Bai Jian: the white-bearded father of this generation


Bai Jian

"Are these your children?"

"Well, they are all my children."

There is such a man, who claims to be the most tiger in Northeast China, but uses this spirit to support 120 children. These children affectionately call him "Dad".


Bai Jian, born in 1973, is a physical education teacher at the No. 2 Middle School in Anshan City, Liaoning Province. This 47-year-old northeastern man has adopted more than 120 children in the 24 years since he was 22 years old. They all call him Dad.

Bai Jian and the children

Bai Jian called his house a "dream house". In that house, it was always crowded with children. At its peak, nearly 60 children lived together here, and now there are 32 children living at the same time. Among the children adopted by Bai Jian, some are the children of unmarried mothers...

This is full of the cruel side of the adult world: those abandoned, hurt children, cut off by the iron curtain of life. Unfortunate children have their own unhappy childhoods. It was not until they met Bai Jian that they found a little light in the darkness of their hearts, and that light was called "hope".

Children of the "Dream House"

Among the more than 120 children, a total of 36 college students, including 4 graduate students, and 12 children are currently studying in college. But if you look at the growth history of these children, you will find that they have achieved this result by themselves.


Bo Jian knew that he could not provide a good learning environment for the children, and he might not be able to get ahead in reading, so he could only practice sports. Because he knows that only sports can see the effect of how much you pay, and children can also be specially recruited into colleges through sports specialties.

So, Bai Jian began to run with the children.

Collective life seems to be set, and the mechanical movements are repeated every day. At 4:30 in the morning, when it was still dark, Bai Jian started training with the children on time - running 16 kilometers outside the city, and within an hour and a half, the training must be over.

children running in the morning

After that, go home for breakfast, school kids go out by 7, other kids start reading at home until lunch. In the afternoon, I still read classics and high-intensity physical training.

Day after day, year after year.

This man's world is always crowded with children, some grow up and leave, and more children are sent over. The only constant is Bai Jian and his "dream house".

dream home

And what made Bai Jian persevere and feel gratified is that every child has learned something. On the wall on the second floor of the house, the trophies, medals and certificates of merit all spoke of the children's hopes and Bai Jian's efforts.

However, in your opinion, when these ordinary children first came here, only pain, sadness, hatred, anger and confusion appeared on their faces.


Now in the "Dream House", the eldest child is called Xiao Sheng (a pseudonym).

He is thin, tall, and has a fierce face. The children are afraid of him because he is used to solving problems with violence.

Xiaosheng's early life was full of violence, and his parents only beat and kicked him. He was beaten up by his parents since he was a child, and he was beaten to blood almost every time, so he also learned to use violence to solve problems.

When it comes to his parents, his most emotion is "hate". He doesn't understand why his parents love him by hitting him.

Xiaowei's (pseudonym) mother, Aying (pseudonym), gave birth out of wedlock, but Xiaowei's father had already abandoned them.

When Xiaowei was in her early ten years, Aying became a disabled person-she refused a courtship, and was stabbed by a man with a knife over 20 times, and she could no longer move her hands and feet.

The family lost their source of income, so Ying had no choice but to send Xiaowei to Bai Jian.

When Xiaowei talked about this, there was only hatred in Xiaowei's heart, and he wanted that uncle to have a taste of being chopped.

Xiaohao (pseudonym)'s parents died when he was young.

When his other relatives wanted to send him to the orphanage, there was only one thought in his mind - just send me there, and I'll burn him all.

Xiaohao thinks he is not an orphan. Before being sent to the "dream house", his heart was full of anger and sadness, and his temper ignited at the slightest.

Almost all the children in the "dream house" have more or less defects in their original families, and their characters are also defective, and the world is in a haze.

With Bai Jian's efforts, the children gradually gained confidence as if they had found an organization. The haze was slowly cleared away, and the sun shone on their hearts.


As a physical education teacher, Bai Jian's income is limited, and the food and education problems of raising so many children have almost become his biggest pressure.

The children were eating together, and the three large tables were packed. The dining table can be pulled out, and it is usually put away to save space. The children uniformly use iron rice pots to pack their meals and eat a bag of ten jins of rice a day. If you can't afford the beans, you can buy potatoes instead. Even if you save money, you'll have to spend eight or nine thousand a month.

The most difficult thing is the children's tuition fees. In 2005, 5 children went to college, and the tuition fees were tens of thousands. Bai Jian had to borrow money everywhere, or rely on a pile of credit cards, or sell the cattle from his hometown for the children to go to school.

Bai Jian attaches great importance to the education of children. In order to manage so many children, there must be strict discipline. Before eating, you must wait for the elders to come to the table and recite a phrase of gratitude: gratitude for food, gratitude for the country, gratitude for parents, gratitude for grandparents, gratitude for brothers and sisters. Finally, thank you for everything, and ask the elders to eat first.

And Bai Jian will also say at the end: "Please dine first."

Baijian also attaches great importance to children's moral education - let children read classics, ask children to have a grateful heart, to resolve inner grievances. In addition, she also asked the children to write their own 20 advantages on paper, and everyone could help them find them, and encouraged them to work hard in these directions.

With Bai Jian's efforts, the children gradually got rid of the haze of childhood, and their positivity and self-confidence returned to them.


How to be the father of the child? This is a very big problem for Bai Jian, who has been single for many years.

Taking care of the children's daily life and food alone, and worrying about education, Bai Jian seemed a little powerless, so he had to "relocate soldiers".

The first rescuer who moved in was Bo Jian's mother, who was "cheated" by Bo Jian. Bai Jian called the old lady and lied that he had bought a house and asked the old lady to clean it up, so the old man came.

Bai Jian and his parents

But seeing this scene, the old lady was stunned. Bai Jian told the old lady the truth, but got the support of the old man, he stayed by himself, and also asked the old man at home to come over and help take care of the children.

But with more and more children, manpower is still not enough. The old lady spoke to Bai Jian's second sister and asked her to bring her husband to Anshan to help take care of the children. But it was still not enough, so one sister was not enough and another sister was called over. Slowly, all the brothers and sisters of Bo Jian were transferred over to help Bo Jian take care of the children.

Bai Jian's older sister also complained to her younger brother, "After serving you, then serving other people's children, doesn't it mean that the old lady suffers?"

Second Sister Bai Jian

Bai Jian's friends couldn't understand him either. "The purpose of going to college is to change his destiny. As a result, instead of improving his quality of life, Bai Jian included his parents, brothers and sisters."

Others can't understand Bai Jian, maybe he himself can't understand himself. Maybe it's fate, maybe it's the group of kids who call him Dad who gave him the motivation to persevere.

No matter how difficult the day is, he always holds the belief that suffering will eventually become the driving force and source of a person's growth. Whether it is a child or himself, suffering will make people work harder to move forward, but he does not want children to be suffering all the time, just like "dream house" means the hope of children.

Bai Jian and the children

With his ordinary body and ordinary family, Bai Jian created such an extraordinary life. With your own efforts to achieve the happiness of more people, this is the light of the right path!

Run, boys, your future is up to you!

References for the article: "120 Children's Northeast Dads: Using Long-distance Running, "Lies" and Countless Credit Cards for Their Success" "The Teenager Who Wants to Avenge His Mother, Now Runs Long Distances on the Streets of Northeast China in the Early Mornings" "The Tiger in Northeast China" People: 120 children call him Dad, relying on credit cards, borrowing money, and running to support a family" "Northeast Dad and His 120 Children" "Bijian" Baidu Encyclopedia pictures are from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please contact delete


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