Calling Sun Yat-sen "Father of the Nation" is the Kuomintang dictatorship?

The group is called the father of the country, and the three people are great.
Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall Oil Painting

Editor's note: Some people think that Sun Yat-sen's "Father of the Nation" was established by the Kuomintang alone in April 1940, without the basis of public opinion and purely "the will of the party". However, at the beginning of Sun Yat-sen's death, people from all walks of life mourned him with the "Father of the Nation". Moreover, those with a little historical common sense should know the painstaking efforts behind this move. After Wang Jingwei voted for Japan, on March 29, 1940, he announced without authorization that "the National Government will return to Nanjing". Great harmony in the world, seeking equality in the world", ordered the whole country to honor his grandson as the "Father of the Nation", and Wang Jingwei respected his grandson as the "Father of the Nation" in May. To sum up, the title of Sun Yat-sen's "Father of the Nation" was completely established during the Anti-Japanese War.

The following condolence message is selected from Volume 10 of "Compilation of Correspondence and Messages to Sun Yat-sen from All Parties" edited by Sang Bing.

The Hong Kong Lianyi Society's condolence telegram stated: "The father of the country abandoned his support, and he was able to succeed in his great cause, and mourned for the National Day."

Feng Baichu and Wu Shangying sent their condolences, saying: "I am shocked to hear that Shuai has passed away and lost my father. The whole world mourns together. Looking at Yanyun in the north, it is extremely mourning."

Hu Sishun's condolence telegram said: "What is the mourning for the loss of my father?"

The Hangzhou Workers' Association said in a condolence message: "...Sun Gong Zhongshan, the founder of the Republic of China, passed away... I worked hard for the country, but the father of the country failed to accomplish the feat."

The Jiangxi Autonomous Comrades Association said in a condolence message: "The sky does not leave a legacy, and the father of the country is suddenly mourned.

Cheng Zhizhou, Zhang Gongchen, and Ning Shaoqing sent a message of condolence: "Even though the founding father has gone, the doctrine still exists."

The condolence telegram of the Chonghai Business Association in Shanghai said: "The country is undecided.

The condolence telegram from the Shanghai Citizens Public School said: "I hope that the princes of your party will mourn for the country's holiday, and pray that Mr. Zhesheng will be kind to his ancestors... The father of the country will not die even if he dies."

The condolence telegram from the Federation of Provincial and Hong Kong Construction Trade Unions said: "It is like hearing about the death of the founding father, like a funeral. ... More than 150,000 people from the Federation of Provincial and Hong Kong Construction Trade Unions kowtowed."

The Liberal Party's condolence telegram said: "The shocking telegram is overwhelmed with grief. Sun Gong is the father of the Republic of China and the mentor of our party..."

The Jiangxi Yongxin Student Union in Shanghai said in a condolence message: "The father of the country has long resigned, and I am deeply mourned. I would like to send my condolences."

The condolence telegram from the Guangdong University Student Union said, "It's so sad to lose my father!"

The condolence message of Jiangxi Yongxin Student Union in Shanghai said: "I am shocked to hear the sad news of the founding father, and the condolences of my colleagues and others are deepening."

The condolence telegram from the Qiongya Reconstruction Comrade Association said: "Heaven Hu is not hanging, bereaved my father, look north to Yanyun, and grieve endlessly."

Wu Tiecheng's message of condolence said: "Heaven's evil will take away my father."

Lao Ba Sa Books and Newspaper Office said in a condolence message: "God brought disaster to China, and lost my father. When the bad news came, I was utterly grief-stricken."

The condolence telegram of the National Assembly in Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, said: "Mr. Zhongshan is the revolutionary leader, the founder of the Republic of China, and the mentor of the National Assembly. When the bad news comes, he grieves with Shenbei."

Fan Dilin's condolence telegram said: "From now on, the people have lost the father of the country, and the party has lost their mentors. I am saddened by this, and there is no grief."

The condolence message from Wuhu Shishan Jacob Middle School said: "Mr. Zhongshan is the founding father of the Republic of China, and the whole school mourns when the bad news comes."

The condolence telegram from Anhui Public School in Shanghai said: "Haotian did not hang up and took away our father, and 40 million people wanted to die."

Pahang sent a condolence telegram to the overseas Chinese saying: "I am shocked to hear that the father of the country passed away, and Bo Hai grieves together."

The branch of the No. 1 Middle School of the Guangzhou New Student Association said in a condolence message: "Hu Tian will not hang up, but will take away my father."

The condolence telegram of the Shanghai Association of Industry and Commerce stated: "Although the father of the country dies, the father of the country will live forever.

The preparatory office for the memorial meeting for Mr. Sun from the public groups in Xiangshan County said in a condolence message: "Mr. Zhongshan, the father of the Republic of China."

Siyang County's condolence telegram from the Preparatory Office for the Congress of Memorial Sun Yat-sen: "The death of the father of the country, Chinese and foreign grief."

A condolence telegram from the Jiujiang Beauty-Islamic Association Boys' and Girls' School Hospital in Jiangxi Province said: "The father of the country died suddenly, and we will re-enact him."

Anhui Provincial Second Agricultural School said in a condolence telegram: "Haotian does not hang, bereaved my father, accomplished great achievements, and died later."

The Liuyang Memorial Sun Yat-sen Preparatory Office said in a condolence telegram: "The natural disaster for China, the loss of our father, the condolences of allies, and the grief of Bo Hai."

The commander of the army, Yan Deming, and other condolence telegrams said: "It is very sad to hear that the Prime Minister passed away and lost my father."

Zhang Yizhi's condolence telegram said: "Father Yun died, mourns Fu Sheng."

