GR14 Hackathon

Participate in tough times

Gitcoin Grant activities are really frequent. GR13 is not long after GR13 is over, and GR14 is coming. There are so many things to see, so I have to directly take photos of the group members. It is better to participate in a group of people. There are so many projects, there are airdrops I don't know, it's up to other team members to follow up.

The recent currency market has made the entire group members feel dry. I found that the amount of money donated by other people has dropped significantly. Some people who usually actively participate in the community have been very silent recently. There are heavy goods LUNA, and heavy goods refer to at least hundreds of thousands LUNA, which has an investment amount of one million Hong Kong dollars, although it is a currency-based thinking, when it comes to investment funds, it is legal currency.

In addition, there is a group of members who previously paid 100 magnesium a day in the COSMO chain, and I distributed 20-30 magnesium a day. It is estimated that his goods should be 4 or 5 times that of mine. Of course, I don’t know what combination in COSMO and the currency in the combination. The dividend payout ratio is different. I know how much I invested, and how many times he is. Now there are only a few left. This person has almost completely disappeared except for not quitting the group.

There is a group member, who is another large group moderator and an internet celebrity. He made 80 million at a high level, and then reaped half of it, that is, no matter how the market fell, he had already earned 40 million, which is more than 20 million. The young man really has a hand.

I am a pauper. I have earned more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars in the currency circle. This wave of losses has all been lost, is more than 2 million a lot?

Poor people also want to participate in GR14, because it is a big event, I donate what I earned from GameFi Play-to-earn plus airdrops. I need to record the projects I participated in, because I quickly forgot, I have to come back here to check, and sometimes the airdrops are In the earlier issue, I linked GR12 and GR13, so I can view them together.


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