Code Farmer NFT Workshop Course Notes

The content prepared by the code farmer is very complete, so I, a little white who knows nothing, can understand it. The whole process is really full of harvest! ! ! XD

It's been a long time since I came up to write an article. I've been working and living recently. All the busyness has come together at one time. I was so busy that I forgot to write an NFT workshop experience article. As a result, I submitted it so late. . I hope I can get the super beautiful NFT certificate of completion in time, but it doesn't matter if I don't, because I really didn't make it in time for the deadline. . இ௰இ (to knock the head)

The first time I saw the word NFT was on the title of an article in Matters, but I didn't click on it. After seeing more and more people mentioning NFT, I began to want to know about it, but I was really lazy and busy. I just knew that the code farmer was going to hold an NFT workshop, and suddenly I felt that God really helped me, and God wanted it too. I know NFT XDD and this class is free, how is it so good! Thanks Matty! (big bow)

This NFT workshop was attended by a lot of people, so it was a little different from the previous workshops of code farmers. Although you can't open the microphone to ask questions at any time, you can write and leave a message, and there are small assistants on the side to help answer. In addition, the content prepared by the code farmer is very complete, so I, a little white who knows nothing, can understand it. The whole process is really full of harvest! ! ! XD

Here are some notes that I took seriously in class 👇👇👇

Proof of serious class XD

Here's what I've learned:

  1. Simply put, NFT is to put any digital asset (whether it is a picture, audio, or post, etc.) on the blockchain, plus a unique string of Hash codes for permanent storage. Just because each string of Hash codes is unique, each NFT is irreplaceable. (So is it a genuine NFT as long as it has a hash code?)
  2. NFT is not just a digital art product, it can also be used as a currency, a different medium for value exchange and buying and selling.
  3. NFT can remove the middleman's commission ( really a lot!! ), so it is very helpful for creators and collectors.
  4. What is still unclear is the copyright of NFT digital assets. My understanding is that if you get an NFT, you can basically use it at will, because you already own that unique NFT, but this seems to be vague about copyright. .
  5. If you want to buy NFT, you need to open a small fox wallet first, and then go to Opensea to trade.
  6. Opensea supports two currency transactions, namely black crystal (ETH) and amethyst (Polygon). It is recommended to use amethyst for education because the handling fee will be lower. The black crystal may be used by more people and it is more "traffic", so the handling fee is relatively high.

Tracking Proof:

Power of attorney:


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