[Bazi (with subtitles)] A wounded officer makes a fortune


This man's eight-character Heavenly Stem hurts officials to make money~ The Earthly Branches of the earth are incapable of eating and hurting,

If the fake package is different inside and outside,

But~ I have said more than once,

Eight characters are just eight characters~ does not mean what will happen,

It depends on personal living space and self-effort!

This person is very aware of the inner and outer nature of the eight characters.

But he kept talking about "fate",

This is a term and concept that is related because of my unsatisfactory life.

As if what is shown in the eight characters is not good,

It will affect your luck again and again!


This is all because of not knowing how to learn the eight characters correctly.

Only people will follow what others say ~ I have no opinion,

Willing to be at the mercy of fortune ~ accept the play of fate!

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Teacher Zhang's service projects make an appointment in advance

Eight-character approval (fleeting years). All names are 3600 yuan

Home Feng Shui adjustment 12,000 yuan

Line ID (Action Numerology Center): 0908312012

Mobile: 0908312012

WeChat ID: sh0911150137

WB (microblogging): Mr. Zhang, Numerology Museum of Bazi Action

Matters: Mr. Zhang

vocus: Mr. Zhang

blogger: Bazi Action Numerology Hall

udn: Five Elements School Numerology Blog

Pathfinder: Zhang Naiyun

Fokker State: Bazi Action Numerology Hall

IG: 8_bazi_8

FB: Zhang Naiyun

FB Community: Action Numerology Hall

FB Fan Professional: Bazi Action Numerology Hall

Bilibili mainland B station: Zhang Naiyun (bili_28413077258)

Email: ftft20122012@gmail.com

Bazi practical class teaching (6 weeks, 3~4 hours each time)

In the first week, the introduction of the heavenly stems and the five elements and the actual combat of the circulation of raw grams (Wuhe)

In the second week, the introduction of the five elements of the earth branch and the actual combat of Shengke circulation (Liuhe)

The third week of ten gods' life-classification criticism and practical application (including naming teaching)

Judgment of the time point of the fourth week of the flow of the month and the flow of the day (single-column theory application)

The fifth week: Judgment and use of gods

Week 6 Practical Approval (Disease Part Judgment, Time Lucky and Ominous, Divination Teaching)

Face-to-face training: NT$60,000

Classes once every two weeks (can be divided into installments, 20,000 yuan each time)

One class per month (can be divided into installments, 10,000 yuan each time)


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