That Hair 4 of 4-Ending


That Hair 4 of 4 Original Romance Novels for Men and Women

(2018/03/04 rewrite and reprint, 2006/11/22 original upload)

old title:

★ "That Hair #4: The End! Restricted-level novels are banned from 18 years old! Social men and women extramarital affairs, small three, incestuous love, passion, love, strange love, cheating, serialized original contributed articles! BY UNOLIN! 》

The end of PART IV


The advance can be attacked, the retreat can be defended, Wang Dong can't stand it this time!

Even if she does not rely on the remaining water of life in these sets to conceive a child for Wang Dong, she can use it as a bargaining chip for a showdown in the future.

Don't throw away condoms, let alone toilet paper with two people's bodily fluids.

She will go back to the company later, and she will also put the airtight crisper box in the company's dedicated freezer for samples.

After putting on clothes, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, but there was no urge to urinate!

And it's really troublesome to take off the skirt again, so let's find a food stall to eat first!

After going out the door and going downstairs, the young man at the counter was typing information on the computer, and was surprised to see Lulu going downstairs to check out:

"Huh? Uh... Miss, so soon? Are you going to check out now?"

"That's right! I have to leave first because of an urgent matter!" Lulu replied sternly.

"So fast? Could it be that he knew that I and Wang Dong... should not! They are an ordinary hotel, I noticed that there are no surveillance cameras on each floor! Are you worried? Keep calm and smile! 』

"The total accommodation fee is 1,860 yuan. Okay, thank you for coming!" Forced to remain calm, but Ah Xiong was also very nervous...

"Oops! Is there something wrong with the room? Or did I just screw up somewhere? Where is the neglect of duty? Or is she really in a hurry? 』

At 3:04, Miss Lulu Xu returned to the office again. It also smuggled into the freezer of the company's samples in an airtight crisper.

A little after seven o'clock in the evening, Ah Xiong finally completed the 12-hour shift in the hotel department!

He happened to take a break from the restaurant shift in the evening, so he could go home directly.

On the way back to the rental house, near 8 p.m., on the MRT train, Ah Xiong carefully held the piece of paper wrapped in pubic hair, daring not to open it, for fear of being blown away.

Returning to the upstairs single apartment he rented on Chengde Road, he slowly opened the piece of paper, took out the tape and notebook, and pasted the hair on it.

Begin to jot down:

On September 3, 2003, I met a beautiful lady, Miss Xu Juanlu, in the hotel. Her phone number and address are 022637..., Datong District, Taipei City... This is the mysterious gift she left for me: a. Root pubic hair.

After writing, he turned on the DVD player and watched Ran Chaohe from the Japanese ASIA HOT series, split open her pantyless thighs, and had her pantyhose torn off by several men.

He imagined that he was one of the male protagonists, and Miss Xu was Chao Helan..., he opened his shorts, stroked the hair with his right hand, and rubbed his own lifeblood with his left.

He will find her home and follow her....

Mmmmmmmmm~oh~~KIMOCHI--KIMOCHI ("so comfortable", "so cool" in Japanese).

Coincidentally, last night, Ah Xiong stole the oysters from the leftovers of a middle-aged and elderly man in the restaurant, and the leftovers of the male tenant No. 301, and the American omelette prepared by the chef of the restaurant in the morning. Quite the water of life.

So, that one hair also took Lulu's behalf, and once again accepted the catharsis with a very similar taste!

It's just that Mao has suffered, but it has since fallen into the endless Asura hell of gender confusion.

【End of full text】

The first few are here!

★ " That Hair 4 No. 1-Adult Restricted Level-Male and Female Sexual Romance Original Novel-Little Three Extramarital Affair Infidelity Romance "

★ " That Hair 4 No. 2-Adult Restricted Level-Male and Female Sexual Romance Original Novel-Little Three Extramarital Affair Infidelity Romance "

★ " That One Hair 4-3-Adult Restricted Level-Male and Female Sexual Romance Original Novel-Little Three Extramarital Affair Infidelity "

Original URL!

★ " That Hair 4 of 4 - Adult Romance Novel! Little Three Extramarital Affair Social Men and Women Strange Love-Incest, Passionate, Sexual Marriage, Infidelity, Infidelity-UNOLIN Original Article "



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