Ghost Moon let the horse come │ Will you be cold?


The seventh month of the lunar calendar has not yet arrived, and the community activities have set off a wave of ghost stories. After reading the personal experiences of many authors, or the ghost stories they created, I felt gross all night. Since everyone worked so hard to tell stories about "paranormal phenomena", of course Wei Lan came. Join in the fun and tell a few stories from personal experience.

little tiger

I have been raising cats since I lived alone. The first cat I brought from my hometown as a companion was called Xiaohu. I don't know how old he is, but he is very docile, and he is very cooperative even in the bath that the cat resists the most. Xiaohu was originally raised by my mother's friend, and has been kept in a cage. I don't know what happened to my mother. I asked my friend for a cage and came back with the cat. Before, the family always kept dogs. Gu Jiner praised how well-behaved the cat was, and said, "This is my little son.".

After returning home from the army, it was of course very novel to see a cat. I saw that he was often listless in the cage, and occasionally brought him to my room to play in the air. After he got used to it, he gradually stayed in my room. When I found a job and decided to move out and become independent, I took Xiaohu with me to live with me. Xiaohu followed me to Kaohsiung for several years. Because he didn’t have much time to spend with him at work, he decided to help him find a companion. So Jerry, an all-black Persian cat, came to my house and was adopted from a pet store. These two have been eating and living together like glue for less than two months. Not only do they have to sleep together, but they often hug each other, which is really sweet and comfortable.

When I started working part-time in the troupe, I had less time with them, but the two of them seemed to enjoy each other's company. On a certain morning, pour out the feed and fill it with water, and after watching both of them eat, go out to perform a case final performance. After finishing cleaning up the performance venue, I walked into the house full of exhaustion, only to see Jerry idling around, shouting "little tiger" several times, but I didn't hear a response or see a figure. I was worried that he might not have noticed when I closed the door and ran out the door. Go, I searched the whole room in a hurry, and finally saw Xiaohu in the corner behind the round side table beside the sofa, thinking he was asleep, but his body was already cold...

When I put the little tiger into the carton carefully, Jerry kept meowing, trying to wake the little tiger. I closed the carton and sealed it. Jerry guarded the carton all night, and took the little tiger to the pet store the next day to ask the pet etiquette company to help. . From then on, Jerry and I started to rely on each other. When I was not working and staying at home, he was tight and he didn't have much energy at ordinary times.

Xiaohu has been away for more than half a year. At the handover of spring and summer, I got home at 6:45 and was preparing dinner when I suddenly heard a crash on the floor-to-ceiling screen door, followed by the shrill cry of Jerry, who does not often make a sound, and I immediately chased after him. First make sure that Jerry is not injured. Jerry squatted facing the balcony in front of the floor-to-ceiling window. When I called his name, he turned his head and looked at me. His expression was full of excitement and sadness. When I started to walk towards him, a shadow slipped across the balcony. , I seem to see a tabby tail... I suddenly understood Jerry's expression, and I got excited and my eyes reddened and couldn't help but shout: "Little tiger..." Open the screen door, we both walked to the balcony, Jerry sniffed everywhere Companion breath, dawdling against the wall, I kept echoing in my heart, "Thank you for coming back to see us, thank you for remembering us..."

Xiaohu (left) Jerry (right), the relationship is really very good!!!

The only time I felt

For a while, I was plagued by depression symptoms. Although my life was stable, I still had no motivation. I was anxious and couldn't sleep at night. I seriously didn't expect to see the next sunrise.

However, my classmate, who was also a colleague at the time, had a car accident. When he recovered and came back to work, he told me that he was also so depressed that he could not control himself. That day, he took his daughter to get his vaccinations, but he accelerated uncontrollably and crashed into the safety island. He was shocked and went to see a doctor. Controlled with medication. This incident really made me vigilant. Although my state is not so bad, I sleep less than four hours a week, and I can't eat and swallow.

Sure enough, it caused a serious illness that was almost life-threatening, which made me realize that I still have a lot of things I want to accomplish. This is why I am convinced that music is the reason and purpose of my existence.

Later, I gradually understood and cared about the situation of my classmates. Because of the effect of drugs, sometimes when he was groggy at work, he would help him to cover up. Two classmates who are suffering from the same illness cheer each other on. Knowing that his family relationship was very tense at the time, and he almost got divorced with his wife, in addition to persuading him to be relieved and doing more communication, he couldn't help much.

Once, an old classmate asked me to hand over something to a colleague. After I was stuck on the road, I turned left and right a few times and got lost, and finally went to my colleague's house. He invited me into the house for a chat, and when I entered the dimly lit living room, I felt a sense of coldness that came up in my heart. Even my classmates asked me to sit down, but I couldn't. I walked to the door with my classmate for a small chat, and I told him what I felt in my heart when I came to this living room recently. After all, I have never had such an experience. "I think you'd better live somewhere else." Then he said goodbye hastily and left.

In less than two months, my colleague resigned and went back to his hometown in Tainan to start anew. Not only has the family relationship been harmonious, but others have obviously gained a lot of weight. As for why I felt that way at the time, I really don't know, because I've never been a sensitive person for this kind of thing. Maybe my aura was really too low to feel it easily.

3. Will you be cold?

The previous paragraph said that I almost never felt the existence of these "supernatural things". It is not iron teeth or eight characters, but I believe they exist, but the frequency is not right. Of course, I don't want the frequency to be right!

One night, just before falling asleep, in the light sleep period before actually falling asleep, I clearly heard the sound of the floor-to-ceiling screen door being opened.

"A thief?" I then changed my mind, except for a pile of books and CDs, my house is really a poor house, "What a poor busy thief, let him go..." So I didn't even bother to get up to check the situation (how lazy!! !). But then the door of the room was pushed open, and I felt someone walking slowly to the bed, there, slowly laying down beside me, a coldness shot up, half-squinting and seeing a pair of cold white eyes Looking straight at me, "Should I pretend to sleep or just get up to catch the thief?" The thief was too bold, and the moment he decided to get up, he found that his body couldn't move! Oh my God, why is this? In my head, I still decided to struggle to get up.

At this time, a very clear sentence: "Are you going to be cold?" reached my left ear, and I blurted out in a panic: "No way!" My body was instantly relaxed and free. Turning on the bedside lamp and seeing that the door of the room was indeed open, I got up and staggered to the living room. The screen door was also pushed open by about two finger widths... Now my whole body was completely cold. After closing the screen door and returning to the room, I took out a piece of ancient jade with the head of Guanyin that I collected and put it on the head of the bed before falling asleep.

Later, I told my friends of the troupe about this, and the whole troupe accompany me to the Longshan Temple in Fengshan to pray for the amulet of peace. I asked the head of the group why it was Longshan Temple, "The first thing you thought of was Guanyin, and you accidentally collected an ancient jade with the head of Guanyin, that is, you have a relationship with Guanyin. The main god here is Lord Guanyin, so let's come here to ask peace."

I just didn't expect this karma to end. Because of this experience, the head of the troupe asked me to perform Guanyin Dashi, of course, that's something for later.

In the shape of Avalokitesvara back then, the wig was nearly 20 centimeters high, and the high heels were 15 centimeters... It became a long pillar of more than 200 centimeters...

After watching the last scary photo, I think everyone needs to balance their emotions. Are you taking care of everyone's emotions? So let's change your mood with a song!

This song is sung by the male singer Brian Kennedy, who I admire very much. Life is too short~~~


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