Of course, in the Dabai era, whether it is e-books or the Internet, we cannot control their fate after all. When meeting the teacher Zhou Qun in Wen*GE who was pushed into the tiankeng, there was no escape in the end. As readers, the only advantage is that we still have memory. This goes back to the sentence at the beginning, we have nothing but a head on our shoulders. Therefore, if it is destined to happen in front of our eyes, I only have four cold words: if you want to eliminate it, then eliminate it. Shen Congwen has waited until his early days, so we will be worse than Shen Congwen? Not so.

May 11, 2022

Addendum: Thoughts on disinfecting

1. Definition

Disinfection: In the past, it was a special abbreviation. Most people would not say it, but only medical professionals would say it. It usually refers to disinfection and sterilization.

"disinfecting" has become a common word in people's daily life, after the epidemic. "Sterilization" has especially become a high-frequency vocabulary recently, and the meaning of sterilization no longer exists. It refers specifically to disinfection but people don't say disinfection.

Because people’s past experience pointed to fixed-point, small-scale things: wipe iodine before injection, scald the bowl with boiling water, and place ultraviolet light in the ward for half an hour...

However, during the epidemic, large-scale spraying of disinfectant in the community has gradually become known as disinfecting. Perhaps it is also a language trap: disinfection has been failing, and the poison has always been there. In order not to coexist, it is necessary to let the anti-virus behavior continue. Moreover, it is obvious that it is not a bug, not a bacterium, it has been resurrected from the dead, and it has undergone several transformations. Therefore, the word disinfecting has become a generalization of a large-scale continuous combat behavior.

Breaking into and killing people is especially true in Shanghai. So far, what I have seen can be called ransacking. Never before has such a savagery of forced entry and spraying of everything visible in people's everyday homes been seen.

The "disinfecting" scene will definitely be deeply engraved in people's visual memory. Similar scenes that can be imagined include breaking down the four old houses and ransacking the house... It is said that the family's 4 million piano has suffered, and it needs to be verified. But the problem is, the virus spreads through the air, how many tons of disinfectant will be consumed to "dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky"?

Is the looted world still livable? What exactly was eliminated and exterminated?

2. Injury

Whether there are valuable things at home is not the reason for breaking open the door and disinfecting them. The fundamental reason is that the private space does not allow public power to enter indiscriminately. Even if the family is bare, the private domain cannot be entered by the wind and rain, right? Not having a private space is tantamount to spiritually depriving and annihilating the individual. It amounts to a denial of individual rights, dignity and freedom. Without the individual as the subject of rights, the individual's private property has no attribution. The current eradication is depriving individuals of control over private property (houses). On the surface, it is destroying property, but it first tramples on the sacred rights of individuals and deprives them of their subjectivity. It is personal loss that we feel hopeless and damaged. You are not treated as a human being and of course with that comes a loss of control over personal belongings, personal possessions, personal freedoms. Man no longer feels himself a man, and that is the fatal injury.

3. What to write

A netizen said that it is absolutely not recommended to lock the door of the bookcase if you want to really enter the door and disinfect it. How about posting a note: Thank you Dabai for your hard work, please be merciful. What did I say to write about the hard work? If you want to write, just write Dabai, my emperor, I kneel to the lord...Confucius, Mencius, Qu Yuan, Li Bai, Du Fu, Cao Xueqin, Lu Xun, Tolstoy, Hugo, Camus, Marquez, Matisse, Heaven Writers of wise men from generation to generation. May the master, you are a slave for generations, you are a cow and a horse, you will never know how to be educated, the fortune of the country is here, you are gentle and disinfected, kill and kill, you are the knife, I am the fish, no piece of armor is left, and the white land is really clean.


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AI XIAOMINGAI XIAOMING 艾晓明、 独立纪录片工作者,女权主义学者。关注当代中国历史、女权议题和社会行动。
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