"Paradise Cinema" --- a young man chasing light, the transformation of "time".

The Indian-French director PAN Nalin fluently integrates the elements of song and dance, food, family and friendship that Indian films are best at into stories full of light and shadow, showing the charm of the film to people, vividly and movingly , and looks at the changes of the times, how lovers face the cruel reality under the advanced but hypothermic technology. The director not only pays tribute to the Italian film "New Paradise" and many classic Indian films through this film, but also expresses his most heartfelt thanks to all the predecessors who pioneered the history of film.

(This article was simultaneously published on the " SJKen's Glimpse of Light " blog. If you like my article, please help to click on the " SJKen's Glimpse of Light FB Fan Page ", thank you.)

"One Minute Film Review"

In the future, it belongs to those who can tell stories, and a film that combines light and shadow is the most sincere presentation of moving stories.

The story of "Paradise Cinema" focuses on a child from a poor family. In the process of growing up, in pursuit of his movie dream, he showed strong vitality through perseverance. The friendship of the handouts supporting each other leads the audience to feel the protagonist boy born in a poor family, in order to realize the dream and the poor, change the creativity and wisdom, grow up and go up and down the joys and struggles.

The Indian-French director PAN Nalin fluently integrates the elements of song and dance, food, family and friendship that Indian films are best at into stories full of light and shadow, showing the charm of the film to people, vividly and movingly , and looks at the changes of the times, how lovers face the cruel reality under the advanced but hypothermic technology. The director not only pays tribute to the Italian film "New Paradise" and many classic Indian films through this film, but also expresses his most heartfelt thanks to all the predecessors who pioneered the history of film.

The Chinese trailer of the movie "Last Film Show" will be released on April 15, 2022, the film is quoted from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0MdWQtKLRU

The poor family selling tea by the railway, a rare movie enlightenment for father and son,

It opened the youth's pursuit of light and shadow stories, and the years of indomitable struggle,

Because there is light, there is a story, and with a story, a movie can be made.

The flow of light and shadow, the transformation of "time", the technology that loses temperature in the changing times,

The poor will change, the people will not change their ambitions, and move towards the realization of the dream.

The Indian-French co-production feature film "Last Film Show" will be released in Taiwan on April 15, 2022, directed by the Indian-French director PAN Nalin, and the amateur Bavin Rabari (Bhavin Rabari) starring, the story describes the Indian teenager Samay (Samay), who is by the railway on weekdays, waiting for the passing trains to stop, selling milk tea made by his father Bapuji to make money, and spending his spare time with a group of friends near the railway tracks Playing games, the traditional Indian caste system is deeply ingrained, so he rarely has the opportunity to go to the city, until one day his father made an exception to take Quan into the city and watched a movie with the theme of the religious goddess, but from then on the young Samai opened his eyes. Vision, he was deeply fascinated by the light and shadow emitted by the projector, and he also had a movie dream in his heart, but such a dream, for him who came from a poor family, was simply out of reach, and his father even more. It is the right way to strongly oppose that he should study hard, but the young Samai has never forgotten his love for movies. He is determined to be a young man who is chasing the light and fulfill his dream of filming with light and shadow. The whole film is intertwined with touching family and friendship, and full of creativity. The flexibility and ingenuity of the book makes people smile and is full of inspiration and inspiration.

The film "Last Film Show" won the Golden Harvest Award for Best Film at the Valladolid International Film Festival in Spain, the World Film at the Mill Valley International Film Festival in the United States, the Audience Choice Award at the Tribeca Film Festival in the United States, and the Best Film Award at the Beijing International Film Festival. The Best Film Tiantan Award and the Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Audience Choice Award are affirmed by many film festivals. It can be said that it is the Indian version of "New Paradise". Time") The imprint of the growth process of pursuing the movie dream, how to go through multiple setbacks and tests in an extremely difficult growing environment, never change his ambition, and finally moved his father, step by step toward the realization of the movie dream, and the film's The show is the most touching presentation.

