How did the real Lu Xun "humiliate China", hehe

It used to be called whipping, but now it is called humiliation.

To be honest, I was repeatedly reported by a group of "spiritual Chinese" in Matt City, hehe

Hehe, people who don't read "The Complete Works of Lu Xun" can use "luxun" as their name, and then they don't know whether it is from Singapore or where, or it may be from Flushing Nagada in the United States.

Hehe, in short, just like Irvine, California has now become a world for Chinese people, Chinese people will not integrate into an environment at all, but instead ask you to integrate into it.

Just like overcoming the wall, regardless of the habits of other countries and other users, it requires you to accommodate his values. Ha ha.

Little housekeeper, Lu Xun has insulted China, hurry up and get rid of it. Ha ha


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