[Psychological test: an invitation letter from Hogwarts, let's see what kind of person you will be! 】

There are many psychological quizzes popular recently, among which I saw this quiz about Harry Potter in our cool little wolf 🐺 Wolf の footprints 🐾 Sister Wolf! Harry Potter believes that everyone is quite familiar with this work, then let us enter the magical world and see what kind of people we will become!

There are many psychological quizzes popular recently, among which I saw this quiz about Harry Potter in our cool little wolf 🐺 Wolf の footprints 🐾 Sister Wolf! Harry Potter believes that everyone is quite familiar with this work, then let us enter the magical world and see what kind of people we will become!

🧱Enter platform 3/4 of 9 here

➡️ http://m.quce001.com/index.php/wetest/entry/index/id/10949#/

The individual test results are as follows

Wow, it's actually Gryffindor, I'm stunned! First of all, let's take a look at the personality description, I think it is quite accurate! I don't usually feel close when I'm not smiling, but anyone who has chatted for a while knows that I just don't know what to say!

Let's take a look at "critical moment, kill the opponent in seconds". I interpret it as a habit of doing things with certainty. That critical moment means that I collect resources or have sufficient evidence to give my opponent a fatal blow, but I don't belong to nothing. The troublesome kind of person!

The ambiguous object is actually Mafen, I think it is probably saying that I used to like to find objects with complementary personalities! Gryffindor and Slytherin are mortal enemies in the story, but wouldn't it be complementary nature or personalities in another way?

Other rivals, developments, and deeds are a bit unrealistic 🤣🤣🤣 Pass! My transcripts seem to be pretty good, except for the research I hate 🤣 (to get to the bottom of it), and I'm not usually the one who breaks the casserole and asks to the end!

The patron saint is chosen by yourself, follow me to recite the guardian mantra! "Jiji~The Dharma Protector Appears! 』

Psychometrics may not necessarily match everyone's true personality, but quizzes add richness to our self-introductions, and that's what makes them interesting! You are also welcome to play this quiz and share your thoughts below!


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