The fifty-sixth issue of commissioned data report - the first shot of the Year of the Tiger, the community commissioned and played the leading role!

Lao Mao is a validator, and will suffer from insufficient resources to enter or be kicked out of the list of active validators, but this is actually a challenge for validators to operate, and the essence of validators is to serve the blockchain rather than the other way around. , non-repudiation support is more likely to do more harm than good.

This issue is the commissioned data report of the fifty-sixth issue, and also the first report of the Year of the Dragon. The data is taken from the afternoon of 5/2/2022 and compared with the data of the evening of 30/1/2022 last Saturday. The data interval is six days. One day less than usual, mainly due to the late arrival of data collection in the previous period. The thirty-second proposal has been voted on, and the proposal was not passed. The total number of votes was 252, and the total voting rate was 57%. Among them, 65 votes in favor accounted for 31.48% of the votes, and 137 votes against the vote accounted for 53.53% of the votes. %, with 21 negative votes accounting for 0.17% and 29 abstentions accounting for 14.83%.

In this issue, the 34th proposal and the 35th proposal are in the deposit payment stage. Among them, the 34th proposal was submitted by the same proposer of the 32nd proposal that was just not approved. The content of the proposal is roughly to cancel the current community. Entrust and return 90% of the funds to the Community Fund, CDC will establish and operate a dedicated validator with a 100% commission, and entrust the remaining 10% of the funds after deducting the cost of paying the validator. plan, and establish a validator reward plan based on validator participation in community governance (I guess it means voting). The entire plan can be read here. (There is also the same link in the proposal) This proposal has a lot of content, and I feel that it is more intentional to make it easier for new validators to be added to the active list, but it is not the reason for the establishment of the CDC (support for validators who contribute to the community, and protect the network. For safety and for the community fund to resist inflation, please refer to Motion 20 and related articles). Lao Mao is a validator, and will suffer from insufficient resources to enter or be kicked out of the list of active validators, but this is actually a challenge for validators to operate, and the essence of validators is to serve the blockchain rather than the other way around. , non-repudiation support is more likely to do more harm than good. As for the proposal to change the functions and work of the CDC (this time the proposal seems to be a high priority, and the CDC members can stay in office), I have not communicated with the CDC members beforehand. Lao Mao believes that if the new proposal fails to deal with the original intention of the CDC when it was established and can contribute to the development of LikeCoin on a large scale, then too much change may not be suitable. So the old cat will not support the proposal. (Lishen: Lao Mao is a member of the CDC and has been commissioned by the community).

Proposition 35 is similar to Proposition 26 in that it also allocates funds for a committee established under the motion to carry out its work. This proposal will pay 1.8 million Likes to the wallet of the Creators Fund Committee (CFC) established under the 23rd Motion to cover the funds distributed to creators in the next three months. This is a follow-up execution bill based on the passed bill, and it is also a governance method that appreciates the citizens' republic through voting. Lao Mao supports it and personally sponsors the deposit.

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 3236 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 97 / 3
Total Likecoin delegated: 556 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 0 / 0
Total number of orders: 6649 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 8.70% (new high)
Entrustment ratio: 51.40%

The total number of orders in this issue has rebounded by more than 5 million, which is similar to the previous issue. The number of wallets and the number of orders continued to both increase and hit new highs, with steady growth. The ratio of entrustment increased slightly by 0.47% to 51.40% due to the increase in the total number of entrustments, while the entrusted interest rate continued to rise, rising by 0.08% to 8.70% this week, continuing to record highs. The number of validators continues to be 50, and no one is in or out of jail, exactly the same as last week.

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 Average number of Likecoins per order: 83,600 (new low)
Average delegation of a single wallet: 172,000 (new low)
Median Likecoin for a single order: 185 (new low)
Median single wallet delegation: 399 (new low)
The average number of delegations of validators: 11.12 million validators' average number of delegations: 133 (new high)

In this issue, the number of orders has increased, but the number of wallets and the number of orders have increased even more, so the averages of a single order and a single wallet have both dropped, and both hit new lows. The median also continued to fall and hit a new low. The average commission amount and number of verifiers also increased due to the simultaneous increase in the total number of commissions and the number of transactions, among which the average number of verifiers commissioned reached a new high. The recent development is that the total number of orders has increased while the average number and median of orders have decreased at the same time, reflecting the increase in the penetration rate of LikeCoin orders, which is an indicator of the good development of LikeCoin.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 49.7 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 100.72 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 47
The maximum number of orders for one bet: 15.64 million

In this issue, the one-note order and the maximum number of orders for a single wallet remain unchanged, while the maximum number of orders for a single order and the maximum number of orders for a single wallet have slightly increased. Among them, the corresponding wallet with the highest number of entrustments in a single wallet should be the multisig wallet entrusted by the CDC to the verification community. Based on this nature, Lao Mao is considering whether this data should be retained. There is no change in validators this time around, so the scatter chart is quite similar to last week. The report is complete.


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老貓驗證人,愛閱讀、懶寫作。歡迎交流!Cosmos Validator like reading, Nice to meet you! Twitter / Telegram : oldcatv・Web:・Discord:Kcat | Oldcat#1539・Desmos : @oldcat・Liker Social : oldcat
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