Three thought-provoking analysis of "Hear the Song and Sing Again"!

You don't need to be the same as others, your difference is your greatest characteristic.

The whole point of the movie is that this time Ella is really serious. (not

I have liked Ella since the SHE era. Seeing that Ella rarely returned to Taiwan to act, made me break the belief that I should not go to the movies during the epidemic, and watched the movie for more than an hour in the cinema with Lan Lan obediently wearing a mask. .

What are you doing when you hear the song?

To put it simply, a school that is about to be abolished because the number of students is too small, in order not to be abolished, it tries to find out the characteristics of the school to avoid being abolished.

In fact, I have never known why it was named after hearing the song and then sing. Later, after our discussion, Lan Lan suddenly thought, "It was said in the movie that the Bunun sing is to listen to the ears and then sing." Sing again.

Spoiler time~!

From the very beginning of the film, there is a completely different scene from the city. The scenery in the mountains is super beautiful no matter which angle you take. There is also a tin house with Taiwanese characteristics that is super intimacy as soon as it appears, and the film is revealed with a real scene. The prologue!

Later, Mr. Fang went to everyone's home to wake the students up, naturally introduced the names of teachers and students, and showed the way and personality of Mr. Fang and everyone.

Here, I think the details are very delicate. You will find that Teacher Fang uses the ethnic language to speak to the parents, but the Mandarin to the children. (This shows that children may not be able to speak ethnic languages very well ><

Although this one is not as funny as I expected, I thought it would be like the diary of a recruit, with a lot of jokes that would make me laugh until my stomach hurts, but it's actually okay, most of the time it's just a knowing smile.

(It may also be because there are fewer people on weekdays, only six people go to the cinema to watch XD

However, the degree of moving is really beyond my expectations. Not only did I feel very moved when I heard the Bunun singing at the beginning, but in the later stage, when the teacher was urged by the students to go to school, it was to the extent that the tears would fall without being able to hold back.

When I came home after watching the movie, I discussed with Lan Lan several aspects that the movie wanted to convey.

education method

 Because Mr. Fang is a physical education teacher, coupled with the experience of winning first place in military song competitions, he taught students to sing in a somewhat militarized way.
This is obviously far from Mr. Huang's education method, but after the communication between the two, Mr. Fang is also willing to change his education mode so that students can learn to sing in the correct way.

Resource allocation

 When the Bunun students went to participate in the competition, it was obvious that they had a strong contrast with the urban students.
Urban students dress up carefully. The whole class wears the same clothes and combs the same hairstyle to show consistency.
Moreover, the urban students also exude a mysterious self-confidence, and there are some gestures (?) that seem to be very powerful during the competition. At a glance, it is known that they have participated in many competitions, and they came prepared.
In contrast, the Bunun students dress more simply, and they are still young for the first time to come to the city to compete, which shows their differences with the urban students, and also shows the problem of the gap between urban and rural areas.


 At first, the students did not speak the ethnic language, which implicitly expressed that the Bunun students used the same language as the Flatlanders. And what the students said later, "We are different from them, they are right, we are wrong." From this sentence, it can also be said in reverse, "Students want to be like the people of the flat land."
Therefore, the self-identification at this time is to hope to sing the same song as the flatlanders.
Later, the parents began to teach the students to sing the songs of the Bunun, and gradually established a cultural identity. They began to find their own way of vocalization and sang their own songs.
This tells us that you don't need to be the same as others, your difference is your biggest feature.

The digital soundtrack of the song and sing has also been released on major music platforms. I wonder if there will be a physical album in the future (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

I know you are too lazy to look for it, so here are the links to the major music platforms for you👇


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