Graffiti|202207's Good Morning Post-it Graffiti

It is very happy to have someone or a place to say "Good morning!" to each other every morning! ❤️
Good Morning Post-it Doodles for July 2022

Good morning post-it graffiti for July 2022, it's quite a sense of accomplishment when arranging them on the wall. The arrangement is also like a diary, and you can recall the locks of the day by the way.

When I was drawing post-it notes this month, I seriously went to Wikipedia, which popularized various animals, and got to know a lot of animals. As a result, the speed of posting has slowed down again.

📢📢 This time I found out that there are 379 species of birds in Taiwan, ranking 95th in the world, of which 27 species are only seen in Taiwan in the world. The density of unique bird species, Taiwan may be the first in Asia. Taiwan is really a treasure island! ! 👍

🎈Introduction to the theme of Good Morning Post-it Notes in July: 🎈

🎯How to take pictures of animals in black and white

1. Panda (Vulnerable):
Because bamboo leaves are low in calories, panda bears spend a lot of time eating every day (about 55% of a day)
The estrus period of female pandas is only about 2 days a year. (Lazy to do it, no wonder it becomes a vulnerable species.)
It has existed on earth for 2-3 million years.
20220701 Panda

2. Malayan tapir (endangered):
In ancient books, it is called "four dissimilarities".
A good demon who can eat nightmares!
The gestation period is about 13 months, and only one child is born at a time, and one child is born every two years.
20220704 Malayan tapir

3. Honey Badger (Protection):
I like to call it honey.
Jinshi Records: The most fearless animals in the world, because they are very fierce, few zoos are willing to accommodate them.
Nicknamed Flathead.
20220705 Honey Badger

4. Killer whales are also known as killer whales (protection):
It's the big dolphin family!
Killer whales like free movement, but are often raised by humans to perform.
The only natural enemies are humans.
20220706 Killer whale

5. Taiwan black bear (protection):
It is also endemic to Taiwan.
The running speed is 3~40 kilometers per hour, which is faster than my mother's bicycle.
Omnivorous, but 70% are plants!
There are 17-20,000 undigested seeds in a lump of black bear poop , and the germination rate of the seeds that come out through the poop is higher!
20220707 black bear

6. Zebra:
Are zebras black with white stripes? Or white with black stripes? In the end~~!!! (Answer: black meat with black and white fur.)
Each stripe is different. (It can really be a QR code!)
A zebra's mane is erect. (Isn't it a lot like Japanese heavy metal rock!)
20220708 Zebra

🎯 Endemic to Taiwan

1. Taiwan sambar (protection)
There are obvious glands under the eyes, which will open when angry or excited, so there is also a "four-eyed deer".
Moults seasonally for camouflage.
20220711 Taiwan sambar

2. Stone tiger (conservation):
Also known as leopard cat, it is roughly similar in size to a domestic cat, and it is easy to be mistaken for a domestic cat in appearance.
Long, thick tail, two vertical white stripes extending from the inside of the eye sockets to the forehead, and a black background with white spots behind the ears.
nocturnal animal.
20220712 Stone Tiger

3. Moji tree frog, also known as Taiwan tree frog (conservation)
Few frogs who find girlfriends in winter (sings winter sonata)
The male frog of the Taipei tree frog will build a nest in the soil to attract female frogs, and the burrowing behavior can be said to be its most distinctive feature.
20220713 Taiwan tree frog

4. Taiwan sika deer (protection)
The wild population has been extinct around 1969 and has been successfully repopulated.
Based on a black line in the middle of the back, there are 12 white spots in a vertical row on each side.
When it senses something unusual in its surroundings, its tail also turns into an alarm, standing up and wiggling quickly.
20220714 Taiwan sika deer

5. Taiwanese wild boar <br class="smart">Although its size is large, its movements are flexible. It can also move flexibly in steep places.
The snout will turn the soil with its nose and feed on plant roots, plants, earthworms, insects, frogs, invertebrates, etc.
20220718 Taiwan wild boar

6. Taiwan Mountain Qiang (Protection)
The Shan Qiang is also called "Barking Deer", and its barking sound is similar to that of a dog barking.
Shan Qiang can have children throughout the year, and can be re-conceived three or four days after giving birth, and does not have a seasonal reproductive cycle.
20220719 Mountain Qiang, Taiwan

7. Taiwan pangolin (protection)
It walks on its back feet, with short front feet, like a Tyrannosaurus rex.
When in danger, it shrinks into a ball.
The tongue is longer than the body.
20220720 Taiwan pangolin

8. Taiwan flying fox (endangered)
The largest bat in Taiwan, with big eyes and small ears, with open legs and no interfemoral membrane.
There is a ring of short golden or creamy white hair on the neck and shoulders.
20220721 Taiwan flying fox

9. Taiwan otter (Eurasian otter) (endangered)
The island is extinct, with only 200 Kinmen left.
Cute in appearance, but a tough character in the wild.
20220722 Taiwan Water Wase

🎯 "Taiwan Endemic Species_Birds":

1. Taiwan blue magpie, Corvidae (protected)
Taiwan's national bird, monogamous.
The color looks like Captain America.
In recent years, Taiwanese blue magpies have gradually adapted to the local urban environment, such as those near the mountains in Taipei City.
20220715 Taiwan Blue Magpie

2. Yellow tit, also known as Shigong bird (near threatened)
Cute in appearance, with a black crest.
There are more ethnic groups in Xitou.
20220725 yellow tit
3. Brown-headed flower wing, also known as Alishan Zhimu (protection)
A bird with a disproportionately large head.
Likes to sing, but not good at flying.
Small thrush with white eye sockets and eyebrow lines.
20220726 Brown head flower wing

4. Taiwan Suzaku (protection)
Although not dangerous, the number has also declined sharply in recent years.
Not afraid of people who like to sing, often appearing in the crowd. (Silly bird~ How can it not decrease sharply~ 😱)
20220727 Taiwan Suzaku

Most of the above animal information comes from Wikipedia .

It is very happy to have someone or a place to say "Good morning!" to each other every morning! great! ❤️

If you see my post-it graffiti, please also tell me: morning, I will be happy all day~~ 🥰

♭♬ Carol 😘 : sweet and cheerful song~ ❤️ ♫♮


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Carol.W這裡有個可愛的大人想用圖文來尋回久違的童心和童趣~🌈 ♭♬Carol: 悅耳.歡快的歌♫♮ 📧
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