【TCLin's Travel Log】Japanese Attractions: Kyoto - Kintenmangu Shrine

After eating and shopping at Jin Market, you can continue to Jintian Mangong~✌️

Continuation of the Nishiki Market Chapter After passing the Nishiki Market , go straight to the end and you will reach the scenic spot to be introduced today.

🔷 - Jintian Mangong Temple- 🔷

◆ Jintian Mangong ◆ Source: I
🔴The main worship here is the god of learning "Sugawara Michizane"
Therefore, those who seek to increase their knowledge, wisdom, and exam success...etc.
You can come here to worship

The deepest impression of this is the full lanterns, and the lanterns that are lit at night have a different flavor.

◆ Jintian Mangong ◆ Source: I

I heard that there is a Taurus on the right after entering the entrance, which can be used to attract wealth, but I didn't touch it, so I didn't take a picture 😅

◆ Jintian Mangong ◆ Source: I
◆ Jintian Mangong ◆ Source: I

Due to the relationship between the itinerary and time, I have not seen the day scene here, but as far as the scenery after sunset is concerned, because of the lit lanterns, the whole is quite beautiful.

◆ Jintian Mangong ◆ Source: I

Nearby are the Xinjingji business district and the Jin Market . In addition, the Jintianmangong does not occupy a large area. In fact, the three can be arranged together. It will be smoother and richer. At least I arranged it like this.


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