The new book recommends big and small princesses to go to school: school is actually very interesting (published by Xiaolu)

school starts! ! If you have a freshman at home, I recommend this book! ! Latest published.

school starts! ! If you have a freshman at home, I recommend this book! ! Latest published.


Read the book Little Princess Going to School: School Is Actually Fun. It is a textbook on how to accompany a freshman who is about to enter the first grade of elementary school. It is a book on vaccinations that prepares children psychologically and prepares parents as well.


I remember that when our son in grade N was about to start school, he also studied the things that primary one freshmen should pay attention to. The most impressive thing is to learn to use the squat toilet, because most of the elementary schools are this kind of toilets, not the toilets at home.


Another thing is similar to Pearl. On the first day of picking up the children after school, my son said, "It's so boring after class! I'm walking under the tree by myself!" "How could it be?" I asked. "I don't know anyone in this class..." We also encouraged our children to take the initiative to get to know their classmates, and we soon heard that he had made friends.


If there is a freshman in the family, I highly recommend this book, so that both adults and children can be prepared. The key is at dinner time. Ask your child how they are at school, give them more encouragement, and guide them so that they can get used to school life earlier.


Basic information of this book

Little princess goes to school: school is actually super fun!

Author: Lin Youru

Illustrator: Cai Yuning

Publisher: Xiaolu Culture

Publication date: 2022/09/01


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