【140-word story creation】Seed

What seeds have you planted in love?
Image source: unsplash

You always hold me in the palm of your hand and take care of me.

"I'm protecting you from getting hurt," you defended.

But the seeds of your vigilance were secretly planted on the day when my thoughts sprouted, and you took good care of them in the name of shelter.

"This dress doesn't look good, who are you going to wear it on a date?" you asked me, suppressing your anger.

"You gave me this, have you forgotten?" I put on my clothes with a smirk.

And you are ashamed.

(139 words)


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射手媽咪婷婷射手座,全職媽咪/斜槓寫作者/新性感雜誌共同創辦人 喜愛音樂、電影,更熱愛閱讀,資訊焦慮症患者 臉書粉專:https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083298701145 方格子:https://vocus.cc/user/5d4b0ef1fd89780001fc7e91
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