The first day of formal resignation

After I submitted my official resignation on the 10th of last month, I didn't expect to officially leave after a whole month. There was a short interlude in the middle and it was delayed, but no matter what, I could finally hug me who I haven't hugged for a long time.
Taken on the east coast of Taiwan.

It is certain that you will struggle a lot this time, because there are only about two and a half months left until the end of the year. Many people will choose to get the year-end bonus before leaving. After all, that is the reward and reward you deserve after working for a year. But if you look at things from a wider perspective, because I want to continue to do what is most important to me: writing, and I have determined that real estate is not my life goal, when I realize this, I start here. Staying for one day is wasting one more day of life. Life is impermanent and short. For me, a lifetime is not enough. If I go against my will for that little year-end (more or less, about NT$70,000) , then I will definitely hate myself every day for the next two and a half months, I have already felt that this negative energy is too strong, and a voice in my heart keeps telling me: "I'm almost done! I have to complete a book with my heart, and I have to devote myself to it, and these two are extremely brain-burning jobs. My body and mind are about to explode! Please! Please give up!” If I tomorrow What should I do if I'm gone all of a sudden?! I'd be unhappy if I left doing something I didn't like!! At the time, I thought I was really a superman and could do both! Because many people also do a lot of work at the same time Ah, why can't I? But some things can't be done on both sides at the same time (yes, it depends on the thing!), otherwise both sides will not be able to do it well, and I will be mad at myself, so the most important question is: what should I do? Make a choice? Leave my job as an estate agent and embrace my writing? Or leave my writing behind and go all in with my estate? It’s not feasible for me to do both now. So a choice must be made.

In this way, I kept spinning around in these thoughts and questions until I finally concluded the following two points:

  • Let's take a look at the real estate agent first: the first advantage is that you don't have to worry about salary issues, and secondly, you can meet different people (mostly high-asset clients) everywhere, but the disadvantage is that there are almost no vacation days, and you basically have to work 12- every day. 15 hours, and basically can't take six days off (my writing class is still every Sunday), and I have to face many unnecessary entertainments, parties and meetings, and this is the part I hate the most, just thinking about it I almost vomited at this point! The conclusion is that in the short term, you can save money and connections, but in the long run, you can’t save your body, mind, happiness, and most importantly: it is not in line with your own aspirations.
  • Next, let’s look at writing a book: the benefits are really endless. First, it is a dream that I must achieve! (And I have been writing for seven years!) Second, writing can give me physical and mental happiness. Third, socializing Circles can also be broken off, although the downside is the well-known economic instability. The conclusion is that in the short term, we need to find ways to support it economically, but in the long run, its profits are far, far beyond the fourth dimension of outer space or the unknown universe.

Having said so much, to put it simply, the core point has always revolved around writing. The conclusion is that finding a job to support the economy couldn’t be easier, no matter if it’s a real estate agent or something, as long as it allows me to continue writing it is good.

And the job of real estate broker is so attractive in terms of salary that many people will lose their way because of it. Although you can also learn a lot of soft power in dealing with people, almost everyone here comes for money, because it is possible Haven't found what you like to do or any other reason, when you are in such an environment, you can imagine that it is like you are in a world of squid games, and everyone is here for money. There may be only one out of 100 people who really take this as a career that they love, and this job can't be sloppy. It's impossible to survive without staying in the company for 12 hours a day, or even sleeping 24 hours a day. In the end, the conflict with my writing ambition is too great, and my body and mind are about to break down. It's not worth it at all. Simply put: I don't like myself like this.

So from a few months ago, I took advantage of my spare time as an English tutor at the same time, hoping to leave this job and start to support myself by my favorite job, and recently I have also started to teach Spanish cooking. If it is true If it doesn’t work, find a job where you can clock in and commute normally, whether it’s a bookstore or a restaurant, no matter what, as long as life revolves around food and words, and the freedom to create, for me, that’s the satisfaction of body and soul. the highest realm.

Jing, leave the self that I don’t like and the self in that state. Today is the first day. In the next day, I have to learn to embrace myself well! Because my heart is broken, no matter how much money you dream, you can’t catch up It doesn't work either.

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小番薯星球在此連載第一本處女作《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》關於我徒步西班牙朝聖之路的精采故事。 我是小番薯,17歲開始獨自旅行,20歲走過西班牙朝聖之路後從此愛上西班牙,也在那邊念了碩士學位,從此結下了深深的緣分。 IG: @hanji_photography 臉書: @dreamwithhappy
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1-2 第一章 下一站,朝聖之路

《一路走到世界盡頭-一個女孩的朝聖之路 To The End of The World-A Girl’s Pilgrimage》 第一章 下一站,朝聖之路- 家庭革命
