Ethereum gas fees are prohibitive

so expensive

I did ETH staking in Lido 2 months ago. For staking alone, the gas fee was close to 1,000 Hong Kong dollars. I saw that it was too expensive and did not do it. Later, when I saw that the gas fee dropped to 700 yuan, I confirmed it. It costs a few hundred to transfer money into Argent, that is, the gas fee for staking costs several thousand yuan.

Due to the high gas fee of Ethereum, I did not do other Defi such as mining and staking at all, because every action is money.

The day before yesterday, I planned to withdraw a small amount of MKR from Wirex. The amount is 0.1xx, which is about HK$3,000. The silver code is not large. The remaining value is a few thousand, that is, half of it is missing.

Gas fee accounts for half

Looking at it again, I was shocked. The gas fee of 0.1xx MKR is 0.053158, and the remaining 0.059593 can be received. The price of MKR on the day is about USD3200, and the gas fee is about HKD1500.

Of course, this is not in my budget. If I don't have money, I can transfer it to the Visa card for consumption. The 1,500 yuan is definitely tuition fees.

I rarely lose money when I buy crypto. Suppose I used 10 yuan to buy A coin, and it fell to 8 yuan. I used 8 yuan to exchange C coin, and it rose to 12 yuan. In the process of 10 yuan to 12 yuan, I I lost, and I ended up winning. This example is to explain: I will lose in the process of buying crypto, but not much, and then in the end, I am 100% profitable, I have never lost money, the reason is that I rarely do dangerous things, and I buy All are powerful coins, and the chances of winning will be great.

But looking at the MKR currency transfer event, I lost half of the 3,000 yuan. I really lost, #@*₩%.


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