But the young Samay was not discouraged by this. At first, he sneaked into the cinema. After being kicked out, he had various ideas, including stealing money and skipping classes to go to the cinema. He also used his mother's love for a lunch when he was hungry, and talked with the projectionist of the cinema. In exchange for hiding in the screening room to watch movies, the two became friends. He also gained a lot of film-related knowledge from the projectionist, which strengthened his dream of making movies. In order to allow his family and villagers to see free movies , he and a friend who was also born in poverty made steel by local methods. In the dark night, he made many imaginative and creative actions, and he was imprisoned because of the law. In the film, the father and him have a relationship from confrontation, reconciliation to support. Tossing around, making people sad and moving.

From the first half of the film, the film depicts in detail how a young man from a poor family, how to be creative with his friends without spending money, and approach the film dream step by step. The filming of the film seems to follow the reading of the film history of the Indian film industry, especially the many moving scenes of traditional Indian singing and dancing, as well as the friendship full of interesting teenagers and peers and the friendship and mutual support of each other, as well as the infinitely tolerant family affection of his mother. The common food cooked by the mother's skillful hands shone under the light and shadow of the camera, making people feel hungry, showing the charming charm of Indian food.

In the middle and later stages of the film, the plot took a big turn. The director pointed out the changes of the times. The traditional 35cm film and projection machines have entered the history, and the projectionist who could not understand the English of the new computer-controlled projector lost his job because of this. Following the camera, the audience can see the gorgeous transformation of film and projector. Although technology has advanced, it has lost its temperature and lost the traditional human touch between people. Fortunately, no matter how embarrassing the environment is, as long as you have the ability to tell a story, you can turn the tide. , the director made the most beautiful arrangement for the ending of the movie, full of aftertaste, and also paid tribute to the Italian masterpiece "New Paradise".

It feels like the Indian-French co-production film "Last Film Show", which will be released in Taiwan on April 15, 2022, is like a semi-autobiography of the Indian-French director PAN Nalin himself. Through the perspective of young Samai and the transformation he experienced in his growth, he pointed out the pull between dream and reality. The light and shadow of the whole film flowed with sincerity and emotion, and detailed the film dream of the young man who chased the light, which made people fill their hearts after watching it. It is full of human touch and love. Friends who like to watch movies should not miss it.

<Film Skills>

The young man talks about his love for movies, and chasing dreams leads the audience to re-understand the charm of light and shadow on film.

Indian teenager Samai (played by Bhavin Rabari) spends his days playing games by the railroad tracks, and the traditional Indian caste system is entrenched until serious father Bapuji (played by Dipen Raval) makes an exception and takes the whole family with him After watching a religious movie, I was deeply fascinated by the light and shadow on the big screen.

Stealing money and skipping class just to go to the cinema again, and even more unexpectedly met projectionist Manu (played by Rahul Koli), who used his mother Ba (played by Tia Sebastian) Sebastian (played by Sebastian), in exchange for the opportunity to watch a movie, and accumulated a lot of movie knowledge, the seeds of yearning for movies gradually flowed in my heart, so I met with friends and dispatched all members to piece together my own movie dream with flowing light and gorgeous images.

Paradise Cinema Last Film Show

Country of Origin: India and France

Movie Type: Drama

Release date: 2022-04-15

Duration: 01:50

Distribution company: United Imaging / United Win

IMDb score: 7.6

Film Director: "The Magical World of India" by PAN Nalin

main character:

Bhavin Rabari as Samay, a young Indian

Rahul Koli as film projectionist Manu

Dipen Raval as Bapuji, the father of young Samai

Tia Sebastian as Ba, the mother of young Samai

Official website: United Films

FB fan page: United Cinematography cineplex


1. The movie posters and stills introduced in this article are linked to the Cineplex FB fan page album ( https://www.facebook.com/CineplexTW/photos/?ref=page_internal ), the pictures are only for the purpose of recommending good movies , without any consideration of commercial interests, the copyright belongs to United Imaging Films cineplex, please do not reprint or transfer it for commercial use.

2. The movie-related videos introduced in this article ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0MdWQtKLRU ), without any commercial interests, are quoted from the cineplex audio and video channels of United Imaging Films, and the copyright belongs to United Imaging Films cineplex.

3. The copyright of this article is owned by SJKen. Please do not quote, share, reprint and download without my written consent. Piracy will be punished.


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