The tragedy does not require bloodshed, just a button

The internet-wide ban on July 6 can be seen as a massacre close to genocide. Massacres no longer require bloodshed, political movements, revolutions, concentration camps, gas chambers, famine, massacres, exiles, and hard labor. Just a single keystroke can quickly obliterate the voice of an entire group and deny their social significance. , let them be wiped out in the digital age.

July 6, interspersed between the two early July days when the Communist Party of China "climaxed one after another" -- the "Centennial Prayer" peak on July 1, and the "family hatred and hatred" peak on July 7, It should have been an ordinary day. The party-state and its fans should be immersed in the aftermath of the climax of their "celebration conference", and set off a wave of "anti-American and anti-Japanese" nationalist carnival in the next day's "Don't Forget National Shame". The so-called "rising in the east and descending in the west" narrative of "the rise of great powers" is the next perfect ending chapter with joy before worry, and cadence.

But on this day, it seems that the "tremendous light" of the party-state for a hundred years is trying to shine on every corner of the whole society. Although, officials sexually assaulting "accompanying maids" may be fatal, but it may not be regarded as a kind of "darkness". After all, for the party-state, the greater darkness needs to be cleaned up. For example, several well-known companies have gone against the "historical tide" of "the great changes unseen in a century" of "rising in the east and falling in the west", committing crimes against the wind and listing in the United States. The party-state's face that "the scenery here is the best" has provided foreign forces with ammunition to slander China's economy. If it is close to treason, the crime is unforgivable. Naturally, it must be severely punished. Nature is excusable. But the party-state is not satisfied with sweeping away this blatant darkness, but also shining a fiery light into a place that never seemed to be, and should not be counted as "darkness".

On the night of July 6, almost all WeChat public accounts related to research on gender equality and LGBT issues in colleges and universities across the country were blocked. The body of the "unnamed public account" full of irony after the end. After the CCP publicly stated at the United Nations Human Rights Council in July 2020 that “the CCP opposes discrimination, violence and intolerance based on sexual orientation and gender identity”, and slammed the criticism from foreign experts accordingly, this practice has reneged on its promises. It is particularly striking.

This is like the "Barbarossa Plan", which violated the "Non-aggression Pact" and invaded after signing the "Non-aggression Pact"; it is like the "July 7 Incident", when people were unprepared and unguarded in the middle of the night, they suddenly attacked and started massacres.

To use an outdated Internet catchphrase, it is "no martial arts".

Those who have passed the "G-spot of the whole body" and the "July 1st Ceremony" that is easily to blame, these public accounts never thought that they would be killed suddenly on such a seemingly ordinary day.

For sexual minorities in China and those who are concerned about gender diversity issues, "surviving in the cracks" and even looking forward to some false hopes that occasionally appear may be their daily life.

Although writing Danmei may be sentenced to ten years, the adaptation of Danmei has finally appeared; although "transsexual" surgery is still possible to achieve based on the "pathological" stigma of "gender cognitive impairment", at least there is a chance It can be achieved; although every year there are some so-called "People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference", and even the Ministry of Education, asking "teenagers to strengthen their masculinity", but at least "non-discrimination against sexual minorities" is the CCP's public commitment on the international stage... ...The hope of the stars, although false, finally gave them some motivation to silently cultivate their own world, and try their best to help those around them who have been hurt, or struggled, distressed, or depressed because of their gender identity or sexual orientation. .

Stay away from political disputes, and even sincerely "love the country and the party", and may even come to the "Party Celebration" scene to sing praises and praise the "great country". These have long been criticized by "liberals" as "wolves' milk. The promoters and followers of the gender-based social issue of “exhausted” are still unable to avoid it with their “depoliticized” or even “loyalty to the party and patriotism” attitude. Under the intense and scorching light of the party-state, it eventually turned to ashes.

Totalitarianism in the digital age no longer requires physical extermination to quell dissent and create fear. In other words, tanks and machine guns, gas chambers and gulags, although they exist, do not have to be used all the time. When people's food, clothing, housing, transportation, learning, social interaction, and even emotional dependence are almost all dependent on the Internet, the best way to kill a person, a group, is to block the possibility of his (their) expression on the Internet. The eradication of expression, rather than the eradication of flesh, has become an extremely low-cost and minimally controversial form of control for totalitarianism in the digital age.

But in fact, when the connection between people and the world is almost entirely dependent on the network, depriving people of their appearance and expression in digital space is to deprive people of the meaning of existence at the social level. To deprive a community of its presence and expression in digital space is to "excommunicate" it, thereby killing the community. As for the "big siege" of the party-state against LGBTQ groups this time, no matter its motive or its final harm, it is not as simple as "killing" a few online communities in a targeted manner. In an unfriendly society, completely cutting off the only remaining marginalized social connections and the possibility of self-help and mutual assistance of the entire sexual minority will undoubtedly squeeze the groups that have been squeezed to the margins in this society full of cisheterohegemony prejudice. , pushed towards a state of "excommunication" with little social connection, or even internal mutual assistance. To a certain extent, it is like the Jews/Uyghurs who were driven into concentration camps, who were driven into concentration camps in cyberspace, lost their right of expression, lost their social meaning as "plural individuals" or "community", only In the form of atomization, it has endured the oppression and attack of the party-state gender discipline and social prejudice.

In other words, what the party-state has done, or attempted to do, is tantamount to a "genocide" that seeks to wipe out a group not because of any of their actions, but because of their innate gender identity or sexual orientation Deviating from the so-called "normal track" will deprive them of their expression and deny their social significance. Extermination on the Internet may be only the first step; when the sexual minorities who are not willing (and cannot be willing) to be silenced by the party-state, even reject the so-called "correct concept of marriage and love" promoted by the party-state based on "improving the fertility rate". When offline social connections are created through discipline, it is easier to be exposed to the horrors of the violent machines of totalitarian countries, consisting of tanks and machine guns, gas chambers and gulags. Regardless of "resistance" in the future, even refusal to be "corrected" may become "criminal evidence" of "rejection of rule". Just like today's Uyghurs, not being "assimilated" by the party-state is a "big sin". If they don't abandon everything they have in the past, they cannot become "new people of socialism" and "reborn" from a purgatory-like concentration camp.

Are the cyber concentration camps and the real concentration camps really that far apart?

Undoubtedly, for followers of sexual minorities, gender issues, and even a pluralistic society in China, the entire internet ban on July 6 can be regarded as a massacre that is close to genocide. Massacres no longer require bloodshed, political movements, revolutions, concentration camps, gas chambers, famine, massacres, exiles, and hard labor. Just a single keystroke can quickly obliterate the voice of an entire group and deny their social significance. , let them be wiped out in the digital age. And when a group is truly isolated from the cyber world, they are not far from being physically disciplined, isolated, or even eliminated.


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