Going to work l super meaningless epidemic prevention measures


During the epidemic, the government issued a document stipulating that public places must cooperate in taking epidemic prevention measures.

Although it is very important to cooperate with the government in epidemic prevention, if it is only for cooperation and only in form, I think it is a waste of time. Not only can it not achieve the effect, but also increase the administrative burden.

A few days ago, the epidemic broke out. Due to the government's epidemic prevention regulations, the school set up automatic temperature-measuring alcohol sprayers at each entrance of the school, and school administrators took turns to stand guard. As a school counselor, I was also placed on the watch list.

But the so-called "anti-epidemic measures" are a waste of time for administrative staff.

Once, the school held a celebration, and there were activities in the lecture hall on that day. In fact, the body temperature will be measured at the school entrance that day, but the school still hopes to set up infrared thermometers at each entrance of the lecture hall, and we are still arranged to stand guard at each exit of the lecture hall.

If it is said that the epidemic prevention must be done, although it feels very troublesome, it will still cooperate obediently. But weirdly, those infrared thermometers are worse than the temperature-measuring alcohol sprayer at the school gate! Everyone who passed by had a temperature below 30 degrees. This is simply a state of severe hypothermia!

I don't think the school really wants to implement epidemic prevention measures, otherwise it should use more accurate measuring equipment. Even before the school celebration, when I learned that I was going to be on guard, I asked the director why he had already taken his temperature when he entered the school gate, and why should he continue to take the temperature when he entered the auditorium? And we still need to stand guard? The director's response was: "To avoid being caught."

The implication is that even if it is superfluous, at least the superficial effort must be done. If there is an accident in the future, and someone is diagnosed, the school will not have to worry about being held accountable by the government.

Almost no school is set up for epidemic prevention, so if the epidemic prevention measures are not perfect, I can understand. But because there were too many contradictions in the implementation process, I saw that the school was hypocritical enough in the motivation of implementing the epidemic prevention measures. Especially when there is a body temperature measurement at the school gate, I don't understand why the lecture hall still needs to measure body temperature, and it is still using measurement tools that are not accurate!

The contradictions in the implementation of anti-epidemic measures by the school will only make me feel that they are only doing superficial efforts to cope with the government's anti-epidemic regulations, and have never thought about how to make the implementation of anti-epidemic measures more efficient and effective. At best, they are just the school's greed for convenience and self-interest, and only increase our burden.

Although this kind of bureaucratic culture of "at least doing" is not uncommon, but every time I encounter it, I still can't stand it. Even though I'm just an ordinary employee, I don't mean to accept this pointless and life-wasting business for granted. In particular, our own business is already busy enough, and there are many existing meaningless and cumbersome administrative tasks in the school itself. Standing guard work not only increases our administrative burden again, but also fails to achieve the purpose of epidemic prevention. This is a complete waste of time and labor costs. As an employee, I don’t know what I am doing.

To satisfy their own hypocritical desires, high-level executives set up all kinds of meaningless tasks and hand them over to employees to perform them, which is really disgusting!

The school is about to start, and I have to be arranged to stand guard to take my temperature again, alas...

Finished on 2022.02.11


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