a short-lived fate

It is said that person E will eat person i? I said he is like a drop of spring water in your dry desert (laughing)



Be cautious


He just sat there, and your eyes gradually followed him.

What exactly attracts you.

What is he doing? What is the painting?

What is he reading, comics? What's the title of the book?

You think, maybe you two have similar interests?


Inadvertently, he disappeared.

He hid behind the flowers and painted them.

You mustered up the courage to talk to him.

"Can I read your picture book?" He readily agreed.

After flipping through his picture books, he asked you if you also draw.

You said yes, but you were too embarrassed to show it.

He also encouraged you a little, saying that you just have to dare to draw.

You said that his height and long hair are so attractive to you,

You need to calm down.

You return to your seat and start folding paper to distract yourself.

Suddenly, you realize that he seems to be peeking at you.


Is he describing you? ?

Tell yourself that you said you must calm down and calm down!

Eh! !

You quietly turned your head and he disappeared again.


It turned out to be cooling off in front of a big fan!

Look at his long flowing hair, he spread it out!

Black and long straight! You shouted softly.

It hits your heart and makes you dizzy! Very dizzy.

You said you didn't expect him to be so beautiful!

It seems wrong to describe it as beautiful.

But you said you don't care.

You can't scare him away, so you have to be reserved.

You tell yourself repeatedly to calm down!

I don’t know whether he meant it or not,

Let you see the picture book he has open.

The page I opened happened to have you on it.

Before you know it, it's time for shift change and you have to leave temporarily.

You quietly told the colleague who took over your shift that he was very good-looking.

"Don't harass others," your colleagues who understand you advise you.

But, you've already done it.

You looked back at him, only to see him silently covering up the picture book with something.

Are you embarrassed to see you talking intimately with your colleagues? ?

You said you didn't care, and shamelessly walked up to him and asked,

"Is this what you're painting of me?"

Although you were sure, you wanted a clear answer from him.

Seeing him nodding shyly, he said, yes.

You quickly asked if you could take a photo,

Then I took a photo as a souvenir.

You looked at the class schedule and thought that maybe today was the only time you would meet him.

There should be no chance for you two to meet in the next shift.

It's shift time again and you can meet him again.

As a courtesy, you drew him a emerald flower.

The language of flowers seems to wish you happiness.

Enough, this is enough,

You said you didn't dare to provoke anyone anymore.

You who thought your fate was over,

Another chance to see you.

An unexpected arrangement requires you to cover the shift for one hour.

There was only one hour left before I could see him again.

You haven't decided what to talk to him about yet, and you're also afraid of falling into trouble.

So I don’t dare to say anything more.

You pretend to be free and easy.

Seeing him suddenly hand over a picture,

It is a simple drawing of a rose with a pencil.

Simple and neat lines,

Not much shading is drawn,

I don’t know how much time he spent painting.

What are you thinking about when you are painting?

But why did you suddenly make a mistake and think that his painting is not exquisite enough?

Then, like forcing a good girl into prostitution, she said to him in a semi-challenging manner,

"Your paper is so big, why did you only draw a rose? Fill it up!"

You pointed at the kapok on the table fiercely and said, "That's it! How about it?"

But I saw him smiling and saying yes!

Looking at the crescent-shaped corners of his eyes, I didn't know what he was thinking.


You shout in your heart

Stop laughing! It’s so exciting!

I took away his painting, thinking that I really wouldn’t see him again this time, right?

Just paint it as a souvenir.

On Christmas Eve, I saw you braiding your hair with ribbons.

You had a small hope that there would be another chance to see you again.

If we follow the original schedule,

One day I have the chance to see him again,

But in fact, the class schedule has changed recently.

So there is no chance.

He should still be there, you can always pass by.

But you are timid.

Fate? Justifiably, I was assigned to cover another hour of duty.

Another chance to meet for 1 hour.

You greeted him coolly,

He responded politely and said your braided hair looks nice.

You ask him if he knows how to braid his hair?

He said he wouldn't,

At this time, should you answer him?

"Then let me make it up for you?"

But you decided not to provoke him again,

So after saying hello,

You endure your throbbing heart,

Stay in your place peacefully,

Do what you have to do.

You peeked at him again,

I saw him trying to braid his hair!

So cute! I really want to tell him

"Let me help you make it up! I'm awesome!"

You endure it, you must remain calm.

The 1-hour happy time ended just like that.

After you get home from get off work, you can't sleep.

His thoughts were all about him.

Go to sleep quickly,

Remember the last chat we talked about that he would stay here for 7 days,

Maybe he will still be there tomorrow?

Make up your mind and contact him if you are here!

After you made your decision, you fell asleep peacefully.

Before going to work the next day, you passed by on purpose,

I saw that he was still there!

"Hey! It's me! Can I add an ig?"

A straight shot, and he readily agreed.

Once I got the account, I immediately ran away.

"Then I'll go to work first! Bye!"

However, what is unexpected is that

Halfway through work, you spot a familiar figure!

He shouldn't be here, why is he here?


Eh! Wait, just one sentence? !

Before you have time to react in the future,

He had left in a flash!

Oh my God! What do you think you should do?

The next day, he was gone.

But you, unconsciously looking for him in the crowd.

After you got in touch with him, you didn't dare to go to him.

Do you think you should ask him what color the roses in the painting are? (laugh)

The stories are all made up by my own mind, and the love is all my own strategy.

You said you admired your brain circuitry.

Get off the stage and bow.

. . . End. . .


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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