The condolence telegram from Chen Qye and Chen Qicai's family said: "The father of the country died, and the masses mourned.

Peng Guangwu and Wu Ziyuan from the Minzhi Jijin Society sent a condolence message: "The loss of my father is an inexplicable mourning."

The Badaphia Overseas Chinese Book and News Agency of Nanyang said in a condolence message: "This agency has not honored the father of the country for a day, but has set up a sacrificial hall, worshipped every day, paid tribute to the dead statue, and wept."

Xu Xianting and other condolence telegrams said: "I am shocked to hear that the father of the country has passed away, and the bad news has come, and I am deeply mourned... Xu Xianting, chairman of the Brave Martial Arts Association, and others kowtowed."

Sun Dashuai's mourning preparation office in Shantou City said: "The bad news is shocking, the father of the country is suddenly mourned, the pillars are torn apart, and the sea is in mourning."

The General Preparatory Office of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's memorial meeting in Wenzhou, Zhejiang said in a condolence message: "The death of the father of the country, Bo Hai shares the grief, I, the agricultural, industrial, commercial, and academic groups, have hurt the people's livelihood, and I am grateful to my mentor. On the day of the chase, the meeting was held to express condolences..."

A condolence message from the Liming Society of Hiroshima Higher Normal School in the Republic of China said: "Hu Tian did not hang up, he lost the father of the country, and the capital looked northward, and he could not cry."

Nie Huifan's message of condolence said: "The loss of the pioneer of the masses, the father of the nation of Wuhua, and the north face of Yanyun, how saddened."

Anhui Minzhi Promotion Association's condolence message: "Sun Gong fought for the people, causing his death. The bad news came, and the whole people mourned. The loss of this father of the country, the people's lives are sad..."

The Fengyang National Assembly made a condolence message saying: "Thinking that the warlords are still there, the people's governance has not yet been established, and the Haotian has been scolded, and the father of the country has been withered."

The Hong Kong Chinese Workers' Association sent a message of condolence: "Haotian does not hang, and the father of the country, Yun, is dead."

The condolence message from Chaozhou Middle School in Guangdong Province said: "The bad news comes that the father of the country has passed away. What is the world today, the night is long, and the sky is not dead..."

Shuangwen Tai Nian overseas Chinese mourning Sun Yat-sen's condolence telegram said: "The death of the father of the country, the grief is deep."

The National Assembly of Weixian County, Shandong Province made a condolence message saying: "The foundation of the country is not solid, and the father of the country has been lost, and the soul of our country has been cut off. It is like mourning."

The condolence telegram of Guangdong University's Common Awareness Society said: "The bad news comes... The people suddenly lost their mentor, and Bo Hai shares the grief. The father of the country is in danger and the country is in danger, but it is also the misfortune of the compatriots."

The condolence telegram of the Hong Kong Jixian Trade Union said: "The great ambition has not been achieved, the father of the country has died, and we must mourn and strive to complete the great cause."

Hangzhou Anti-Imperialism Alliance: "The bad news comes, I am shocked to learn that the Prime Minister of your party and the father of the country, Mr. Sun Yat-sen, passed away in Dumen. Hoi Sheng mourns."

The preparatory office for the memorial meeting from all walks of life in Xuzhou said in a condolence message: "Haotian does not hang, the father of the country Yun died, and the people of Bohai are deeply mourned."

The condolence telegram of Shanghai Guifeng Magazine said: "The country is undecided, the father of the country has died, and the bad news comes, Hoe Sheng mourns."

The Hunan Missionary School Dropout Student Association said in a condolence message: "At the time of the country's shaky and strong neighbors' aggression, I look up to the founding father of Sun Yat-sen to save the death.

Wanxian's condolence telegram for Sun Yat-sen's condolences said: "The state is difficult, and the father of the country has died. Anyone with blood and energy will not be sad. The people of Wanxian... will hold a memorial meeting on the first day of the year, and there will be more than 10,000 worshippers. The people should be declared to the public in the spirit of the father of the country. , and agreed to continue to struggle to fulfill the unfinished ambitions of the founding father."

The Fujian Student Union's condolence telegram said: "The death of the founding father is inexhaustible condolences."

Qiongdao Soul Society's condolence letter: "My colleagues in this society heard yesterday that the father of the nation, Mr. Zhongshan, passed away, and they mourned in horror.

Weixin School's condolence telegram said: "Heaven loses the father of the country, and Bo Hai is disappointed."

Kelantan Ke wrote a letter of condolence from the Lu Youth Club: "I am shocked to learn that our father and grandson Zhongshan passed away in Beijing.

Wang Shitao, Zhai Leshui, Zhou Yaode and other condolence telegrams said: "I was shocked to learn of the electric attack, the father of the country was taken away by heaven, and the whole world mourned."

The condolence telegram from Qiongqiao Public South China School in Malacca said: "The father of the country died suddenly, and Bo Hai grieves together."

Chen Shuren's letter of condolence said: "He Gu, my people, lost the father of the country suddenly."

Ni Xiafu's condolence message said: "Although I am not a member of the party, I really admire the socialist personality of the founder of the country, Mr. Zhongshan."

Xu Yufang and Cheng Yihua sent their condolences, saying: "Bo Hai was shocked when the father of the country passed away, and the bad news came, and his heart was broken."

Yang Wenwei's letter of condolence said: "Haotian will not hang, but will take away my father."

Ye Fengming's condolence message said: "Heaven takes the father of the country, Bo Haitong mourn."

Lcohingyun's condolence message said: "The state mourns his father, and the mourning is deep."

Yerman's message of condolence said: "The country loses its father, and the people lose their teacher."

When Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, the elegiac couplet outside the shrine of Biyun Temple


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