【TCLin's Travel Log】Japan Skiing: Go, Little Fire Dragon🔥🔥

Are there any friends who like skiing?? wave your hand👋👋

🔴 - Not the latest information, for reference only

I posted some more normal skiing texts before
👉Wulong Ski Resort - night skiing🏂🏂
👉 さのさかスキーfield🏂🏂

Let’s have a fun and relaxing ski article today✌️
The clothes dug out from nowhere became the theme of this skiing

Look how sunny it was and how lovely we were 😂😂

Source: myself

First of all, go to the cable car

Source: myself

Next, look at the handsome me (?)

Source: myself
Source: myself

Ah.... sprayed it so slippery and easy to fall, and then fell and sprayed so easily 😅

Source: myself

Look, it's the little fire dragon and Pikachu📸

Source: myself

Sprinkle some snow and see how it looks

Source: myself

Go down the mountain and continue to shoot. Is there anything more in the hotel where I live?

Source: myself

I met a strange uncle(?)

Source: myself

Or is it actually me(?)

Source: myself

I am fully armed 🔥🔥🔥

Source: myself

Above, my silly routine? Haha

Skiing is super fun, everyone must try it👍
Life in Japan is really fun

For more Japanese life experience, see here 🔍
👉New Year
's Eve 🙏🙏
Okonomiyaki 🍳🍳
a Snowman⛄⛄
- Hui Fang Roll 🍣🍣

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T.C.LIN的旅遊日誌☆★目前更新到日本篇★☆ 四處走走看看 吃吃喝喝 交交朋友 📷 - Travel 🇮🇩🇲🇾🇸🇬🇵🇭🇦🇺🇭🇰🇲🇴🇯🇵🇰🇷
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【T.C.Lin的旅遊日誌】日本美食 :糸魚川 - 月德飯店

【T.C.Lin的旅遊日誌】日本生活篇 :手作甜點 🍎🍎