The fifty-first commissioned data report - the first shot in 2022, data cow, DAO continues to move forward

The twenty-ninth proposal is very similar to the twenty-second proposal. It also transfers the funds currently managed by humans to the Community Pool to make fund management more transparent. The proposal is simple but significant.

This issue is the fifty-first commissioned data report. The data is taken from the early morning of 2/1/2022 and compared with the data in the evening of 25/12/2021 last Saturday. The data interval is the conventional 7 days, which is slightly longer. Ingesting data from the API has been slow lately, and it turned out to be late and it looks like it needs to be dealt with. In this issue, there is the twenty-ninth proposal in the deposit payment stage, and you can vote for it if you owe no more than 10,000 LikeCoins. You are welcome to support it. The twenty-ninth proposal is very similar to the twenty-second proposal. It also transfers the funds currently managed by humans to the Community Pool to make fund management more transparent. The proposal is simple but significant. The twenty-eighth proposal that was voted on in the last issue has been passed. I remember that this proposal did not meet the minimum voting threshold when it was introduced last week (the voting threshold was 40%, and the turnout rate was about 30% at that time), and the result was about 26% of the votes and passed the motion within two days. It seems that someone is watching the old cat silently. . . . . . . article (laughs). This kind of efficiency and speed is beyond the reach of traditional voting methods. The result of the twenty-eighth proposal was 86.24% in favor, 13.24% in abstentions, 0.52% in disapproval and a very small percentage of disapproval votes, with a voting rate of 56.39%.

Let's take a look at the wide range of numbers:

 Number of wallets delegated: 2609 (new high)
Number of newly added/exited delegate wallets: 51 / 6
Total Likecoin delegated: 519 million Validators in service: 50
Number of new join/exit validators: 1 / 1
Total number of orders: 5711 (new high)
Entrusted rate: 8.18% (new high)
Entrustment ratio: 48.29%

The total number of entrustments in this issue has been adjusted, down by more than 7 million, and the entrustment ratio has dropped slightly by 0.74% to 48.29%. The number of wallets and the number of entrusted transactions continued to hit a new high, but the increase was normal, and the data for the whole week showed cows. The entrusted interest rate reached a new high of 8.18%, and the entrusted return was not bad. There are still 50 validators, and one of them has been relocated.

Let's take a look at some mean and median data:

 Average number of Likecoins in a single delegation: 90,900 Average delegation per wallet: 199,000 Median likecoins in a single delegation: 200 in a single wallet Count: 114

In this issue, the total number of orders has decreased, while the number of order wallets and single orders has increased, so the average number of orders has decreased. The median order value was flat, the median single order order was unchanged, and the single wallet order median increased slightly. The average delegation amount and number of transactions of validators are adjusted according to the delegation data and number of transactions.

Here are some more interesting numbers:

 The highest number of Likecoins in a single order: 20.27 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 100 million The highest number of orders in a single wallet: 30
The maximum number of orders for a single note: 20.27 million

In this issue, the maximum single order and the maximum order for one bet have also slightly increased by about 50,000. The other figures remain unchanged, and the spread of validators has not changed much. The report is over, and I wish a happy new year!


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