2021 | Year-end checklist

Write a year-end list in time for the dead end, as an explanation for yourself
Not much to say.

#This year has a big impact

To talk about the things that have had a big impact on me this year, I have to say that I left the last local company that took over the case, and then started working in the current branch of a multinational company at the beginning of the month (but I also took over someone else’s case, ha). Among them, there are factors that old colleagues in the job can cope with, and it is also a better card head.

What to say? There are many factors that go into leaving an old company and spending months recovering, but some of it is self-inflicted. And of course, unresolved mines will explode in new places and in new ways. Not to mention the fact that the work-from-home and personal affairs have made things worse.

There are pains in the face of mines, but also a lot of growth. Although every company has something to be talked about, I am grateful for the coordination of my colleagues that allowed me to get through that period and not be overwhelmed by failure again, which makes me so in control of the work at hand.

Although there are many people gathering and scattered throughout the year, each has its own reasons. But I am also grateful for all the short-lived fates, and I believe there will always be a chance to see you next time.

# Changes this year

I thought about it for a while, but I still didn't expect a big change, let's talk about some small changes.

## Explore the currency circle

Although both Crypto.com and Likecoin have been using their services for two or three years, investing more money into the currency circle was also done at the beginning of this year. Fortunately, there was a big upswing. After that, I did some operations, I lost a small amount of money in the contract, and I also received NFT (I think my Travellogger is also very cute). Although I didn't get the principal back, I still made a profit. I should invest more money in the Cosmos circle next year! Also strive to put what I think is worth it on NFT or ISCN.

## Human figure

I have heard the research and approval of netizens on the human map, so I also bought the human map report this year. The more I read it, the more I feel that there are many parts in the human map that are worthy of practice and research. It will probably be a research topic next year. By the way, I'm a 4/6 producer, a dichotomous person.

## Entertainment resources electronic

There is no value, just to have offline access to the game guides and games that I often search for on the Internet, so I archived a list. I also checked the e-book files and Readmoo book list on hand, etc. Is it to give yourself a little more control over resources? One of the strategies to let yourself lose weight.

# next year plan

## Continue to digitalize/disconnect

As mentioned above, in order to have a little more control over the things I own, and to practice separation, I have bought a load of electronic scanners, and plan to scan past paper notes into electronic files. I also plan to organize the list of paper books, and then convert some of them into e-books and release them. Clothes that are out of date should also be changed hands. I heard that the luck will be better after breaking up, I hope so.

## take an exam

For this reason, there is nothing to say, and it is necessary to renew the certificate related to the profession.

The registration fee has been paid, and if you don't want to take the test, you have to take the test. If you pass the test, it's another matter XD

If you buy an archaeological question, you will study it well.

## Learn Cantonese Pin

First, I feel that I need to get rid of the dependence on Jiufang, but I can't learn other input methods, so I want to learn to use the Yuepin input method. Second, I think this is part of the cultural heritage. No matter where I go, I will never forget my language.

I should be able to learn Pinyin from Youtube a little bit, and I have to do note-writing exercises to really remember it in my brain. I also bought the Little Prince Yue Pinyin as a textbook. All that's left is time and determination.

The world is chaotic, all we can do is live well and remember everything that should be remembered.

Recorded on 2021/12/31.


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Marino夢想成為瘋子的凡人,IT低級代工白領。 喜自言自語、閱讀、作夢,以及有規律的事。 馬特宇宙檔案館志願研究員
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