Ferret Observation | Don't argue with self-centered people

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Warm warning🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨 There are a lot of negative words in it. Those with a glass heart are not recommended to watch it. Those who like spicy types may need a glass of ice water, which may be too choking.

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨Warm Warning🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
There are a lot of negative words in it, people with glass hearts are not recommended to watch







(Let's start with a cute cat, and you can still escape now)

Source - ferret homemade terrier map

text begins

A few days ago in Matt City, I saw an article about extreme remarks - it is a wonderful article, the human species will go extinct because of some kind of mass extinction, so I almost had a stroke after reading it, and sometimes I really don't understand Many people's thinking can only be divided into dichotomies, right and wrong, and must choose a side to stand on the peculiar idea.
I respect your words, I don't agree with your thoughts and words, but I defend your right to speak, but it doesn't mean that you can do whatever you want to hurt people with words.

Freedom is based on the premise of not offending others. The world you expect can only have one voice, which is suitable for going to a communist country. You can not understand or agree with various ideas that are different from your own position, but it does not mean that these things do not exist.

Humans are very cruel creatures. As long as they conflict with their own interests, they will try their best to exclude and attack ethnic groups with different positions to ensure their own interests and survival. For the interests of the country and society as a whole, it is the correct development that we must contribute to the human race. Others are outliers that should not exist. It is a noble and great sentiment. It made me cry after reading it.

I am a useless young man. I live to fight against the pedantic system. I have never given priority to the interests of the country and society, because I am just a small person. I just want to protect myself and myself first. The people next to me are ultimately the whole society and the country.

If homosexuality will kill people in this world, I can help you, use my profession to help you not let humanity go extinct

So fear of human extinction can be a little more. If you need help planning to give birth to one every year, I can also help you with artificial insemination. It is not a problem to store frozen semen for decades. Don’t worry, I have learned animal-related knowledge such as molecular embryos and in vitro fertilization . Technology that allows you to have a child every year. It can make you from 18 years old to 80 years old, have a child every year, let you live endlessly, and have many children and grandchildren. It can also help you store frozen semen until you die, and you can continue to breed for you. You don’t have to worry about the extinction of human beings. I can help you fill the world with this heavy responsibility. (You can even do breeding selection and genetic filing for you to make you the savior of mankind, and let your celebrity Qianshi become the savior of mankind that will not go extinct because of homosexuality. I thank you in advance for doing such a great thing for human society. contribute)
Human beings are not only for reproduction, so what is the difference between them and animals.

Will this be too fierce? I really hate the kind of person who thinks that everyone has to listen to him is the truth

It's none of your business that other people love each other. If you feel that these will affect your children, you should go out to fight, or take your children to the mountains to isolate themselves from the world, so that your pure heart will never be affected. You are a normal person. Those of us who have these thoughts and words are abnormal. We like to be abnormal. No matter what you say or object to, I will always live here and you can’t be angry and objection.

I used to think that as long as you are friendly, there may be the possibility of dialogue, and even to understand the position of others may have the possibility of communication. But the reality is that not everyone wants to communicate with you, he just wants to impose his thoughts and positions on you and make you conform to his expectations.
So one thing I have learned is that it is a waste of words to communicate with people who do not intend to accept different voices and ethnic groups, because self-centeredness and I are the truth and do not intend to communicate. More, save time for more important people and things, so you don't mind my shit. (kindness and respect are reserved for those who are truly kind and in need)

I won't impose my thoughts on you, it doesn't mean we have to silently accept the bad water you spit out of your rotten mouth. Why do we prove to you who we are, what I like and hate, want to get married or be single It's all my freedom. For me, the point of liking is that liking is not because it is male or female. Even if I want to marry the Ferris wheel, it's none of your business

Gay, asexual, pansexual, bisexual is nothing special we are all human it is your discriminatory vision that makes us different from others.

After complaining, I originally wanted to write a review article about plagiarism, but I saw so many things this week that made me shake my head, and I suddenly exploded with inspiration and wrote this article.

Don't argue with self-centered people, because those people just waste your words and energy.
Might as well do something that will make you happy or have a delicious dessert are great choices

This is the end of the ferret observation study. I'm going to have a late night snack to catch up with the drama.
If you like it, clap your hands and feel that the spicy taste suits your appetite. Welcome to reward. If you don't like it, I don't know why you want to read this.
In this way, we will see you in the next article (Break force)


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