"Hey! Listen to you as a writer on Ghost Island" 84 Even a writer doesn't want to stay at home every day!

I don't know what everyone is doing to relieve their worries during this wave of epidemics?

The epidemic, the damn epidemic, made me hardly stay at home.

Although I've been very stagnant in normal times, basically seeing the sun is probably as panicked as a powerful person who has taken medicine, rubbing a whole bucket of sunscreen (X), but this time around, it really made me anxious.

In fact, it’s not that you can’t go out at all, but avoid it as much as possible. If you really want to go out, you have to wear a mask. Wear a mask in this hot and deadly weather. The skin is stuffy and prone to acne, not to mention those who can’t breathe. The feeling is really uncomfortable, of course it can be avoided.

Before, I liked to go for a walk after dinner, and think about the story at hand, or sort out some troubles, think about what to plan next, etc., about an hour or so, so that the mind can be organized and the body can be released. Stress can do more than one thing at a time.

But the epidemic prevented me from doing this. I could only walk back and forth at home. I believe that if someone who doesn't know it sees me, they may think that I have some mental problem, but it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't Knowing what other people are thinking, just wandering around at home is completely different from the comfort of being outside in the evening breeze and basking in the moonlight, and the effect is much worse.

Suppose a person is in a daze accidentally, he will accidentally hit a table, a doorknob, or even a wall, or he will kick his toe, and the pain will make me wake up instantly!

Hmm...I really want to go out oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo QQ

In less than a week, I have started to miss the free air outside, and I can't go out because I have nothing to do. Of course, I can't go to the beach to watch cute creatures and dig clams on the grounds of wanting to relax. It's so boring ah ah ah! !

But my friend actually said, "The creatures on the seaside feel relieved."

Northern Europeans, they must miss me very much, and I won't eat them, just go to see them, by the way to see their healthy and lively appearance (?), to heal the tired heart of roaming in this world, why do this to me~

Seeing that it has been a week, the epidemic does not seem to be relatively stable, and the number of confirmed cases is increasing. Everyone is really anxious. When going out to buy vegetables, they will find that there are very few pedestrians on the road, and there are often vacancies in the supermarket cabinets, although not yet. To the point of being swept away, but all the good things have been bought.

For example, egg tofu, unified instant noodles, etc., it seems that everyone tastes the same - cough, cough, this is not the point, even the wall where a bunch of rice bags were placed before is a lot empty, it seems that everyone really buys a lot, probably Already planning to stock up.

I used to go wherever I wanted to go and buy whatever I wanted to eat, but now I can’t go out very much. I’m really bored. Last time I was so bored, so I temporarily opened a live broadcast several times. On the platform, you can still chat with the audience to relieve the boredom, otherwise it will be really difficult.

I don't know what everyone is doing to relieve their worries during this wave of epidemics?

Hopefully by the time this article is posted, the epidemic has stabilized.

↑The above sentence was written before, and now the PO has obviously not come out yet QQ

The epidemic is over soon, I really want to go to the beach to play!

It's all because of the epidemic that made me write this wasteful article, hum.


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鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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