6 reasons why free VPNs are not recommended

There are paid VPNs and free VPNs on the market. Many people choose to use free VPNs to save money. However, many cybersecurity experts caution you: Free VPNs are not recommended. Why is it not recommended to use a free VPN? Here are some of the main reasons:

VPN has become an essential tool for many netizens. Everyone already knows the role of VPNs: whether as a network security tool or as circumvention software, VPNs are very effective. However, many people are still skeptical when it comes to choosing a VPN. There are paid VPNs and free VPNs on the market. Many people choose to use free VPNs instead of paid VPNs in order to save money. However, many cybersecurity experts have warned you that free VPNs are not recommended.

Why is it not recommended to use a free VPN? Here are some of the main reasons:

1. Free VPNs tend to compromise user security

Many free VPN tools contain malware that cybercriminals can use to steal users' data, gain unauthorized access to users' data and devices, or launch cyberattacks. Research by the ICSI Cybersecurity Group found that 38 percent of the 283 Android VPNs studied contained some form of malware. Therefore, when using a free VPN, the user's network security may be at risk.

2. Free VPNs may track users’ online activity

A secure VPN is supposed to protect users' activities as they browse the internet, but some free VPNs do the opposite - tracking users' online activities. The same ICSI study found that 72 percent of the free VPNs analyzed had third-party tracking tools embedded in their software. This enables VPN tools to collect user information and sell it to the highest bidder, allowing advertisers to target free VPN users with ads. While many similar software will mention this in their privacy policies, many free VPNs hide information about whether they share or sell user data.

3. Free VPNs limit data usage

VPNs have obvious effects on protecting data or hiding users' geographic locations. For example, users can watch Netflix videos that are not open to the region through VPNs. However, free VPNs often limit the amount of data a user can use. This might include limiting the amount of data they can use per month, limiting how long the VPN can be used per visit, or only unblocking certain websites, among other things. Therefore, free VPNs are not ideal for people who want to protect their data or mask their geographic location for a considerable period of time.

4. Free VPNs slow down users’ internet speeds

Similar to the data limitation issues mentioned above, free VPNs may offer significantly slower internet speeds than paid VPNs. Even free VPN options from reputable providers will offer slower connections than their paid VPNs. These VPN providers prioritize the internet speed of their paying customers, so may further slow down their free VPNs.

5. Free VPNs treat users as advertising targets

There is no free lunch in the world. Many free VPNs generate revenue by serving ads, which means users' data can be shared or locked without their permission. This can degrade the user's web browsing quality, as ads may also slow down the user's internet connection or contain malware. Ads served by free VPNs can also have problems with leaking user privacy, as the provider is likely to share a user's online activity with third-party services. In contrast, many paid VPNs not only serve no ads, but also offer ad-blocking and malware-removing features that keep users’ data safe.

6. Free VPN is not conducive to overcoming the wall

For netizens living in mainland China, a VPN is a tool for circumventing the wall. But if you pay attention to the useful VPN recommendation articles on the Internet, you will find that almost all VPN review sites recommend that you use a paid VPN instead of a free VPN. That's because China's Great Firewall (GFW) is able to detect and block VPN traffic, and free VPNs are the most easily blocked by the Great Firewall. By contrast, paid VPN providers put more effort into developing technology or taking steps to defend against the Great Firewall. That's why most free VPNs don't work in China, while paid VPNs still work.


Above we have listed some of the disadvantages of using a free VPN for your reference. If you are a heavy user of VPNs, it is recommended not to rely on free VPNs, but to consider using paid VPNs that are safer and easier to use.


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