Ferret Xiaobai Teaching Text|Ultra-fast K-spray (keplr) wallet application

Recently, Matters has started to support encryption wallet registration and login. Take advantage of this now to record this article for newbies to get started with the keplr wallet quickly. Don't doubt that if you are a veteran, you can skip this article.

There are too many people writing the teaching text of keplr wallet. I didn't want to explain a bunch of terms. Too many big guys wrote it.
This is a super crash course of mine. For those who are super novice, just follow along and you can have it immediately (Keplr wallet), and then go to participate in @sloth's life at liker.social [Jike
open - do K spray collar Ji] 's activities Chihuahua's official website (do a wallet) to receive Ji.

The fastest K spray, Ji Ke spray money

go directly to the topic

Source - Terrier Diagram Generator (Made by Ferret)

Apply for Keplr Wallet

1. Enter the keplr official website , click Add to the extension (the links are all ready)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

2. Click on the red orbital crying box, then click on the puzzle of the expansion tool, and click on the nail of keplr

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

3. Click on the thumbnail of K (it will pop out of the wallet website)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

4. Click the red box directly (apply for a new account, and I'll explain myself to translate the text if I'm lazy)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

5. The orange frame is very important for the mnemonic (please write it down by hand and do not give it to others easily, and do not store it in any electronic record tool)
(This account is for you to see as an example, so I won't be using it in the future. Welcome to practice stealing "money")

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

6. Arrange the mnemonic phrases you just recorded in order.
( The mnemonic in the virtual wallet is equivalent to having your bank stamp and password in real life, please remember this)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

7. Arrange and send out.

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

8. Complete the Keplr wallet application

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

9. Go back to the homepage and press the K picture of the extension tool, and this screen will pop up, indicating that you have the first Keplr wallet in your life.

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

Is the keplr wallet that simple to apply? Yes, it is that simple.

Go play the game when you're done@JohnShao.
Pseudo-teaching real game|Likecoin hot wallet , fake teaching real game|Where is your money (likecoin)?

What if I need to re-login to my keplr wallet on a new computer? Login after expanding Keplr as before

Sign in again

1. Click on the one with the red frame (I am lazy to explain the others)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

2. Enter the mnemonic, account name, and set a new password

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna! Homemade

!!!!! The importance of mnemonics!!!!!! Super simple and easy introduction

If we think of the Keplr wallet as we go to the bank to apply for an account

The account name is your ATM card
The mnemonic is your password and your stamp
The wallet address is your account number
Memo(Optional) is your memo message

So as long as I know your account name and mnemonic phrase, I am equivalent to having your ATM card, password, and seal (I can go to the bank to get your money, so keep the mnemonic phrase and don’t let others know it is very important)

As long as I have your mnemonic, I have your wallet, anyone can get in and out (emphasis)

In the same way, if you forget your mnemonic, no one can log in to your wallet, and no one can help you retrieve it, so it is very important to keep your mnemonic

Why not record it on any software in electronics, because hackers may be able to get your mnemonic from it.
(Unless you have an additional layer of cold wallet protection, here is an introduction to cold wallets for those who are interested.
@Code Farmer Daily Code Farmer Daily - "Out of the Box" Start with Ledger Cold Wallet and Connect to Keplr Wallet Complete Tutorial

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade


Having your mnemonic is equivalent to having your wallet!!!! Keep the mnemonic well

Having your mnemonic is equivalent to having your wallet!!!! Keep the mnemonic well
Having your mnemonic is equivalent to having your wallet!!!! Keep the mnemonic well

retrieve mnemonic

If I forget where to put the mnemonic paper, but I still log in to the Keplr wallet on my computer, then click on the image as follows, and enter the password (the mnemonic will be given to you)

The premise is that you also have a login wallet on the computer. If you don't have it, no one will be able to find it.

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

How to transfer LikeCoin to keplr wallet

1. Go to like stake.like.c first, click on the red box, and add the LikeCoin chain to the keplr wallet

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

2. Jumping out of the main screen, you should be very familiar with the main screen of LikeCoin commissioned transaction and voting .

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

3. Find the K image in the expansion tool and click on it (a small down arrow next to the Cosmos click will appear)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

4. There will be many resource currencies slide to the bottom, click LikeCoin

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

5. Blue is your account name, red is your wallet address, click Deposit (Qr-code will appear)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

6. Click on the LikeCoin APP to scan the wallet address (or paste the wallet address)

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

In the ferret little white teaching article | teach you how to turn likecoin into legal currency (below) and teach you how to transfer and trade LikeCoin

Open LikeCoin App

7. Follow the red frame, paste the wallet address or scan the QR code

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

8. Go back to stake.like.c and you can see your money.

Source - Ferret Pen Lasagna Homemade

Then you can start your delegation and voting , no, there is another teaching article here to read for yourself
White Ferret Teaching Text|LikeCoin Delegated Trading and Voting

For more keplr wallet application introduction materials, I mentioned the following article in the ferret Xiaobai teaching article | LikeCoin commissioned transaction and voting to read it by yourself.

Basic keplr wallet application introduction
@Daisy Keplr
wallet complete strategy everyone K erupts fortune (keplr introduction and registration method)
@Appreciate Citizen Republic Register Liker ID with Keplr wallet (keplr registration video introduction and personal information security)

Advanced keplr wallet security introduction
@JohnShao  Pseudo-
teaching real game|Likecoin Hot Wallet (Security of Cryptocurrency Wallet Ⅰ)
@JohnShao  Pseudo- teaching real game | Where is your money (likecoin)? (Security of cryptocurrency wallets II)

@CODENONGDaily CodeNongDaily- "Online Workshop" I have LikerLand, why do I still need a Keplr wallet? (keplr teaching text workshop and block practice knowledge supplement)
@Erica Why use Keplr when you have a Like.land wallet? (more keplr introduction)

Extended article @Daisy stake.like.co comprehensive deconstruction
(I like the introduction of smashing and the relevance of Keplr, OSOMSIS mining information)

💨The ferret Xiaobai teaching text series💨

LikeCoin query (rewards must be read in community activities)
White Ferret Teaching Text|Teach you how to check the trading trend of likecoin

LikeCoin delegate and vote
White Ferret Teaching Text|LikeCoin Delegated Trading and Voting

LikeCoin Exchange

The next article will write a teaching article on super-fast entry into the OSMOSIS decentralized exchange

I'm really lazy and don't want to explain that there are too many people writing and pulling, super novice, just collect it if you like it, and continue cleaning like this (see you next time) bye bye


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