Mortal raving-22.6.20-Plush toy complex

There is no reason, just like the feeling of furry~

Holy matters:

In the office in the morning, I passed by the desks of colleagues in other departments, and I happened to see a lot of new plush toys on their desks, including pink lions and colorful llamas. They were naive and cute. Can't help but stop and look a few more times, yes, I also like plush toys. And it's interesting to say, I didn't like it since I was a child, but I liked these soft and cute guys when I was an adult. It is not necessarily accurate to say that it is a kind of childhood compensation psychology, because basically I have never seen such toys when I was a child, and it is not enough to make up for regrets when I grow up because of what I want.

I don't know if many male friends have the same preferences as me (I guess the answer is yes), and for a long time, I was ashamed to tell others about my preferences, every time Passing by the toy store or the plush toy section of the supermarket, I will play greedily. If there are many people present, I can only regret it, for fear that others will see a man "sneaking" kneading girls I just like the toy, so I will feel a little weird. Under the self-labeling management of the male-dominated society, I always feel that it is a little shameful or not so masculine to admit that I like these so-called girls only like things, and sometimes I wonder if there is any problem with my potential sexual orientation. After rejecting this idea, coupled with the subsequent improvement of cognition, I gradually felt relieved.

In fact, liking plush toys has nothing to do with gender and age, because human nature instinctively pursues beautiful things, but everyone has different definitions and perceptions of beauty, so liking plush toys is simply liking that kind of softness , It's just a chubby feeling, there's really no need to go to the spiritual level to analyze or self-analyze, you have to find a theoretical basis. It seems that if the "root of the disease" is not found, the mind will always be uneasy. On the other hand, this may actually be a way and channel for psychological relief, just like some people go shopping, eat, drink, and exercise when they are unhappy, then some people may play, touch some soft, The furry doll goes to unzip. Maybe this is not fundamentally different from the fact that many friends like to play cats and dogs.

So think about it further, why do some people feel warm and happy with a furry, fluffy doll or product? In fact, there may also be some reasons why people want to have some bond with the outside world, whether it is people or animals. After all, people are social animals and need to constantly connect and interact with the outside world, and plush toys are a good interactive object and substitute. For example, some girls will tell their hearts to their plush toys. Plush toys can act as obedient listeners, quietly accompany them, and never give up. They can also become a kind of emotional sustenance for human beings and become virtual friends. In essence, it may also be an extension of people's emotions.

So recall, people sometimes live too hard, in addition to facing various problems in the world, but also because of the different divisions of social attributes and the imprisonment of various artificially imagined labels, many people dare not truly express themselves. . In fact, when something is really said, it may not matter, and it is often because you think too much. Just like now, I will tell many friends and colleagues that I just like those soft and cute plush toys, and I feel happy when I see them. Don't care too much about other people's opinions and visions, be free and easy. After all, in our life, the one we get along with the longest is ourselves, so don't lie to yourself, it will really be too tiring to live.

Open a little, be tolerant, and allow different colors to exist. This kind of world is more colorful, isn't it?

Matt City lives forever!


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