Reading to see life | "ROLAND: Me, and Beyond Me" Roland's Golden Sentences

"I hope to always be my favorite self!" Roland's first book, Japan's No. 1 male publicist. Classified by mentality and behavior, a glimpse of tangible pride and self-confidence.


I want to be my favorite forever!

Japan's No. 1 male publicist, also an entrepreneur and a model, with pride, self-confidence and domineering all in one.

Roland admitted frankly that he knew that he was very narcissistic, but the same strong feeling was that he didn't want to hate himself and wanted to be an ideal self. So always stick to the rules you set for yourself.

Reading to see life | "ROLAND: Me, and Other Than Me" Roland's Golden Sentences / Extracted from the cover of the e-book


Don't be stingy with your best efforts, even when you're in bad shape.

Don't let yourself drop the price and don't label yourself.

I think Roland's so-called do his best is not necessarily a head-to-head in the direction of a bad state. For example: when there is no writing inspiration for a while, just exercise, enrich yourself, or organize the desktop, instead of using the status as an excuse to be lazy.

I will not give the main character to anyone. It is entirely up to you to decide your own affairs.

Many people live like a stunt, so they have to keep reminding themselves that they are the protagonists of their lives.

No one can replace you and finish your life for you. No matter how much you hate it, you can only walk your life with your own feet.
The important principles are: 1. Don't lose to yesterday's self. 2. Don’t lie to yourself.

"Negative けないで!" Don't lose! It's like in a hot-blooded comic, when the protagonist hesitates or can't persist, there will be an off-site sound. (negative けないで read as MaKeNaIDe)

Face our feelings, emotions, and actions honestly and frankly. We are always responsible for ourselves.

In the past, no one on this street noticed my worth. In the past, I had no respect from anyone on this street. Even in situations like this, I believed in myself and believed that I was a worthwhile person.
Just be your own companion. Aren't you already working hard? Then try harder next time. I always encourage myself and protect myself. ... next time, I'm definitely going to show it to you!

Don't be discouraged by low ebbs, don't break down by self-blame.

Through the same reason, being your own partner and persevering, it is possible to succeed.

" Looking at life in novels | Empathizing with the inner child, can you love well "

To this day, I have not seen my future, because it is too dazzling!

Roland felt that being able to see the future life was much more terrifying.

I think for some people, seeing the future is like limiting their imagination, because they always have the hope of breaking through reality. Everything is possible! Only Roland can surpass Roland!

do things


I think there are three ways of working: the right way, the wrong way, and my way.

This passage has encouraged me, who sometimes falls into the "right and wrong/good and bad vortex", to believe that everyone has their own method.

Majority is not necessarily correct.

Roland cherishes his own values, and even if others disagree with him, he is convinced that "just prove them wrong."

"What caused it?" "What is the solution?"

Worrying alone can’t go back in time, so thinking about this type of problem is more productive than worrying and getting frustrated.

People who are in good shape will be able to work very well. The reason is that these people are strict with themselves, restrain themselves, and are very concerned about their health.

A similar point of view has also been raised in my novel. Big Brother: "People who can't manage their posture well will definitely achieve nothing." " Fiction to see life | Nomi's diary #1 Self-discipline, desperate, passionate brothers and sisters "


Humans are not bound by fear. If this method is adopted, there will be a deviation somewhere.

Whether it is family education or workplace management, if you use coercion and create fear to urge others, it will not last long. Self-management should also pay more attention to intrinsic motivation.

Professionals will let you indulge in dreams even when you are awake.

Roland said that the happiness that male PR brings to the guests is like the atmosphere of Disneyland, so he insists that all the shooting must match the dreamy image he wants to present to the audience.

I think people like male/female PR in part because they have the advantage of being less disillusioned, which is the difference between lovers and family. We tend to get carried away with things that are less connected to reality and are more likely to get overwhelmed. From a realistic and rational point of view, it is impossible to sing and dream every day.


To achieve a good life, or to give up life halfway?

After all, your life depends on yourself. If you feel sad and painful, think about Roland (who is also working hard), or try "ROLAND: Me, and Other Than Me" for yourself!

My other pages: Fanggezi / Potato Media / Facebook / Chen Wen's life / Write as much as you like


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陳穩「生活,見微知萌。」開過飛機、待過醫療業、當過模特和老師。人生系作家,自暈體質,是心理男也是心理女。 📝閱讀書評/心理成長/航空科普/原創小說/生活感悟📖知音可貴難覓,說書只為知己,一朝聽書即為子期。✨合作邀約歡迎至文章下方留言,或請移駕至 Facebook 粉絲專頁私訊!
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